Super God

Chapter 1444: Half-cent fairy armor, refined

After Ouyang Hui entered the Feiyang world, Yun Feiyang began systematic cultivation and casting.

A famous teacher pointed out that the growth rate is extremely fast, and in only one year, he can forge heaven-level equipment alone.

At such a fast rate, Rao is proud of his extraordinary talents and Ouyang Hui is also praised.

"Brother Feiyang."

"You are a real genius."

"In such a short period of time, you can build the sky-level equipment alone."

Ouyang Hui praised.

Over the past year, the relationship between the two has also progressed rapidly, and they have been commensurate with their brothers and sisters.

Yun Feiyang said modestly: "It's okay."

Ouyang Hui smiled and said: "Next, I want to teach you how to refine semi-central equipment."


Yun Feiyang is looking forward to it.

Once you can refine half-cent equipment, you can provide support to the army.

Ouyang Hui explained seriously: "This refining semi-fairy-level equipment, first, the technique is different from the Heavenly Order, and secondly, it needs stronger ore."


Yun Feiyang laughed: "This is not a problem."

Although the Casting Villa was let go, this guy did not change the character of the "robber" and took away all the ore stored by others.

And he was not addicted. Before leaving the casting world, he wandered around the world deliberately and moved all the rich mineral veins.

This scene was seen by the founder of the casting world. Although it hurts a lot, it can only pretend not to see it.

As long as you don't bring the army, you can take it if you like.

It can be said that what Yun Feiyang lacks now is foundry technology, and high-grade and low-grade ore is not lacking at all.


Ouyang Hui is a qualified tutor.

In the next half month, I will earnestly give Yun Feiyang the skill of casting and his own casting experience.

After accepting the theoretical study, Yun Feiyang couldn't bear itching and began to practice in practice.


In the built casting platform, the ground fire burned wildly.

Yun Fei lifted his upper body, holding the hammer, and sweat banged the red iron sheet again and again.

The strong muscles continue to expand with percussion, and are filled with rich male hormones.

Any woman seeing this scene will have a special feeling.

Except for Ouyang Hui, because this woman is sitting in the distance, she doesn't care about Yun Fei's strong muscles. She looks like a teacher and stares at him to cast equipment.

Whenever he sees Yun Feiyang making mistakes in his percussion steps, Liu Mei wrinkles slightly and remembers it silently in his heart.


Suddenly, there was a blast from the foundry.

The red piece of iron was smashed by Yun Feiyang.


Ouyang Hui got up and walked: "Brother Feiyang, you have a total of thirty-nine percussion forces that are uneven."

Yun Feiyang said silently: "So much?"

Ouyang Huidao said: "It seems that you have to understand a thousand hammers and hundreds of exercises, otherwise, it will be difficult to forge half-cent equipment."

Thousand Hammers and All Refining Techniques is the casting technique of Ouyang's family, and is also a very top casting technique in the casting industry.

At that time, Ouyang Zi realized this technique to the extreme, and finally forged a quasi-central treasure in a hundred years.

After entering the Feiyang world, Ouyang Hui thanked Yunfei Feiyang for justice for his grandfather, and taught him the skill.


Yun Feiyang gave up refining the half-cent level and changed to enlighten thousands of hammers.

With his qualifications, practicing martial arts mentality is absolutely no problem, but it is not a martial art category.

This is a bit of a headache.


Three months later.

Yun Feiyang realized the success and started casting again.


The ground fire rises and the ore merges.

After a long time of smelting, the ore turned red.


Yun Feiyang waved his hand, took it out, put it on the stage, lifted the hammer and began to beat.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Each swing contains a variety of techniques.

Ouyang Hui nodded with satisfaction, she could see that in three months, Brother Feiyang had made good progress.


"Brother Feiyang is a founding genius."

"If you keep practicing, you may become a top casting master."

Ouyang Hui secretly said.

However, she did not know that Yun Feiyang's passion for casting was only to help the army build equipment.

It is impossible to pounce on it with all my heart.

After all, in his mind, the status of martial arts is unshakable.


A few days later, Yun Feiyang still didn't grasp the rhythm and crushed the ore with a hammer.


"Can not be done."

Yun Feiyang was quite frustrated.

The strength is the same, he can do it, but if he persists for too long, he will easily be negligent.

Even the slightest slack and the unequal power will give up their fortunes.

Ouyang Hui comforted: "The refinement of half-cent equipment is very demanding, and it is normal to fail once or twice."


Yun Feiyang continued to extract ore and refine it.

In the next six months, he refined more than ten times, all of which ended in failure.

Although it was a tragedy, it also made him quite rewarding. Not only did he gain a deeper understanding of the skill of a thousand hammers, he also improved his soul strength.

Whether it is Dan Dao or Casting Dao.

As long as the wholehearted investment, will gradually sublimate the soul.


half year later.

Yun Feiyang began the 20th refining.

This time, the red iron piece was taken out and struck with a hammer, the rhythm and frequency were perfect to be impeccable.


Ouyang Hui was surprised.

She can see that Brother Feiyang's understanding and application of a thousand hammers is not weaker than herself.

It has been so deceptive in just two years.




Yun Feiyang's soul power bound the

At this moment, his face is very serious, and he forgets everything and devotes himself to casting.

Raise your hands again and again.

Beat again and again.

Regular sounds sounded on the casting platform, and a beautiful sound was interwoven.

Five days later.

Yun Feiyang finally stopped.

The piece of ore that has been refined by a thousand hammers has been transformed into a shoulder guard.

He made armor, a piece of ore is impossible to form, so it needs to be refined in batches.


Ouyang Hui looked happy.

This joy is even happier than when he first cast it.


Put the shoulder protector embryo in the water, the air wave is tossing, and it is taken out again, with a shiny sparkle.


Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "I finally succeeded in a small step."

"call out!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, he put in the ore again and began to continue refining.

In the next half month, Yun Feiyang successfully built the armor and other parts. After 20 days, a half-central armor was finally born.

Looking at the radiant complete armor, Yun Feiyang smiled brightly.

Although it is only a first-and-a-half grade, it is still very fulfilling when it is refined by hand.

Moreover, he was convinced that after having his first successful experience, refining again would only be more handy.

"Brother Feiyang."

Ouyang Huidao said: "Although you have refined a first-half immortal-level armor, but you want to have a strong defense, you need to open the light."

"How to open the light?" Yun Feiyang asked.

Ouyang Huidao said: "Go to the enlightener who has a powerful soul to engrave the soul."

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