Super God

Chapter 1415: 1 step on people!

Although the extraterritorial battlefield is the battlefield between God Hidden Realm and Little God Realm, many people know that it is actually a confrontation between God Hidden Realm and Tianlong Realm.

Due to the high level, the Zhenwu God Territory is very open to this battle.

Anyone in all realms can enter the battlefield outside the territory as a free identity, earning merit and redeeming it.

Many inferior warriors will definitely not participate in the war. After all, with their strength, entering is not a merit, but a merit.

After struggling several times, the strongmen chose to enter the extraterritorial battlefield.

The battle between the two strongest circles can be described as unprecedented. There must be many treasures in the open meritorious pavilion.

Since I met in my lifetime, it is a pity not to go to war.

It is for this reason that the number of outside powerhouses in the extraterritorial battlefield is increasing sharply every day.

The first thing to do to enter the extraterritorial battlefield as a free agent is to choose a camp. After all, the two super powers are engaged in battle, and neutrals are not allowed.

Many warriors made choices, some joined the God Hidden Realm, and some joined the Tianlong Realm.

Yun Feiyang, who entered the battlefield outside the territory for the second time, stepped into the formation method and obtained an identity token.

It says Kuangzong, Yunfeiyang five words.

Other warriors of the realm have the right to choose, but he does not, because the identity record is the warrior of the small **** realm.

Therefore, this time entering the extraterritorial battlefield, still represents Little God Realm.

Yun Feiyang didn't care.

No matter which side you stand on, as long as you have merit, you will do.

"call out!"

With a flower in front of him, Yun Feiyang appeared in a desolate area, still surrounded by red earth like blood donation.

Not far away, there is a city with the words Kuangshacheng engraved on it.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Here is again."

Say, get started.

Not long afterwards, a loud voice came from the sky dome of the battlefield outside the territory: "Fighting heroes of Lingwu Realm and Little God Realm, Yun Feiyang entered the Mad City!"

"Lying trough?"

"Yun Feiyang is here again!"

The martial artists from all walks of life heard the sound from the light curtain and immediately boiled.

Soon, from the fixed light curtain area, they saw standing in the gate of the city, a sullen cloud flying.

"It's really him!"

"I remember the scene when this person led the aliens to siege Tianxiong City and finally broke it."

"Who would forget this kind of thing."

Many warriors talked endlessly.

In the battle between Lingwu Realm and Little God Realm, many warriors watched it.

They deeply remembered that if Yun Feiyang appeared and turned around the world with one's own strength, it was Little God Realm who lost.

Even more terrifying is to lead alien soldiers and accomplish the feat of breaking the Tianxiong City.

It was Yun Feiyang who performed so well.

Regarding Zhenwu Shenyu, special treatment is taken for his identity token, and once he enters his own city, there will be a special message prompt.

Similar to online games, the system will prompt for full service after a certain powerful player account is logged in.

This is absolutely supreme honor.


Yun Dachen, who stepped on the foot of the city, heard the loud voice prompt, and the whole person collapsed.

I was exposed as soon as I came in, was it too fucking?


Yun Feiyang retracted his foot.

Hong Liang's voice came again: "Fighting heroes of Lingwu Realm and Little God Realm, Yun Feiyang left Mad Sha City!"


Yun Da cheap **** fell to the ground.

There are tips when entering the city and out of the city, this is not glory, this is a daddy!


"Fighting heroes of Lingwu Realm and Little God Realm, Yun Feiyang entered the Mad City!"

The prompt sound came again.

Yun Da cheap **** pressed the urge to vomit blood and walked in under the sight of the warrior in the city.

"Yun Fei Yang."

"Isn't he going to the Hall of Pride? Didn't expect to join the war!"

"It is our hero!"

The warrior of the Little God Realm whispered, his eyes full of worship.

Since the World War I of Lingwu Realm, Yun Feiyang is absolutely idol-level in the mind of the warrior of the Little God Realm.

His arrival greatly inspired the popularity of the public.


In the palace, seeing Yun Feiyang appeared, acting as a goddess's eyes.

The sudden battle of God Hidden Realm made him very depressed, and it was even more depressed to see Yun Feiyang enter the battlefield as a warrior of Little God Realm again.

"The Lord."

Zuo Zhidao: "This is a good opportunity to get rid of him!"

"Not bad."

The act of acting as the **** of the little **** appeared a murderous opportunity.


Tianxiong City, the general of Shenyin Empire who is in charge of this battle, has a playful smile on his lips.

"General, there is news from the Lord."

A member said: "If there is a chance, Yunfei Yang will be eliminated."

"I understand."

The general said with a smile: "This guy is not doing well in the ethereal world, but he is coming to die."


Yun Feiyang entered the mad evil city, attracting the worship of the warriors of the Little God Realm.

Of course, there are discords.

Many warriors of high realm in the city have a slight disdain for Yunfei's eyes.

"This guy is Yun Feiyang?"

"It looks very ordinary, and can be an arrogant. The eyes of the arrogant palace are really bad."

"If it is not a camp, I really want to abuse him in the past."

The high-level martial arts of these discussions come from Tianlong Realm.

Although he is an ally with Little God Realm, it is the main force against the Shenyin Empire this time, but he looks down on Little God Realm in his heart.

Especially this hero is flying.

In their view, it was nothing more than luck, destroying the Tianxiong City guarded by the Lingwu Rich people look down on rich people.

Noble identities look down on those with low identities.

This situation is not uncommon.

As the strongest of the four realms, the Tianlong Realm, it is reasonable to look down upon the small **** realm that has just been established for ten thousand years.

During this time, the warrior of the Little God Realm was looked down upon, and although he was unhappy, he was used to it.


Yun Feiyang is not used to it.

He stopped, turned his head to look at the proud warrior, and smiled, "It's a faction, you can come to abuse me."


The warrior said indifferently: "If there are no regulations, the warriors of the same camp will be deducted for their actions. Do you think I don't want to abuse you?"

"How much?" Yun Fei said.

The warrior sneered: "It's all done."


Yun Fei said: "This rule is quite serious, but..."

He paused and smiled: "I think that if you can abuse a person who is not happy, the merits are worth it even if they are completely deducted."


As soon as the words fell, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him.


There was a loud noise.

The arrogant Jiu Pin Ban Xian was taken to the ground by Yun Feiyang.

"call out!"

At the same time, the newly obtained identity waist card flashed slightly faintly, apparently attacking the martial artists of the same camp, all merits were withdrawn.

There is not much in it, and Yun Feiyang is not distressed.


The martial artist's companion was dumbfounded.

The warrior in the next Dragon Realm looked dull.

They never expected that this guy Yun Feiyang would suddenly start, and Lisuo knocked down a Jiubinbanxian.


Yun Feiyang stepped on the back of the fallen warrior and said coldly: "Remember, this world war is dominated by my little **** realm, you are only here to help, don't be anti-guest."

End of this chapter

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