Super God

Chapter 1406: Are you talking about yourself?

Many forces are waiting.

Ling Dangzong's Fei Pangzheng brought his disciples to the appointment, with grief and indignation on their faces.

to be frank.

Even if they have the strength to win the hidden world Danzong now, they can only lose.

Because there is something unpredictable in Jiu Banxian, he has no face to face, and Yun Feiyang, who may return in the future.

Just like Fei Pangzheng's words to his disciples when he accepted Dandou: "Dandou can lose, and old wine can't have accidents."

This is a fight without suspense.

Ling Danzong sent his disciples to fight, just to cooperate with the hidden Danzong to play a'fair' Dan fight.

So after entering the venue, Fei Pangzheng said: "Sect Master Song, please hope you can abide by the agreement."

"Do not worry."

Song Shimao of the hidden world Danzong arched his hand and said: "I am hidden world Danzong, I will do what I say."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Obviously it is threatening the Spiritual Danzong, occupying the sect gate enveloped by the formation, but it is going to stage a fair pill fight. It is really hypocritical.

They are very sympathetic to Ling Danzong, but dare not to speak out.

Some people dare to say.

Qiu Yishui, who came to watch the battle, said coldly: "Song Shimao, you use such means to deal with Ling Danzong, and when he comes back, it is the day when your hidden Danzong disappears."

Since taking over as the head of Yuehuadan Palace, this woman has a lot of grace and noble temperament.

And what she said of him naturally refers to Yun Feiyang.

"Autumn Palace Master."

Song Shimao smiled: "Don't get me wrong, my hidden Danzong did not deal with Ling Danzong by means, but by fair means."

Qiu Yishui has angry eyes.

She had never seen such a brazen man.

Song Shimao smiled and said: "This patriarch considers you to be a female prodigal, and has tolerated time and time again.

Although laughing, everyone can hear that this is a threat!

Is Qiu Yishui afraid of threats?

When she wanted to sneer with cold eyes, Yan Shanghai behind her said: "Autumn, don't be reckless."

Qiu Yi gouache fist clenched, no longer speak.

Ling Danzong, she once lived and was also the place where the guy first came to practice in the medicine world.

How can it be tolerated by others now.

However, what is the solution? The opponent has a nine-and-a-half-level powerhouse, and he simply cannot compete.

"OK OK."

Song Shimao said lightly: "You can start the second round of fighting."


As soon as the words fell, the disciples of the hidden Danzong embarked on the stage of medicine.

This person is named Zheng Qian, and is the most outstanding disciple of the hermitage Danzong.

After he got on the medicine bucket platform, his eyes stayed on Qiu Yishui.

"Autumn girl."

Zheng Qiang smiled and said, "After Dandou, will you be free to accompany Zhengmou to visit Nanshan on this day?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

The entire pharmaceutical world, who does not know, the palace owner of Yuehuadan Palace and Yun Feiyang are related.

And this kid obviously intends to pursue others.


North Mingba, the leader of Shendan League who watched the battle not far away, smiled and said: "Nephew Zheng Xian, the owner of the autumn palace is Yun Feiyang's woman."

"is it?"

Zheng Qian smiled faintly, disapproving.

Song Shimao laughed and said: "Autumn Palace Master, my disciples have a good impression on you. Instead, the Japanese patriarch took gifts and went to Yuehuadan Palace to ask for marriage."


Qiu Yishui's eyes were full of anger.

Beimingba laughed; "Hidden Danzong and Yuehuadan Palace became relatives, which is my luck in the pharmaceutical industry."

It is not difficult to see from this guy's words, trying to pat the hidden world Danzong's ass.


The hidden Danzong can focus on the Ling Danzong for his sake.

Dan Wu geniuses like Xuan Jiuzhong were killed by Yun Feiyang.

Thinking about it, he decided to borrow a knife to kill and found the hidden Danzong.

Yun Feiyang, you lost a Danwu genius to my God Pill League, this League mainly let your Zongmen family die!

"Autumn Palace Master."

Song Shimao said with a smile: "If you don't speak, is it the default?"


Qiu Yishui flatly refused.

Song Shimao said with a smile: "My disciple is also a good-looking person, and deserves to be the owner of the autumn palace."

"It's so decided."

"Half a month later, I will personally take the disciples and prepare a gift to go to the Yuehuadan Palace for courtship."

As everyone can hear, this is another threat.

It is worthy of being a sect with nine ranks and half cents.

If you can become this disciple, you will be very happy if you have such a master to arrange marriage.

"Thank you for your success."

Zheng Qian is overjoyed.

Song Shimao said: "Play well, don't let this sect master disappoint."


Zheng Qian looked at Ling Danzong and dismissed: "Your Bibi disciples, come on stage."


Li Qifei stepped up, his eyes flashing with anger.

This hidden Danzong, not only frustrated the senior drinker, but also the idea of ​​Brother Yun's woman, it is really unbearable!


Suddenly, Zheng Qian appeared in front of him, his eyes gloomy: "Boy, your eyes, I look very unhappy."


Li Qifei was blown away by a punch, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Zheng Qian’s strength has reached the early days of Tianzun, and his strength is still very strong.


The disciple of Lingquan Sect was furious and wanted to rush up, desperately with the disciple of this hidden Danzong.

"do not move!"

Fei Pang Zheng shouted.


Many disciples looked indignantly, but they could only suppress the idea of ​​rushing past.

Zheng Qian withdrew his fist and glanced at everyone, saying disdainfully: "Excuse me, your Lingquan Sect is rubbish."


The disciple of Lingquan Sect, eyes split.


In front of Tianzun, they are rubbish, but **** also has a bone.

If it wasn't for the senior drinkers to be They have long gone up to defend the dignity of the Lingquan Sect by dying.


At this moment, Li Qifei, who was seriously injured, got up and stood on the medicine bucket platform again.

"Ha ha."

Zheng Qian smiled and said: "It looks like it can still be Danby."

Li Qifei always glared at him.


Zheng Qian looked very unhappy, and once again punched him out.


Li Qifei fell to the ground, pain disturbed the whole body.

"Blindly forbearing makes you lose your thinking and makes you ignore everything."

"If it were me, I was mocked and humiliated by others, but I couldn't beat the other party. I would think first and ask the strong to help."

What Yun Feiyang once said echoed in his ear.

Li Qifei lay on the ground and shouted unwillingly: "Brother Yun, if one day you return, please ventilate Senior Jiu and Lingquan Zong!"

The voice echoed in Tiannan Mountain, which lasted for a long time.

Zheng Qian disdainfully said: "Stupid."

Suddenly, an eerie voice came from his ear: "Are you talking about yourself?"

Zheng Qiang's expression solidified.

He turned his head stiffly and stood beside him, standing with a young man with a sword on his back, his mouth slightly raised, smiling with evil charm.

With only one eye contact, Zheng Qian seemed to fall into **** and endure endless suffering.

Song Si on the mountain's face changed shocked.

As a ninth grade and a half immortal, how did the man with the sword appear?

The drug stunned.

After a long time, he exclaimed in unison: "Yunfei Yang!"


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