Super God

Chapter 1433: Yunfeiyang's son?

The help of the Little God Realm forces, in the eyes of many warriors, has no effect, after all, the realm is too low.

But the first-class Danzonggandan Palace, led by the palace owner to Feiyang City, caused an uproar immediately.

You should know that the medicine world is the holy place of immortality. The outstanding medicine and medicine are the only ones in the world.

It is said that the immortal emperor of Zhenwu God Territory had also come to the medicine world to seek immortality.

"You heard it right?"

"Yun Feiyang turned out to be the first-class brother of Danzong!"

"My goodness!"

Yan Sanxing's sentence, "Brother, there is no Dan in this city", shocked the martial artists of all circles.

Pills in the medicine world are not high in cultivation, but their status is distinguished. After all, they can refine the pill, which can help the martial arts to upgrade the state.

Those who come out of the medicine world will be regarded as guests by all forces.

Nowadays, a master of a twelve-ranking king, actually called Yun Feiyang a brother, which is really incredible.

To say the most shocking, it must be Danzong medicine Wanzhen.

After Kandan Palace entered and walked out of the formation, he took the elders and disciples and followed him out.

The forefoot stepped into the Crimson Continent and instantly felt that the group of old people in front of him exuded a very strong Dandao atmosphere around him.


Yao Wanzhen swallowed and said, "They must come from the pharmaceutical world!"

Danzong people, their eyes appeared to worship.

Practitioners who practiced the Pill of Dao regard the medicine world as a holy place, and regard the Pills there as strong, and I can see them today.

However, immediately after that, they heard what Yan Sanxing said.

For a time, Yao Wanzhen and others almost did not stand still and fell down in front of the city gate.

Yun Feiyang invited Yan Sanxing and others into the city and smiled: "Drug Master, don't be in a daze, enter the city."


Yao Wanzhen recovered, and immediately brought his disciples into.

Following Yan Sanxing, feeling the strong Dandao breath, his mind was deeply shocked.


After entering the city, Yan San provincial road: "The autumn palace owner of Yuehua Dan Palace, if something can't come, let me say hello to you."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

To be honest, in this battle, he never thought of letting others help.

But since he came, he certainly would not refuse.

After placing the teachers and brothers properly, Yun Feiyang chatted with Yao Wanzhen and returned to the tower again.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the array flashed streamer again.

Lin Zhixi, who was dressed in white, noble temperament and beautiful appearance, came out of the array.

She stopped before the formation, and Yun Fei locked in the tower.

Yun Feiyang also looked at her from the tower.

The distance between the two was about a hundred feet, but at that moment, it seemed to be close at hand.


Yun Feiyang flew by and fell beside her, smiling softly: "I know, you will come."

Seeing this scene, the warriors of all circles twitched slightly at the corners of their mouths.

All along, Yun Feiyang's impression to everyone is nothing more than arrogance and domineering.

Nowadays, in the face of a woman, she reveals tender eyes, which really makes them uncomfortable.

Lin Zhixi kept silent and kept looking at him.

Because of the character, even though they have been separated for many years, even if there is endless acacia, it is also silent at this moment.

Different from Lin Zhixi's icy and restrained.

Yun Feiyang is very positive.

He took a step forward and spread his arms, holding the woman in his arms and laughing softly, "I missed you."


Everyone collapsed.

This is an extraterritorial battlefield, not a love grove!


Suddenly, the voice of milk and milk gas passed over.

Next to Lin Zhixi, a three- to five-year-old boy appeared, with a naive smile on his tender face.


In an instant, Yun Feiyang was struck by lightning.

"I go?"

"This is Yun Feiyang's son?"

"All so big?"

The warriors from all walks of life carefully looked at the child.

Lao Tzu is so good, his son's qualifications must be even better?

However, Yun Feiyang, who was shocked to return to God, took a step back, covered her chest, and collapsed and said: "Zhixi... who is this child..."

How could there be a son if he left for so long.


Suddenly, another three or five-year-old girl came out of the formation, shouting with milk and milk.

Suddenly, the sons and daughters are all together, let Yun Da cheap petrified.


At this moment, the streamer flickered, and Dou Bi came out and grinned: "Fei Yang, this is my son."

Xiang Yuan also walked out, pointing at the girl and saying, "This is my daughter."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang smiled awkwardly.

You two **** almost scared me to death.

Dou Bi and Xiang Yuan held their children and smiled, "This is your Uncle Yun."


The two children spoke in unison.

Dou Bi smiled and said, "These two children see adults and like to call their father and mother."


Yun Feiyang collapsed suddenly, but still laughed: "For the first time, I am an uncle, and I have to give you some gifts."

"call out!"

With a thought, he took out two things and said, "There is nothing good, either."


Seeing this, the warriors from all circles took a breath.

Because the two things Yun Feiyang took out are the very rare mothers of spirit stones!

"Not yet thank Uncle Yun."

"Thank you dad!"

"Thank you dad!"


Yun Feiyang was defeated by two childish children.


At this time, Kuang Tian and Zuo Siou, as well as many Kuang Zong disciples have stepped out of Yun Feiyang will soon welcome them into the city.

After the placement, Dou Bi leaned over and smiled with his ears, "Brother, thanks to you, Brother only took the bill."


Yun Feiyang looked blank.

In fact, he did not know that the wives of Dou Bi and Xiang Yuan were both disciples of Honglingfang.


Dou Bi laughed: "We are all dads, you have to work hard."


Yun Feiyang blasted him away.

He succeeded in inheriting the lineage of the old Yun family, but he was not ambiguous at all, but he was a bit lucky.

Lin Zhixi not far away came and said, "Shocked just now?"


Yun Feiyang hurriedly said: "How is it possible!"

Lin Zhixi shook his head, leaving the topic aside: "What's the matter with Emperor Juntian?"

"Don't recognize me."

Yun Fei Yang said: "I want to complete the mission of reshaping God Realm for me."

Lin Zhixi Daimei frowned slightly: "This person's state seems to be very strong, are you sure you can defeat him?"


Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Anything that is against your man will lose in the end."


Martial arts continued to appear in the formation, entering the flying city.

Yun Feiyang handed over the military to Zhuge Jin, a rare leisure, accompanied by Lin Zhixi who had not met for a long time.

The warriors of all circles collapsed.

What they want to see is the battle between the armies, not their children.

Three days later.

At the playground in the city, the soldiers of the 30,000 spirits were assembled, and their eyes flashed with intense fighting intent.

According to Zhuge Jin's order, this time they will go to the Tianxiong City area to engage in the first battle with the Shenyin Empire.

"set off."

The leader, Yanshuang, shouted.

boom! boom!

The soldiers of the 30,000 spirits left the city.

Seeing this scene, the warriors from all walks of life suddenly seemed to have hit the chicken blood and boiled one by one.

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