Super God

Chapter 1386: Hidden Points

Ghost saw defeat, defeated and convinced.

In fact, if it was not Yun Feiyang's mercy, he deliberately turned the beam width into a large bowl, which must be blasted, and he could directly wipe out nothingness.

In the past four months, I have realized that the glory of heaven and earth has been exerted to such a terrible state that it is deeply imprinted in the hearts of many prides.

Of course, everyone was shocked by Yun Fei's toughness, and he thought that although his trick was terrifying, it was very unsuitable in real combat.

After all, no one would be like a ghost, and give him enough time to go crazy and accumulate power. Once he cannot reach the strongest state, his power will definitely be greatly reduced.

Yun Feiyang also realized.

In the three days after returning to his residence, he has been exploring how to increase the speed of cohesion faster.

Unfortunately, no progress has been made.

This guy's comprehension is very strong, but his insights on the moves are still insufficient.

"This improved martial arts, especially the nine-grade immortal skills, will be very difficult, and it can never be done in a while."

"It seems that we have to find a more practical martial art to deal with stronger opponents in the future."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

Nine Zun Yaotian has extraordinary power, but the disadvantage is that it belongs to Buddhist martial arts, which can only break the trick, not hurt the enemy.

At this time, Yun Feiyang eagerly hoped to find a martial art that had actual combat capabilities and did not need to be charged.

"Brother Feiyang!"

At this moment, Yanshuang walked in from the outside with a bright smile on his face.

Yun Fei said: "How many points have you won?"


Yan Shuang said: "Seven million!"

"so much?"

Yun Feiyang was quite surprised.

Yanshuang said: "Brother Feiyang, give me the identity token, I will give you four million."

Yun Dachen didn't deny it, he readily collected the points and went to the Points Pavilion.

Counting the points won in the Stars' list, the guy has five million points and can exchange for five books and nine ranks of fairy skills.


"What's wrong with him!"

Many arrogant eyes widened.

From their point of view, this guy should be very tired and guess the strength of the world.

It's only three days now, and it's unbelievable to walk like nothing else, is it incredible?

For a time, many prides looked at Yun Feiyang's gaze with deep admiration, after all, this is the pride that can break the defense of the eighth ghost in the star list.

Although the ranking is still ranked in more than twenty, but in the hearts of everyone, it is already the top ten characters in the Stars List.

"Brother Feiyang, they look at you with admiration."

Yan Shuang whispered.

He remembers that when Brother Feiyang challenged the stars of the Stars List, many people's eyes were deeply despised.

"Strong strength, of course admired."

Yun Feiyang laughed.


He turned sharply and said, "Who was the middle-aged man who appeared in the sky three days ago?"

Yanshuang said: "Brother Feiyang, that person is Shen Tianxing, the dean of the pride of the palace, a very powerful man."


Yun Feiyang was silent.

Indeed, from the breath that is similar to that of the master, he can also judge that this person is very strong, at least it must be an immortal emperor level!

"Strange, why is there such a big man in this world?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

"Fei...Fei Yang..."

At this moment, Yan Shuang shouted with a trembling voice.

Yun Fei, who was looking down and thinking, immediately looked up and found that the dean Shen Tianxing was blocking the front road, and his eyes were locked on himself.

The deep eyes looked like a sword, piercing Yun Fei's defense line deeply, so that he had a feeling of being peeped at everything.

"not good."

Yun Feiyang hurriedly looked away, and his back was shocked with cold sweat. He secretly said: "This man is too scary. I was weaker than ants in front of him."

Shen Tianxing withdrew his sharp eyes and praised, "It's great to be able to hold my mind under my eye."


Yun Feiyang smiled awkwardly.

Shen Tianxing Road: "Are you going to the points club?"

"Not bad."

"Redeem what?"

"Martial arts."

Yun Feiyang answered quietly.

This made Yan Yan admired next to him.

After all, in the face of a depressive dean who circulated around him, he could hardly speak.

"With your strength and qualifications, the martial arts in the points cabinet is difficult to satisfy you." Shen Tianxing Road.


He paused and said: "Follow me to the higher points, only the top five stars in the Stars list will be eligible to enter."

"Higher points club?"

Yun Fei's eyes appeared hot.

"of course."

Shen Tianxing added: "The martial arts inside want to exchange, the required points are very high, if you have no points, you can only go in and see."

"Little frost."

Yun Feiyang whispered: "Give me all the points you have."


Yan Shuang's mouth twitched.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

Yun Feiyang urged, he has realized that there must be more martial skills in the more advanced points cabinet!

"it is good!"

Yan Shuang immediately took out the points waist card, and passed all the hard-earned points of more than 4 million points.


Yun Feiyang went with Shen Tianxing.


Yan Shuang was paralyzed on the ground and howled in his heart: "It's over, I'm going to get all my points."

In the previous life, the two of them had many adventures in God Realm, and they found something good. As long as they fell into the hands of Yun Feiyang, it would definitely be gone.

"As long as Feiyang can be strong, I care what the points do!"

Yanshuang stood up, radiating light around her body.

But when I thought about the four million points, I just lost it. When I returned to my house, I put my arms down and it seemed to be a thousand years old.


In the east area of ​​the pride temple, the area where the high-rise of the hall lives and practices, except for a few people, no other pride can enter.

Under the personal leadership of Shen Tianxing, Yun Feiyang walked in and met many elders on the road. They first appeared wrong and stunned on their faces, and then cast their eyes in praise.

"President Shen is to lead Yun Feiyang to the hidden points pavilion."

"Even if the top of the star list, there is no such treatment."

Many elders whispered.

"That one……"

Yun Feiyang, who walked behind, summoned the courage to ask: "President Shen, the breath on you is a bit familiar."

Shen Tianxing Road: "My Master and I practiced in the same plane in the early years, absorbing the same attributes and contacting the same martial arts so the breath is similar."


Yun Feiyang was not surprised.

Shen Tianxing said: "According to the regulations of the temple, only the pride of the top five in the star list will be eligible to enter the hidden points pavilion. If it is not shameless, I will not take you to make an exception."

"Old shameless?"

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched and said, "Is this a name?"

Shen Tianxing said: "Your teacher's surname is Gu, and his character is very shameless, so people give him the nickname Gu Shameless."


Yun Feiyang almost fell.

In God Realm, we are called cheap gods, and cheap masters are called shameless. The two of us will become mentors and apprentices.

(End of this chapter)

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