Super God

Chapter 1410: Disappeared soul

After Yun Feiyang left the medicine world, he controlled the purple jade fairy gourd and returned to the ethereal world.

In order to find the souls hidden in all walks of life, deliberately choose a farther route.

However, half a month later.

No matter how you go around and how to find it, you haven't found any spirit soul.


Inside the little gourd, Liu Rou stared at the unresponsive light curtain and said, "It shouldn't be unreasonable."

Yun Feiyang has been practicing in the temple for many years, she has been improving the starry sky map, and now her search range has been greatly expanded.

It’s incredible to have come to a wider and stranger universe without discovering a spirit soul.

Yun Feiyang came over.

He gently embraced her thin waist from the back, his head resting on the jade shoulder, and said with a smile: "Perhaps, there is no spirit soul in this area."


Liu Rou firmly said: "Predecessor Taiwu divided the Divine Souls evenly. There must be Divine Souls in this universe."

"It is also possible that they left here after awakening and went somewhere else."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Liu Rou pondered slightly: "This is possible."


At this moment, the starry sky suddenly flickered, and a red light spot appeared.

"God Soul!"

Liu Rou said with joy.

Yun Feiyang laughed and said, "What do you really want?"


The two were not happy for too long, because as they gradually approached, the red light disappeared again on the light curtain.


Yun Fei frowned.

Liu Rou said in surprise: "What's going on?"

Yun Fei said: "Isn't the sky chart broken?"

Liu Rou hurriedly checked and said, "It's okay."

Yun Feiyang retracted his smile, gazing with rare seriousness, and manipulated the Ziyu fairy gourd to the area where the red light appeared before.


Cangyue mainland.

A mortal plane.

The area is very small, and the humans living here are still stagnation in the original state.


Topless, fur-clad humans kneel on the ground, shouting special prophecies, as if worshipping gods.

Above them, Yun Feiyang and Liu Rouwu stood still.


Liu Judao: "Here, it should be the plane where the gods and souls existed before."

"call out!"

Yun Feiyang withdrew Xiannian and shook his head: "The humans living here have no spirit in their bodies."

"That would be strange."

Liu Rou frowned: "The starry sky map can't go wrong. How did the God Soul who just existed suddenly disappear?"


She paused: "Isn't it dead?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "What the **** is the situation, you will know what happened once again."

"call out!"

Suddenly, Tuoba, who was in the flying world, came out of the outside world.


The primitive people below, seeing the appearance of huge monsters, shouted again, and their eyes worship became stronger.

"National Division."

Tuobaliu respectfully said.

The former Emperor Spirit Emperor Ling Huang has now reached the eighth grade and half fairy level.

Yun Fei said: "Tuo Ba, use your special power to show me what happened on this plane."


Tuobaliu closed his eyes, and a strange property emerged, instantly covering the entire plane.

This person has a special ability to evolve what has happened in a certain area.

That year in the land of trial.

With this ability, Tuobaliu had chased Yun Feiyang and Lin Zhixi.

At that time, his realm was only Spirit Emperor, covering a range of only a hundred feet, and he could only appear within his knowledge.

Now that it has reached eight grades and half cents, it can not only cover the entire Cangyue mainland, but also form a light curtain on the outside world, such as the shadow array method for others to watch.

"call out!"

The space trembles and the light curtain emerges.

A complex picture is presented above and shakes quickly.

Liu Rou said in surprise: "Feiyang, you guys control the power of time, it's not ordinary."

Yun Feiyang stunned: "The power of time?"


Liu Rou said: "Otherwise, it is impossible to evolve what happened."

Yun Feiyang praised: "You guys are fine."

Tuobali spoke up and smiled.

If it were not for Liu Rou's explanation, he did not know his attribute, which was an extremely rare time-space attribute.

"National Division."

Tuoba Liudao: "The light curtain is not big enough, it will take a long time to replay the entire continent."

"It's okay."

Yun Fei Yang said: "One by one area check, focus on these three days."

The Soul Soul suddenly disappeared out of thin air. If you don't find out what is going on, you will be really depressed.


Tuobaliu began to search by area and cast all the pictures that occurred within three days on the light curtain.

Although the mainland of Cangyue is not large, all of them are played back, which is extremely time-consuming.

Full half a month.

Tuoba Liu only played back one-tenth of the area, and he was tired and sweating.

Kung fu pays off, and in the past half a month, the search area has finally made a difference.

"Play it again."

Yun Fei said.

Tuoba Liu immediately mobilized attributes and evolved again.

I saw the image of the light cast, a savage savage sitting on the floor, radiating majestic power all over his body.

"It is the soul awakening!"

Liu Rou said with joy.

Yun Feiyang said nothing, and continued to watch.

Not long after, the savages showed a strong atmosphere around them, pressing down the grass of a hundred miles.

Although Yun Feiyang is not on the but you can feel it from the picture, it is definitely a very powerful murderous.

This kind of killing is not a killing killing, but a more mysterious killing.


Liu Rou looked towards Yun Feiyang.

Yun Feiyang also looked at her, and they both said in unison: "Seven Killing God!"

Seven kill gods.

The last star of Nandou Seven Stars is the upper god.

This person is one of the fourteen star kings under the crape myrtle, with a distinct personality, strong and extreme, and very powerful.

The fourteen stars are the Big Dipper and the South Star.

"I didn't expect this guy."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Liu Rou said: "I remember that two of you once played hands in God Realm."


Yun Fei Yang said: "Fighting with him for three days and three nights, one trick wins."

Liu Rou blinked and said, "So, this person's strength is not bad."

"If you find him, it will be a big deal."

Yun Fei said.

At this moment, the savages on the light curtain converged and immediately opened their eyes.

Yun Fei said: "Awakening succeeded."

"Look at it."

At this moment, Liu Rou said in shock.

Yun Feiyang looked in a hurry, and saw that the space was suddenly blurred, and a group of soldiers wearing armor came in.

Headed by a general in armor.

He seemed to be talking about something, and then brought the awakened soul into the swirling space.


Liu Rou frowned: "According to time, the Soul of Soul disappeared from the light curtain, it should be after entering the vortex space."

Yun Feiyang fell silent.

Slightly, he murmured: "Who are these soldiers? Why take away the soul of the gods?"

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