Super God

Chapter 1442: Can't act anymore

Forged Mountain Villa, inside the hall.

Yun Feiyang walked in with Ouyang Hui, his whole body was restrained, and he looked very low-key.

Seeing this, the elders sneered.

They thought that Ouyang Hui's bodyguards are just how good they are, but they seem to have just reached the half-sen level.


Yun Feiyang swept across the crowd, scornfully said: "A bunch of scum."

The owner of the founding villa is named Luo Yongxin, and his strength is that he has just entered the semi-central perfection.

The realm of other elders is also at the Ninth Grade Banxian level.

This kind of strength is very powerful in any field.

However, in Yun Feiyang's eyes, it is indeed no different from scum, and he wants to abuse easily.

"Girl Ouyang."

Luo Yong Channel: "What happened last night?"

Ouyang Hui followed Yun Feiyang's teaching: "Suddenly a thief broke in and took me away. Xin De bodyguard shot and saved me back."

Everyone was surprised.

The formation of Lianbaotang was broken by violence.

To be able to do this, the comer's strength is bound to be strong. His bodyguard can save people, but his strength is probably not simple.

The high-level mansion withdrew his contempt and looked at Yun Feiyang again, a little more vigilant in his heart.

"So it turns out."

Luo Yongxin said: "This competition is disturbed by outsiders, it is a pity."


Ouyang Hui said: "We can fight again."

Luo Yongxin said with a smile: "This is more time-consuming than fighting, and ore is not necessary."

"It's okay not to fight."

Ouyang Huidao said: "Lord Zhuang Luo is also invited to announce to the outside world that the quasi-central treasure was made by my grandfather Ouyang Zi."

Luo Yong channel: "Miss Ouyang, don't worry, since I promised Luo this thing, I will definitely do it."

Yun Feiyang can see that this person is hypocritical and has no sincerity in his eyes.

Luo Yongtong said: "I have ordered the back kitchen to prepare the banquet, and I also asked Ouyang girl to enjoy her face."

Ouyang Hui had to refuse.

Yun Feiyang first said: "Great, I haven't eaten in a few days."

Ouyang Hui was speechless, but agreed.


In the banquet room.

A table of hearty dishes is served.

Ouyang Hui aims to be fair to Grandpa and has no intention of eating.

On the contrary, it was Yun Feiyang, who was unkindly seated and ate.

In that way, it really looks like I haven't eaten in a few days.

"Well, this dish is good."

"No, this wine is a little bit worse."

Yun Feiyang put it in the wine glass and said, "Master Luo, don't you have any good wine here?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

It is surprising that a bodyguard is so polite.

"Come here."

Luo Yong Channel: "Take the best wine in the village."


Soon, a disciple held the long-sealed wine jar and placed it on the table.

"This little friend."

Luo Yongxin said with a smile: "This wine Luo Mou has been treasured for a long time, and I have been reluctant to drink it."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang waved his palm and took off the cover. The fragrance of the wine suddenly filled and exclaimed: "It really is good wine."

"Come and pour in for the little friend."

"No need to be so troublesome."

Yun Feiyang grabbed the wine jar and drank up to drink.



Soon, a bottle of wine was consumed by him, but he still said: "Not too addictive."

Ouyang Hui looked black.

Did he come to be a bodyguard, or did he come to eat and drink?


Suddenly, Yun Fei raised his palm and lay his head on his head: "No... this wine is a little big, and the head... the head is a little dizzy..."


At the end of the conversation, the person was paralyzed on the table, as if drinking too much.


Ouyang Hui hurriedly pushed him and said, "Are you all right?"

"Miss Ouyang, please rest assured."

Luo Yongxin said with a smile: "You bodyguard, you should have drunk too much, and you will be fine after sleeping."

The elders who accompany each other looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths appeared inadvertently, with a meaningful smile.


Ouyang Huixin took it seriously and blamed: "If you can't drink it, don't try it."

"Girl Ouyang."

Luo Yongxin said with a smile: "I need a casting genius like you to cast a villa, you can seriously consider it."


Ouyang Huidao said: "I will not join you like this shameless sect."

Yun Da pretending to be drunk, suddenly collapsed.

This girl is really innocent, in front of others, saying that they are shameless.

Sure enough, the faces of many elders became ugly.


Luo Yongxin laughed.

After a moment, his eyes chilled and said: "Miss Ouyang, Luo Mou said that the consideration means that you must stay in my founding villa."

Is the original form exposed?

Yun Feiyang thought that the old guy would perform more for a while.


Ouyang Huidao said: "I came to justice for my grandfather, and I will not stay at Founding Villa."

Yun Feiyang completely lost his temper with this woman.

You are a naive woman like white paper, just to be fair to your grandfather. If someone else sells you, you don’t know what’s going on.

"Not at all."

Luo Yongtong said: "As long as you join me to forge the villa and create a hundred pieces and nine treasures, I will make the truth public."


Ouyang Hui rejoiced.

Yun Feiyang almost spit out blood.

She can also believe this kind of lie. I am afraid that even the simpleness cannot be compared with Mu Ying.


Luo Yongtong said: "I am Luo Mouye, who is the owner of the villa, and he has said a lot."


Ouyang Hui was said: "I think about it."


At this moment, Yun Feiyang stood up and flicked the table and said angrily: "Considering a fart, he is obviously lying to you!"

Yun Da cheap **** is completely in no mood to perform.


Luo Yongxin could not believe it: "Are you drunk?"

He wanted to say, you are not poisoned? But the words changed immediately.


Yun Feiyang said silently: "I was sobered by this idiot."


Ouyang Hui secretly said: "Are you talking about me?"

Luo Yongxin certainly would not think that he was sober, and must have resolved the poison in the wine.

Several elders gloomed.

"Master Luo Zhuang."

Yun Feiyang stepped on the wine table with a smile and said, "Do you feel ashamed to bully such a simple girl?"

Ouyang Hui's character makes him speechless.

But this is the kind of woman, but also stimulated Yun Feiyang's desire to protect.

"Little friend."

Luo Yongxin smiled and said: "I let Ouyang girl be the elder of the villa, why is this bullying her?"

"Without further ado."

Yun Feiyang said impatiently: "Hurry and make the dirty things you did earlier public, and hand over the quasi-immortal skills of Ouyang Zi's predecessors."

Luo Yongxin and others frowned, and the opportunity emerged.


Suddenly, Yun Fei raised his palm and the dining table shattered.

He looked coldly and said: "If you don't follow suit, today is the day when the villa is forged."


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