Super God

Chapter 1461: Seriously injured

With the strength of the Half Immortal Great Consummation, taking over the power of quasi-celestial condemnation, Yun Feiyang's feat will surely remain in history.

Over the past eight or nine days, the warriors from all walks of life are discussing and marveling.

During this period, the two realms of the extraterritorial battlefield also calmed down, and the two sides entered a brief truce.


In the flying city, the formation broken by the power of condemnation was once again set up by a group of formation mages.

Yunli and others are waiting anxiously.

Yun Feiyang's resistance to the condemnation of the heavens was obviously seriously wounded. I don't know what the situation is now.

The situation was very bad. The Dan kings, led by Yan Sansheng, gathered in the room one by one.

They are not only strong Daoists, but also strong medical doctors, but Yun Feiyang suffered too much from injuries and has been comatose so far. They are helpless.

Yan Sansheng will naturally not give up lightly.

He sat down again and lay in his brother's pulse. He was about to conduct an internal investigation, but was bounced back with a force.


Yan Sanxing shook his head and sighed.

Since Yun Feiyang was rescued, he and many Dan kings tried to detect the injury from the inside, and then treated the symptoms, but the results were forcibly ejected.

That force seemed to be a defensive enchantment, or a sense of self-protection that Yun Feiyang comatose.

"Master Gong, Brother Feiyang's breathing is stable, it should not be a big deal." said an elder.

This sentence was endorsed by other kings of Dan. After all, eight or nine days passed, and Yun Feiyang's breath went from on and off to a stable period.

If it is not known that the hard resistance against the condemnation is seriously injured, they will even think that they are just sleeping.

"I hope so."

Yan Sanxing took a look at the crowd and left consciously.

Soon, only Lin Zhixi was left in the room.

In the past few days, Lin Zhixi has been in the room, staying in step, Yun Feiyang is unconscious, and is slow to wake up, making her very worried.

"call out!"

Putting on Yun Feiyang's wrist, Lin Zhixi's thoughts moved, soul power merged into it, and explored his damaged meridians.

The reason why Yan Sanxing and others could not detect Yun Feiyang's body was because he was in a severe coma, and he was working on his own.

Lin Zhixi, who is also practicing the anti-tian tactics, will not be resisted by that force, and can easily be melted in.

After exploring the situation in the body, Lin Zhixi's heart was even more painful, because Yun Feiyang's internal meridians were all damaged.

If there is not the anti-celestial tactics to protect the body, the life attributes cover the damaged meridians and carry out a little repair, I am afraid that it will have long since fallen.

no doubt.

The force that hardly resisted the quasi-central level of condemnation was Yun Feiyang's most serious injury since he was suppressed by 100,000 mountains.

Even now, it can also be said that it has not yet stepped out of Guimenguan, and may fall at any time.

Lin Zhixi will not watch her man fall, all she can do now is to run her own anti-natural tactics to provide him with energy.

"call out!"

A gurgling, pure and special breath poured into Yunfeiyang's body and merged with the weak breath.

After being inspired by the same attributes, the anti-natural tactics that operate on their own gradually become stronger and accelerate the pace of repairing the injury of the master.

After half an hour.

Lin Zhixi's forehead was covered with sweat beads and his face was pale.

Obviously, it is a very sad thing to strengthen Yun Feiyang's anti-sky tactics with his own anti-sky tactics.

What gratified her was that after the blessing again, Yun Feiyang's body attributes became more active, and her ability to self-regulate her injuries accelerated a lot.

After half a month.

Yun Feiyang's injury gradually improved, and the man recovered from his coma.

Lin Zhixi, who was pale, saw a smile on his cold face as he gradually opened his eyes.


Aurora Immortal Emperor's power of punishment was punished. It was really powerful. Yun Feiyang slept for almost a month before waking up from a coma.

If Lin Zhixi assisted with the anti-heaven tactic, relying on his own anti-heaven tactic and the cultivation of his life attributes, it would take at least a year and a half.

Yun Feiyang after his awakening, because of the three changes of the God of War soul body, he could not hear his ears, he could not see his eyes, his body was extremely weak.

Even more tragic.

When he was hard against the condemnation of the heavens, he attacked decisively and exploded his power in an all-round way. The current energy core is empty.

Now Yun Feiyang, once there is no realm, and no power, once again become ordinary people.

The only good news is that the soul is still there, and you can communicate with the flying world and get in with you for longer healing.

This long, it will be very long.

According to Yun Feiyang's own estimation, it will be difficult to recover after more than 100 years.


Flying world.

The space of the sky is fragmented, and the hard ground is even more cracked.

All this stems from Yun Feiyang's hard resistance, and when it was damaged, it also spread to the body plane.

If the power of the condemnation at that time was stronger, the consequence would be that the flying world shattered nothingness.

After years of healing and side effects removed, looking at the devastated plane, Yun Feiyang said bitterly: "It's dangerous."

The flying world is only a fragmentation of the space, and the ground is damaged. In fact, it does not matter. As long as Yun Feiyang's injury recovers and his thoughts move, he can return to the original state.

"Next, heal well."

Yun Feiyang murmured, and then planned to live in Feiyang Realm.

However, before that, he still returned to the outside world and found Zhuge Jin and Feiyang Brother..."

Luo Mu, whose face was slightly pale, flashed her apologies and self-blame.

He was also seriously injured when the enemy was engaged, but after treatment by Yan Sanxing and others, it was no longer a problem.

However, learning that Yun Feiyang saved himself and endured the power of quasi-celestial condemnation, he fell into deep self-blame.

Yun Feiyang glanced at Luo Mu and the others present, and looked solemnly: "No matter what dangers you encounter in the future, you can't let your soul explode."

Normal death, he can be resurrected with the fruit of life.

Even if you can’t save yourself, you can reincarnate, and once you choose to explode your soul, you will be completely dissipated.

It is impossible for someone as strong as Taiwu to resurrect the soulless soul.


Everyone was in unison.

If Luo Mu’s previous encounters were replaced by any of them, the final choice would be to die with the enemy, even if the soul was scattered!

"I'm seriously injured and need to enter the flying community for a long time to nurse. During this time, you are mainly defensive." Yun Fei said.

Zhu Gejin worried: "If there is a heavy crossbow of that level in the Shenyin Empire, I am afraid it will be very troublesome."

Yun Feiyang frowned.

In the previous battle, the group of soldiers who appeared on the battlefield with the help of space attributes, holding a heavy crossbow, was indeed very lethal.

It is too strong, this guy will destroy all of them when he saves Luo Mu, but he is afraid that others can make more.


At this moment, Lin Yifeng waved his hand, and dozens of heavy crossbows were stacked on the ground, saying: "This is what I took earlier, and I can study it."

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang's eyes lit up.

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