Super God

Chapter 1404: Am I the son of Immortal Emperor?

Five killers appeared, Yun Feiyang kept thinking about **** them.

Finally thought of the formation method, and relying on the penetration of the powerful quasi-level soul power to detonate it.

At the peak period, the half-cent immortal consummation formation method, once detonated, the power is unimaginable.


There is more than one formation outside the ethereal world.

After the serial explosion, the other four killers all fell.

In fact, with their strength, they can jointly resist the explosion and can be safe and sound.

However, when preparing to do so, Yun Feiyang's powerful soul power eroded instantly.

The quasi-central level of soul power caused them to lose their minds, making it difficult to prevent effective defense. As a result, they were bombarded and seriously injured.

Taking advantage of these opportunities, Yun Feiyang's soul power deepened again, and after ingesting memory, he easily wiped it out.

The five strong men from the real martial arts realm stayed here for a year and fell like this, which is quite tragic.

If the time can go back, it will definitely not arrange the formation to accelerate his death.

"It's Yunfeiyang!"

"Why is he here?"

The illustrious world powerhouse who came was very surprised.

When they swept away, the five **** bodies suddenly changed their faces.

These five corpses have just fallen, and their breath has not been extinguished. They turned out to be the half-cent immortals of the five stable periods!

Is it...

Yunfei Yang killed?

At this point, many powerful people have deep fear in Yunfeiyang's eyes.

Can kill five semi-sensions in the stable period at the same time, this guy has already entered the peak period?


Yun Feiyang ignored the crowd and waved five corpses into Feiyang Realm, then went to the medicine world.

he's gone.

But the ethereal world will be lively in the next period, because they have been speculating about Yun Feiyang's strength.


Flying world.

Yun Feiyang merged into it, and the five bodies were placed on Shenmo Mountain by him.

"The half-cent immortals in the stable period are perfect, this is a good thing."


Yun Feiyang summoned the Soul Eater.

After obtaining this artifact, let the hundred ghosts go live in the night, and nurture them with their own souls. It has long been unknown how many years have passed.


Yun Feiyang called.

"call out!"

Tengu flew out and respectfully said: "Master."

Yun Feiyang pointed to the five corpses and said, "Can you control the semi-sen perfection of these five stable periods?"

Although the five killers are dead.

But the energy nucleus in their bodies is kept intact, and if controlled, it is also a powerful force.

Tengu's eyes were hot: "Master, I can try!"

These years, I have practiced in the Soul Eater, fed by Yun Feiyang's soul, and the speed of improvement is very fast, but whether I can control the semi-sen perfection in the stable period can only be proved by some attempts.


Yun Fei said.

call out!

Tengu turned into a streamer, merged into the body of the old one, and began to take control. At the same time, an excited voice said: "Master, I need time!"

Obviously, it can be done.

Yun Feiyang smiled, and immediately summoned four ghosts, and merged into the other four bodies, and then sat down and began to digest and obtain memory.

Not long.

Yun Feiyang's eyes flashed coldly, his teeth biting and said: "Zhenwu Shenyu, Beimen's!"

From the memory of the five killers, Yun Feiyang learned that they were ordered by the parents of the North Gate to come to the lower realm to kill themselves.

The previous killer of the first half of the product was also ordered by the parents of the North Gate.

Even, to get a vital message, the little **** master who exterminated God Realm is the elder of the north gate!

"That is to say."

Yun Fei's eyes grew more eerie: "Now the acting little **** master who is in control of the little **** realm is also the Beimen family heir."


He clenched his fists and said angrily: "Beijing family, I remember!"

Rich and murderous, pervading in the flying world.

Luo Mu and others suddenly shivered and looked at Shenmo Mountain, secretly saying: "Brother Fei Yang, why is it so terrible!"


Because the God Realm that once lived, because the Thousand Thousand Realms, and the countless souls that fell, all because of the elders of the North Gate family.

Continue to read, Yun Feiyang's complexion changed again and again, and finally fell into silence.

In the memory of the five killers, the reason why the elder Beimen extinguished God Realm and came to kill himself was because he was probably the son of Immortal Emperor.

"Son Emperor?"

Yun Feiyang stunned: "Am I?"


"I am a native of the God Realm, how can I be the son of Immortal Emperor."

Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.

Sword Soul suddenly interjected and said, "Boy, there are many things in this world, full of incredible."


It paused: "You are really the son of the fairy emperor."


Yun Fei said in surprise.

Jianhun Dao: "Because your talent is too evil, it reminds me of Shen Hao."

"Senior Shen?"

Yun Feiyang listened with a vertical ear.

Sword Soul said: "Shen Hao's talent is also very evil, unparalleled in the world he once practiced, and later learned that he is the reincarnation of Emperor Haotian Jiutian."

Yun Feiyang understood, and said: "You mean, I am a talented demon, so I am the son of Immortal Emperor?"

"Not bad."


Yun Feiyang laughed dumbly: "There are countless creatures in this world, won't it be born in the sky?"


Jianhun did not deny: "But it will never reach your level."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and smiled.

He didn't dare to agree with what the sword spirit But at this moment, his thoughts flickered, and he suddenly remembered what he said when he first entered the real martial arts realm and attracted his parting elder Xianzong.

"The surname Yun was born in Zhenwu God Territory, and once an immortal emperor was born, and the younger friends can share the same surname, and their future achievements are inestimable."

Yun Feiyang shivered.

There is Yun Emperor Emperor in Zhenwu God Territory?

The reason why the Beimen family pursued themselves was suspected to be the son of Immortal Emperor?

Is it a coincidence?

Yun Feiyang is not stupid.

From these two points alone, he thought of something.


I still remember clearly that another warrior once said that Emperor Yunxian has fallen.

How did it fall?

Go to bed at the end of your life? Or vendetta?

If it is the latter, the one who kills Unzen Emperor must be powerful.

"If you really die of revenge, if you change to me, you will definitely wipe out the blood of Emperor Yunxian and do everything you can!"

"The relatives of Emperor Yunxian will inevitably protect the son of Immortal Emperor and send them to the lower realm."

Yun Feiyang has a big brain hole.

But I have to say that guessing is more reliable.

After all, regardless of the family or the dynasty, it is not uncommon for the headed people to fall and descendants to flee.

Yun Feiyang whispered: "I am really the son of a fairy emperor whose family is ruined?"

"call out--"

Suddenly, there was pain in the sea, as if the memory hidden in the soul flooded my heart.


Yun Feiyang screamed.

At the same time, the scene in front of him changed, and he found himself a baby, held by a woman who could not see clearly.


A gentle voice like water came: "The glory of your father during his lifetime will be inherited by you in the future."

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