Super God

Chapter 1453: Hard bomb resistance, trump card dispatched!

After sending troops, it bombarded the defensive fortress, which cost 10,000. After arriving in Feiyang City, it fired twice in succession, totaling 50,000 artillery shells.

Tianlong Realm is really rich and wealthy, so that the realm admires.

However, the tragedy is that after the second round of shelling, the defensive border of the Flying City, although trembling, still stands proudly.

"Oh my God!"

"Flying City's formation is too powerful!"

The warriors from all walks of life were shocked.

You know, the power of that kind of cannonball is comparable to that of a third-fifth-and-a-half-cent fairy, and 20,000 rounds of fire are blasted together.

It was incredible to be able to resist it once, but now, it is carried again, just trembling.

"I'm afraid the rank of this formation is not low."

"I'm afraid, at least, it's at the peak half-cent immortal level."

Several strong players who are familiar with the formation have given high marks.

That Yun Feiyang not only has a strong army, but also arranges such a terrible formation, it really is a god.


The siege general's eyes flashed angrily, saying: "I wouldn't believe it, this method is a copper wall and an iron wall!"

During the talk, he waved again, and 20,000 soldiers filled the shells again.

"Come again?"

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Standing on the tower, Zhuge Jin and Dai Mei frowned, but they quickly ordered that the third batch of soldiers enter the formation.

The second group of soldiers replaced, sitting pale on the playground, looked extremely weak.

Yun Feiyang's defensive formation can accommodate tens of thousands of warriors at the same time for soul blessing.

Even if the warriors of the Tianzun Great Consummation level enter, once the number reaches the extreme, the formed defense strength is also terrifying.

After all, the effect of so many people blessing with the soul is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

However, in the face of the bombardment of three-fifth-and-a-half-class mortar shells, it was still very difficult. The two batches of soldiers who blessed the formation successively suffered internal injuries to varying degrees.

The formation method has the function of isolation, and the warriors of all circles can't explore the inside, so I don't know that although the defensive border has withstood two bombings, it has cost 20,000 soldiers.

Yan Sanxing and other Dan Wang-level strongmen distributed the potion medicine to the injured soldiers at the first time, and healed them at the same time, allowing them to recover their combat power in a very short time.


After the third batch of warriors entered the formation, the soul was fully opened, and the defensive formation was strengthened again, shining proudly.

"Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the third round of bombing on the side of the Tianlong Realm swept through again. Ten thousand spirit soldiers in the array of eyes suddenly rolled over with shocking blood.


Thousands of soldiers were even more difficult to suppress, and they spit out blood one after another. Obviously, they were all injured by the 20,000 shells.

If not relying on the formation method, Ten Thousand Heavenly Venerable Great Consummation and want to resist 20,000 artillery shells, it is absolutely a fantasy.

Zhuge Jin immediately ordered that the third batch of wounded soldiers withdraw and the fourth batch of soldiers re-entry.

There are a total of 500,000 spiritual soldiers in the city, and 10,000 people rotate and carry 50 times without problem.

But what worried Zhugejin was that the foundation of the defensive formation had already been loosened for three consecutive bombings.

If the Tianlong Realm has been bombarded, I am afraid that it is not the soldiers who blessed with soul power, they can hold it.

"This strength of shells, Tianlong Realm cannot be inexhaustible." Zhuge Jin murmured.

Yes, after three rounds of bombing, the throwing machine of Tianlong Realm was suspended, mainly because there were not many shells.

The three bombings could not open the array and fire again and again. It was definitely a brain problem.

"It seems that only the killer skills can be used." The general of the Dragon Realm flashed a fierce gaze.

"Change shells!"

Suddenly, he shouted coldly.



Thousands of soldiers were holding artillery shells weighing a thousand pounds and placed them in the throwing net, and the shells shone brightly.

"Oh my God!"

"I am afraid that this shell level is not low!"

The warriors from all circles exclaimed.

The shells placed by the soldiers of the Dragon Realm revealed a strong breath, which made the Zhugejin on the tower secretly surprised, guessing that the grade or the nine grade and half fairy!


Zhuge Jin immediately said: "Iron Pioneer Group!"

Yun Feiyang had summoned 10,000 spirit soldiers of the half-cent level at the time of building a city. They were members of the Iron-Blood Vanguard.

At that time, Yun Feiyang set up the Iron-Blood Pioneer Group in one hand, and it has been continued since then. It was developed by Zhuge Jin, and its characteristics are that the realm of the members has reached half a grade.

It belongs to the absolute trump card in the entire army.

One thousand nine-and-a-half-class shells of the Dragon Dragon World are ready. Zhuge Jin can only use the Iron-Blood Pioneer Group to defend the defensive formation.


In an instant, tens of thousands of spirit warriors of the first and a half immortal level entered the formation, and quickly blessed the formation with their own soul power, flashing a more dazzling light than before!

"Bang Bang Bang!"

At this moment, thousands of throwing machines were suddenly launched, and thousands of artillery shells carrying terror forces roared, and the surrounding space was suddenly torn apart.

A single ninth grade and a half immortal broke out in the battlefield outside the territory, making it difficult to disturb the world.

Thousands of nine products and half cents shot together, it was very scary.

Thousands of shells in Tianlong Realm are absolutely no less than those of a thousand ninth grade and half cents, and even comparable to the strongest blow of each ninth grade and half cents.

"It's too fierce!"

"How much spirit stone will be spent in this round of bombing!"

Everyone marveled at Tianlong Realm, so crazy to burn money, vowed to break through the determination of Flying City.

"Boom! Boom!"

Thousands of shells finally came into contact with the defensive border.

For a time, the sound of the explosion shook the earth and the earth was radiant.


The light curtain standing in the sky was affected by the power and shook violently, as if it shattered at any time.

To be honest, the power of thousands of ninth-grade and half-cent shells is not weaker than that of several half-cents of the peak period.

It is absolutely normal for the warriors in all circles to create such a huge movement.


After this bombing, the defensive formation standing in the flying city still exists proudly and has not been blasted away!

It really is like an indestructible dam, resisting the erosion of countless floods!

The warriors of all realms saw through the light curtain that the defensive enchantment still exuded an arrogant light and were dumbfounded.

This formation that enveloped the flying city was terrible. After such a bombardment, there was no sign of cracking!

"Fortunately, there are the Iron-Blood Pioneers."

Zhuge Jin whispered.

After this fierce bombardment, the 10,000 Ling soldiers in the formation were only tumbling with blood, and did not suffer much injuries.

If it is replaced by other soldiers, it can't bear it at all. The bombing of thousands of ninth-grade and half-century shells will surely be forced to the formation and the city will be in jeopardy.


The general of the Dragon Realm was furious, and finally seemed to lose his mind. He immediately ordered all the remaining shells to be loaded and began bombarding.

However, after the bombardment, although the formation was showing signs of loosening, it still relied on soldiers of the Iron-Blood Pioneer Group to easily defend it.

In the end, Tianlong Realm stopped bombing, because after two years of preparation, there were no more than 200,000 shells, all of them were bombed out!

Seeing the standing defense enchantment standing, the general of the Dragon Realm standing in midair, anger attacked, and a spit of blood spewed out.


At this moment, the formation outside the city flew, the streamer flickered.

Yun Feiyang came out from inside, his face was very ugly, and at the same time, his eyes contained anger.

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