Super God

Chapter 1440: Forged Mountain Villa

In the east of the ethereal world, there is a person named Zhujie.

This world is rich in all kinds of ores, so it was born with human beings mainly based on foundry equipment and treasures.

As soon as Yun Feiyang entered this world, he could feel that the entire plane was filled with the breath of ore.

When he fell into a certain city, he found that almost every house had a casting platform.

Such a strong casting wind made Yun Feiyang quite happy, and decided to go to the teacher to learn the technique of casting.

After some inquiries, he learned that the foundry world is the same as the medicine world. There are many foundry sects, and they are divided into third-class, second-class and first-class.

The battle ahead is tight. Yun Feiyang wants to learn, and he will definitely choose the first class, so he immediately went to the most famous casting villa.

Foundry Villa is a first-class sect in the foundry world.

There are three thousand disciples under his door, both casting equipment and weapons are top-notch.

However, according to the rules, disciples will only be recruited every three years, and it is unfortunate that Yun Fei has come. It is two years before the next recruitment.

"Can't you get along?"

Standing outside Zhuang, Yun Feiyang laughed.


The warrior guarding the gate said impatiently: "How many times have I said that I want to enter the forging mountain village and come back two years later."


Yun Feiyang had no choice but to leave.

With his character, he certainly would not really leave, but landed on a mountain peak outside the villa, Xiannian was released, and enveloped the whole villa.

Since you are not allowed to study in the villa, you can only steal.

Not to mention, relying on the powerful Xiannian, after a few days, he also learned a lot of skills from many disciples.

But they can only learn from their disciples.

Because, those elders are in a separate casting room, and at the same time are covered by arrays.

Yun Feiyang tried to crack, but found that the formation method is very advanced, forcible cracking, will certainly attract the attention of the other party.

There is no way but to steal from the disciples first.


After half a month.

Yun Feiyang is growing fast in forging.

At least, it is faster than the forging mountain disciples who have just started, and they can already refine the advanced Xuan-level equipment.

After all, the casting world belongs to the real martial arts realm, and the hierarchy is still the same as other realms.

Yun Feiyang is satisfied with this.

He wanted to cast the heaven order faster, and even the half-sen class.

But fortunately, only by stealing to learn, you can only practice the fur. The true essence is only in the hands of the top management of the villa.

"How to do?"

Yun Feiyang frowned.

Even thinking about it, would you like to take advantage of the black captivity to get an elder to search your memory?

"It can only be this way."

When the night came, Yun Feiyang quietly sneaked into the villa and stopped in a forging room.

According to a half-month investigation, disciples often brought ore from this room, but no one ever came out.

If you haven't guessed, there must be a strong founder in the process of refining the treasure.


Yun Feiyang took a breath.

He was planning to take people away immediately after breaking through, and then disappear quickly.

Inexplicably, there is a feeling of being a thief.


As soon as the mind moved, Xiannian instantly integrated into the formation, causing it to tremble slightly.

The people who built the villa did not realize that someone was cracking, and after tens of thousands of years of blessing formation.


After a while, mumble came.

There was a formation in the casting room, which collapsed under the strong cracking of Yun Feiyang.


At the moment of breaking open, Yun Feiyang's momentum exploded slightly, shocking the door of the room, and rushed in immediately.

After entering the room, it was found that there was a casting platform with quite a specification. A person wearing a loose robe was concentrating on refining.

"not good!"

"The formation is broken!"

"Someone broke into the alchemy hall!"

Outside, there was a messy voice.

Yun Feiyang didn't stop right away. With a big wave, he pulled the person who cast the treasure, cast his skills, and flew away into the distance.

As soon as the person left, the founder of the Casting Villa and the major powerhouses fell down, looking at the empty room, suddenly stunned one by one.



Under the dark night, Yun Feiyang carried the man, galloping and running, it was a guilty conscience.

After half an hour.

When he was sure that the strong man who forged the villa did not chase it, this slowed down.

However, what makes him depressed is.

Why is this person with his back in contact with his shoulder, so soft?

Suddenly, Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "Women?"

He hurried to find him, and he found that he had taken him. Although he was really a woman, her appearance was very good, but her face was very pale, as if she was injured.

Yun Da cheap **** stopped immediately.


Put the woman down and buckle on the meridian, and suddenly found that the other's meridian is damaged and the situation is critical.


Yun Feiyang solemnly said: "Thanks to meeting me, otherwise, you will die soon."


Between the speeches, one hand was attached to the back of the other party, pouring into the body endlessly to regulate the injury.


Inside the cave.

The woman sat with her eyes closed, her face ruddy, and her appearance was even more shocking.

Yun Feiyang not only sighed, she was so capricious, she turned out to be such a beautiful woman.

After dawn.

The woman opened her eyes slowly, her eyes clear as water.

However, after seeing Yun Feiyang, it was covered with a strong hatred.


Yun Fei said: "I saved your life, there is no need to look at me with such eyes."

"help me?"

The woman gritted her silver teeth and said: "If you suddenly broke in and disrupted my mind, wouldn't the meridian be Casting and cultivation are the same.

Once you really invest, you should avoid interruption.

Yun Feiyang broke in last night, without a word, taking her away in a savage way would inevitably frustrate her body and mind.

This is still a woman's state of mind is strong, in other words, it is likely to fall directly.


Yun Feiyang embarrassedly said: "Is what caused you yesterday?"

The woman said nothing, her eyes were full of anger.


Yun Feiyang spread his hands and said, "Even if it was caused by me, wouldn't I have raised it for you myself."


The woman got up and wanted to leave the cave.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "You should be the elder of Casting Villa."

The woman said coldly: "I'm here to challenge them."


Yun Feiyang said with amazement: "What do you mean?"

The woman ignored him and walked out of the cave coldly.

Yun Feiyang didn't stop her, maybe guilty and too reckless yesterday.

The woman walked a few steps, stopped and said: "Do you have a hatred against Foundry Villa?"

"This one……"

Yun Feiyang thought for a moment, and looked coldly: "You have hatred!"

The woman was originally cold and cold. After hearing this sentence, the coldness gradually subsided.

Yun Feiyang was not surprised.

Because he had long seen that when the woman mentioned Casting Villa, anger appeared in his eyes.

"You also have hatred against them?" Yun Feiyang asked knowingly.


The woman held a powder fist, gritted her teeth and said: "Don't wear it!"

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend."

Yun Feiyang said seriously: "My name is Yun Feiyang, dare to ask the girl's name?"

Women's Road: "The surname is Ouyang, and the name is Hui.

"Ouyang Hui..."

Yun Feiyang flattered: "Good name, good name."

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