Super God

Chapter 1402: Xiannian!

Pride Temple.

Streams of light flew down and landed in the Yanwuchang formation.

After the light dissipated, the souls of Yun Feiyang and Xuanyuan Wentian returned to the body and came out of it.

Although the Zhenwu God Territory and his party only had a short period of time this year, for them, they had tremendous gains.

Not only watched a quasi-xiandu robbery, but also witnessed the battle of the fairy emperor class.

The kind of shock from the soul is very strong.

As a qualified arrogant, what is to be done at this time is to retreat, remember and experience various experiences, so as to bring martial arts closer to the next level.

Xuanyuan Wentian and others left immediately and began a long retreat.

Yun Feiyang is the same.

He returned to the courtyard, immediately integrated into the flying world, and began to retreat.

In the year of Zhenwu Divine Realm, the greatest gain is undoubtedly the soul power, but if you want to improve, let the soul power and the body fit perfectly.


"The top ten stars in the Stars List are back."

"They must have benefited greatly from this trip to Zhenwu God Realm."

"Perhaps soon, someone will be able to enter the quasi immortal and fly to the real martial arts domain."

"In my opinion, Xuanyuan has the highest chance of asking the sky!"

"According to the records, the arrogant returnees, especially the list, will summon the Immortal Gate twice within a thousand years, and will ascend to the upper bounds under the eyes of everyone."

Many prides were immediately excited.

The ethereal world and even the realm, at least ten thousand years, no one dared to summon the fairy gate twice.

If you have witnessed so many days, how lucky is it!


time flies.

In an instant, the past three years.

Yun Feiyang, who is in the flying world, has a lot of soul power and physical body, and the soul strength has been raised to the peak of the half-cent immortal consummation.

"It hasn't reached the limit, it should be able to break through to the quasi-sen level!"

Relying on Shanggan Xiangong and various resources, Yun Feiyang matches the realm and strength, but the soul power is still in the lead.

The practice of Zhenwu God Territory for one year is also a comprehensive soul cultivation.

ten years.

A full ten years.

Yun Feiyang fully integrated the soul perception in the real martial arts realm with the flesh, and the strength broke through to the quasi immortal in one fell swoop.

After the breakthrough, his temperament changed drastically, and his arrogant qi became more intense.

If anyone in the outside world knows that the semi-sen perfection, whose strength has not yet reached its peak, has quasi-sen spirit power, it will be shocking.

Yun Feiyang returned to the outside world and stood in the courtyard. Yuan Nian swept away like a turbulent sea wave, instantly covering a third of the ethereal world!

"I go!"

He secretly said, "So fierce?"

Yun Feiyang not only spreads his Yuan Nian farther, but also penetrates more.

Within half of the ethereal world, even if there is a formation, as long as the level is not particularly powerful, it can easily penetrate into it.

What's even more amazing is that the deployers didn't even notice it.

Yun Feiyang's unbridled release, Shen Tianxing felt in the hall.

He was quite surprised and said: "This kid's soul strength has even stepped into the quasi-centenary, forming a fairy chant."

Regardless of the world, or the mortal big 6, the soul power is condensed, and the ability to probe all around is commensurate with Yuan Nian.

In the Zhenwu God Realm, the breakthrough of the quasi- immortal, the sublimation of the soul strength, the formation of the power of exploration is called Xiannian.

no doubt.

Xiannian is stronger and more penetrating.

Shen Tianxing said: "The half-cent immortals in the stable period are fully consummated, and the soul power has reached the quasi-cent immortals. This kid is really amazing."


The breakthrough of the soul force to the quasi-centenary is not only beneficial for the conversion of Yuan Nian into Immortal Nian, and the exploration is farther, but also in the alchemy.

Back to the Feiyang world, Yun Feiyang chose a five-grade Jindan formula, which was easily refined in just a few days.

"My Dan Dao is already comparable to the fifth-grade Dan Emperor class, and I should go to Danmeng to verify Dan Dao."

This cheap product hopes to get the Dan Emperor Class Medal, one can be forced, and the other is a symbol of strength.

"It's been a few years since I left the pharmaceutical world. It's time to go back and see."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

In the study, Shen Tianxing looked at him and said, "Please leave, go to the medicine world to verify Dandao?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Shen Tianxing gave him a surprised look and said, "Go."

"Thank you Dean."

Yun Feiyang said goodbye and flew out of the misty world alone.

When he left, Shen Tianxing murmured: "The five people outside waited for him for more than a year."

"With his current strength, can he easily manage the five semi-sensions in the stable period."

Shen Tianxing is looking forward to it.



The five killers from Zhenwu Shenyu are still lurking in the dark, and they did wait more than a year.

Of course, they worried that the kid would leave from other places, so in all directions, 6 continued to arrange the formation.

"Brother, the formation is well arranged, why are you still frowning."

The leading killer said: "I am worried that the kid will always be in the ethereal world and dare not come out."

This person and the four kills come from a family in Zhenwu God Realm, and the identity codes are old one, second one... to old five.

Several people frowned.

If this is the case, I do not know to wait until the month of the monkey in this time to come to the lower realm, thereby delaying the practice.

The second killer said: "I heard that there are many tasks in the Hall of Pride, and they need to go out. That kid should come out."

"I hope so."

The old one murmured.

Suddenly, the eldest of the three masters of the formation method jumped, and immediately said: "Brother, there is a fish hook!"

After finishing talking, he closed his eyes and communicated with himself to form a formation. Now a man with a sword on his back was trapped in it.


He was pleasantly surprised: "It's Yunfeiyang!"

The four heard the words and were overjoyed.



Said, flew over immediately.


Besides, Yun Feiyang.

When he flew leisurely out of the ethereal world, he was inattentive and broke into a special formation.


Yun Feiyang puzzled: "How can there be a formation in this universe?"

He didn't care about it. After all, with his current soul power, it can be easily broken.

"call out!"

Xiannian mobilized and poured into it.

However, when he was about to break it, Yun Feiyang's array was very special and strange in layout.

"This is by no means an in-range formation!"

Yun Feiyang was secretly startled. Immediately Xiannian poured out of the outside world, and he quickly caught five and a half immortals.

His experience of traveling to the real martial arts realm made him suddenly judge that the breath of the five people was different from the martial arts in the world.

"They are not martial arts in the realm, but martial arts warriors."

Yun Feiyang thought for the first time that the five people must be associates with the previously smashed Yipin Banxian.



Yun Feiyang withdrew standing in the formation method, pretending to be panic, but his heart was killing.


The third boy smiled and said: "Brother, as I said, the boy will not escape if he comes out and enters the formation."

"Youngest, you have made contributions this time."

The old smiled.

At the same time, the five were integrated into the formation.


The old five was a little short-tempered, and he raised his eyebrows and said: "You can come out of the ethereal world!"

Yun Feiyang panicked and said, "You... who are you?"

(End of this chapter) () "Super God Demon" only represents the author's view of goodbye. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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