Super God

Chapter 1436: Invasion of 2 circles

Please enter the text The voice of Aurora Fairy Emperor came again, rippling in the battlefield outside the domain.

After hearing this, the warriors from all walks of life were stunned.

This rule change is a bit big to remove the defensive enchantment that envelopes the city.

It should be known that in the previous boundary wars, the main city was protected by defensive borders, and it must be under siege for half a year before it can be completely lifted.

Now that there is no protection, it means that you can directly attack the city!

"I can wait in the city and rely on my own ability to arrange formations and form defensive borders."

"Unless it is defeated by an army, any warrior with a high level may not destroy the city without authorization, otherwise he will be heavily punished."

The fairy aurora came again.

The people immediately understood that the meaning of this immortal emperor to change the rules obviously required to fully implement the resistance between the armed forces.


Yunfei landed on the tower and said, "What level does this so-called high realm mean?"

What he said was also curious.

There was a little silence in the streamer, and the voice of the Aurora Immortal Emperor came again: "Half-cent immortal is above the Great Consummation and cannot be shot."

Yun Feiyang frowned.

This rule has changed. If you want to break through the main cities of the two realms, your own top power can only command and watch.

of course.

The same is true of the two realms.

Who can win depends entirely on whose army is stronger and more capable of fighting.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "It seems very interesting."

He vaguely felt that this change in regulations seemed to be more beneficial to him.

After all, the emperor heaven of the Shenyin Empire has reached the quasi-centenary.

But now, the rules change, he can only hide behind the scenes.

There is also the acting little **** master, I am afraid that I have already contacted the Beimen family, and even if there is a quasi-nian lower realm, I cannot participate in the war.


God's hidden empire, palace.

Emperor Tian slightly pondered and said immediately: "Let the Fifteenth Route Corps enter the foreign battlefield."


The general was ordered to withdraw.

It didn't take long.

The 15th Route Corps in the Shenyin Empire, totaling 150,000, rushed to the front.

Their actions immediately caused an uproar in the God Hidden Realm.

The Fifteenth Route Corps has a very high prestige in the realm, and it can be said to be the elite teacher of the Shenyin Empire.

Their outspoken means that the Lord is going to be real.

Within the Dragon Realm.

A large number of troops also rushed to the extraterritorial battlefield.

This time's strength is by no means comparable to previous miscellaneous soldiers.

After the Aurora Fairy Emperor changed the rules, the two super circles also became extremely serious.

As a large number of soldiers enter the battlefield, the warriors fighting at all levels representing the early stage will become a very small number. The real battle will be the battle of the three armies.

"The show is about to begin!"

"I don't know, who won the opponent's city first!"

Everyone looked forward to it.


The two super circles are constantly sending troops.

Yun Feiyang had no plans to expand his troops. He stood outside the city at the moment, and Xiannian enveloped the whole city.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a series of nicks appeared outside the city wall.

This is a line, indicating that Yun Feiyang is setting up a defensive formation.

After half an hour.

The streamer flickered and enveloped the whole city.

Before the disappearance of the Aurora Immortal Emperor, he added: "The defensive formation can be arranged in the city, but no high-level warrior blessings are allowed."

So Yun Feiyang sets up blessing areas at each key point of the array.

Once someone attacks the city, a huge impact can be formed, which allows the soldiers to enter quickly, thereby stabilizing the defense in a very short time.

With this formation, in the face of enemy siege, it should be able to resist.

Back to the city.

Yun Feiyang mobilized 300,000 Ling clan soldiers from Feiyang Realm.

In his view, with a total strength of 500,000, it may be possible to win the next realm, but it will be very difficult to win the two realms.

"It also needs some military defense."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

With a wave of his hand, he will mobilize the skyrockets obtained from the Lingwu Realm.

At the same time, many crystal-core throwing machines were erected.

In recent years, Yun Feiyang has been vigorously developing large-scale war equipment, and the crystal nuclear throwing machine has undergone many improvements.

No matter the material or the crystal core, there have been new changes.

As for the power, it has only been tested in the flying world for the time being and has not been used in actual combat.


The changes in the rules are expanding in all walks of life, and the atmosphere of war in extraterritorial battlefields has also dropped a lot.

Many warriors know that short-term calm, just waiting for a more violent storm.

The battle of the three realms, once again started, will surely shatter the earth!


After being calm for half a month.

Tianlong Realm first dispatched 100,000 troops to kill Feiyang City.

At the same time, the Shenyin Empire was also very tacit and sent troops to march towards Feiyang City.

The two parties did not collude or form an alliance.

The reason why they are locked together in Feiyang City is because the two realms hold east and west, and Feiyang City is sandwiched between them.

After learning the information, Yun Feiyang smiled faintly.

Just knowing that if you are in the two realms, you will arrange the formation and the military defense in advance.


boom! boom!

In the east and west of the flying city, heavy steps sounded one after another, and the dust was flying, covering the sky and the sun.

Not long after, ten miles away from the city, the two strongest armies arrived one after another, with a total of 200,000 people, respectively locking the east and west gates.

"I go!"

"The two realms joined forces to attack the Flying City!"

"A little bullying!"

The warriors from all circles immediately discussed.


Someone said: "Look at the tower of Feiyang City!"

The crowd went in one after another, and they saw a woman wearing an exquisite armor coming up.

From the perspective of equipment, it is obviously the commander in charge of commanding the army.


"The general who guards the flying is a female generation?"

Everyone's eyes widened.

Throughout the ages, the leader and commander is mostly male, and the woman leader is still very rare.

Standing on the tower, Zhuge Jin's bright eyes sparkle.

In the past few years, the spirit soldiers have always been trained. Today, facing the two strongest circles, it is time to truly show their abilities.


The battle flag waved and the first order was issued.



In an instant, a respectable sky cannon was launched on the walls of the east and west.

At the same time, 100,000 clan soldiers emerged from the city walls and quickly set up crossbows.

These soldiers are from all continents.

In their early years, they were trained in Zhuge Jin, and entered the flying world to practice, and their realm has been greatly improved.

Human warriors are not as good as the spirit soldiers in terms of combat effectiveness, but they are far from comparable to the spirit soldiers in the use of equipment.

Especially equipped with crossbows, called burst crossbows.

After being improved by the instrument master Li Jiuyi in many ways, the power is quite different.

Zhuge Jin's military defense is arranged on this side, and the two strong realms also display heavy siege equipment.

After all, it is a siege warfare, and the importance of siege equipment, regardless of the realm, will be particularly important.

"Can Feiyang City hold on?"

The warriors from all walks of life could not help worrying.

After all, the two armies launched an offensive. The East and West Gates would be very troublesome if any of them failed.


It was at this time that the general of the Dragon Realm at Ximen launched a siege.



The heavy siege throwing machine ready to launch was launched, and countless shells carrying hot flames flew like locusts crossed.

Everyone's mouth twitched.

With such a number of shells, you don't have to be there, you can guess that the power will definitely explode.

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