Super God

Chapter 1427: Emperor Heaven appears

The seventh day of the battle between God Hidden Realm and Little God Realm.

Through the light curtain, the warriors from various circles witnessed Yun Feiyang and surrendered to Kunpeng on the battlefield outside the territory.

Shocked, very shocked.

After all, this kind of surrender to the mythical beast in front of people has never appeared in ancient times.

Even more terrifying.

Yun Feiyang's surrender is the master.

How did it happen?

Could it be that the hanging scrolls allowed him to surrender the beast with the Lord?


Everyone locked their eyes on the catalog of the beast.

At the same time, they were surprised to find that the original gloomy Kunpeng pattern now has colors, which can be described as lifelike.


Everyone's eyes were dull and puzzled.


Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved, and the Divine Beast's Atlas closed, turning into a streamer and flying into his hands.

Throw it into Feiyang Realm, take a jump and land on Kunpeng's back.

Not to mention, this kind of real bird beast has a feeling than sitting on the white body.


Kunpeng waved his wings instead, and stopped over many gods and beasts.

Si Wuji and others twitched violently in the corners of their mouths.

It is hard for them to imagine that Yun Feiyang surrendered to Kunpeng in just a few hours, which is too easy.


Suddenly, Yu Wenying fell to the ground and spurted blood.

His own beast, in a blink of an eye, became a contract beast of others, which was even crueler than being abused by many beasts.

Yun Feiyang jumped down and fell beside him, said: "Boy, stand up and continue to pretend."

"But... hateful..."

Yu Wen's eagle eyes were splitting, but because of the severe damage to the meridians, he couldn't stand up at all.

"I said."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "It's still easy to deal with you."

This is the truth.

If you switch to Guan Zizi, or Xuanyuan asks the sky, Yun Feiyang may not have much confidence, but can only abuse Yu Wenying.

After all, the strength of this guy is that it can overlap with Kunpeng's strength.

Yun Feiyang, who possesses the catalog of the Divine Beast, can easily receive the Divine Beast, which is definitely his nemesis.

The warriors of all circles secretly shook their heads.

The arrogant Yu Wenying just now has such an end, it is really incredible.


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang raised her foot and stepped on Yu Wenying's face.

As long as this is done, it proves that Yun Dache God has to start ruthlessly trampling on others' self-esteem.

"You are also the pride of the Pride Alliance, and you dare to move your mind."

Yun Feiyang raised his foot and said coldly: "Today Lao Tzu is in full view, letting you understand what is going to end."


Another foot stepped on.

Yu Wenying has been humiliated like this, and spit out another blood on the spot.




Yun Feiyang stomped madly, trampled madly, the third arrogant of the star list.

"Brother Yun..."

Si Wuji could not bear to say: "I think it's okay."


Ning Zetian pleaded.

Although they hate Yuwen Ying, they are all arrogant after all.


Yun Feiyang said coldly: "If today I didn't subdue him, have you thought about what will end?"

Si Wuji and others were silent.

What ends?

It must have been abused by this guy!


The ghost lying on the ground pretending to be dead jumped up angrily, and said angrily: "Damn, I've seen him for a long time."

He said, came over and stepped on it.


Yu Wenying was hit again, spitting out blood and fainted.


When he saw his head scratching his head, he said, "It seems that the force is too strong."


Yunfei Yang was speechless.

Yu Wenying fainted, and he didn't plan to abuse, but took away his identity waist card.

So far, earn 10,000 points.

Points are just appetizers, and the real earner is Kunpeng.



The space splits, and a beast heads in.

The corners of the warriors' mouths twitched.

So many gods and animals come out shocked, so leaving is also shocking.

"It can hold so many gods and beasts, and the quality of Yunfei's soul storage treasure must be very good!"

"I'm afraid the quality is either a nine-grade immortal grade or a quasi-sen grade."

Everyone is envious.

With a scroll that can surrender to the mythical beast, and the treasure of holding the mythical beast, this guy's family is really rich!

"Brother Yun."

Si Wuji carried the stunned Yu Wenying up and said, "We will go back first."

They came to the rescue, and now the matter is resolved, they must go back.

"Slow down."

Yun Feiyang shouted at the four.

Si Wuji turned around and said, "Yun Xuedi, what else?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I helped you solve Yu Wenying, don't you give me some hard work?"


The four almost fell.

Obviously came to help him, but instead blackmailed us, this is nothing.


Si Wuji coughed and said: "This matter, I will talk about it later, Yun Xuedi will see you again."

brush! brush! brush!

The four stars of the star list disappeared.

"Hey, really shit."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and glanced sadly, "Go, let's continue to earn points."

"it is good."


After defeating Yu Wenying, the powerhouses originally hiding in the dark and staring at Yunfeiyang disappeared.


With so many beasts, who dares to do it?

Yun Fei Yang also relaxed a lot, at least not to be alert to someone yin.


In the palace, acting as the little **** Lord was furious.

Yun Feiyang not only captured Fenghuaxueyue, but also so many beasts that made him sleepless.

"The Lord."

Zuo Zhi solemnly said: "I still have to ask the old master to go to to count Kunpeng, that kid already has six-headed peak and half-cent immortals.

This force is really terrible in the extraterritorial battlefield.

"Not bad."

Acting as the little god, his eyes gloomed and said: "We must send more strong men."


Divine Hidden Empire, inside the palace.

Di Juntian withdrew his gaze, silently thinking about something.


After a while, he said: "Let Liuding and Liujia enter the extraterritorial battlefield..."

"Forget it."

Emperor Tiandao said: "Let me go in person."

The general next to him looked startled, and said, "Lord, do you want to shoot it yourself to kill Yunfei?"

Emperor Tiantian shook his head and said: "This child's climate is established. If I don't shoot it myself and want to kill him, I will definitely pay a lot."


"call out!"

Streamer flew out of the main city of Shenyin Empire.

On the mountain peak covered by thick snow, when Emperor Tiantian left, the immortal Ziwei God opened his eyes slightly.


"Do you want to do it yourself?"

"Yun Feiyang is the man who destined to be, and is the lover of Taiwu's predecessors. In any case, I will not let you hurt him."

"call out!"

The space was rippling, and the Ziwei God merged into the formation leading to the extraterritorial battlefield, and chose the Little God Realm camp.


At the moment Zizi entered, Yun Feiyang on the battlefield frowned slightly.

"A familiar breath."

"Could it be the Soul God?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and was about to move on. A middle-aged man dressed in grace was standing in front of him.

Although the sudden appearance of the middle-aged man was very unfamiliar, the transparent breath made Yun Feiyang's eyes gradually cold.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Emperor Heaven!"

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