Super God

Chapter 1464: There is one thing, which can avoid sanctions

The time of Feiyang Realm has passed rapidly. Every few years, Yun Feiyang will return to the outside world and deliver a large number of heavy crossbows and arrows for Zhugejin.

In terms of the Shenyin Empire, after losing a lot of elite equipped with heavy crossbows, it has never been able to attack.

"Maybe, there is not much of the kind of heavy destructive crossbows, they have been destroyed too much by you, and should be in production now." Zhuge Jindao.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang also thought so, saying: "Temporary calm is definitely a more violent storm, don't let any slack."


Zhuge Jindao: "With these heavy crossbows you sent, at least you have the confidence to fight the Shenyin Empire."

"Oh, right."

Yun Fei said: "Your anti-sky tactics, have you realized that it's ten heavy?"


Zhuge Jindao.

As early as when she surrendered to the source of the gods and demon, she had already realized the anti-tian tactics to the tenth realm, and then it was difficult to improve like Ling Sha Luo.

Among Yun Feiyang's many women, only Lin Zhixi realized the Eleventh Realm.

"Come on."

"Let's talk in the room."


Zhuge Jin was speechless.

She already had a deeper relationship with Yun Feiyang, and naturally knew what it meant by the so-called "we talk in the house".


In the room where the formation is arranged, the armor is scattered on the ground, and the sultry spring has not faded.

Zhuge Jin's long hair was scattered, his eyes closed slightly, and after a long time his eyes were opened, his ruddy pretty face showed joy.

"What did you get?"

Yun Fei said.

Zhuge Jindao: "Eternal Art of War!"

The ancient art of war is a long-lost military art. The creator is the second person to shoulder the mission of reshaping the **** realm.

It is said that after the rebuilding of God Realm that year, the Demon Race was extremely active, and the momentum was overwhelming the God Race.

The mission bearers create eternal warfare and pass it on to future generations, so that their protoss combat power increases dramatically.

But those who have learned the art of war of the ages have been named God of War by the Lord of God. Since then, this title has been in the God Realm.

Later, the first **** of war disappeared bizarrely, and the ancient art of war was lost.

After Zhuge Jin was granted the title of God of War, he had naturally heard of the ancient art of war, but unfortunately he had never witnessed it.

Now, she is very excited to understand the anti-sky tactics to the eleventh realm, and to see the complete record of ‘eternal warfare’ appearing in the sea.


After reading the memory that appeared, Zhuge Jin said with emotion: "It is indeed the first art of war of God Realm, and the formation recorded in it is simply amazing."

"Don't read it first, let's continue."

Zhu Gejin was pushed down on the bed by Yun Feiyang again.

After some rain and rain, she successfully comprehended the heaven and earth to the twelfth realm, and had a stronger improvement in her understanding of martial arts.

However, Yun Feiyang collapsed.

Because he helped Zhuge Jin promote to the twelfth realm, he also won the memory of eternal warfare.

It’s useless to have your own woman and copy it yourself.


Yun Feiyang sighed.

The two things obtained by Zhuge Jin and Ling Sha Luo are very good for them, but for Yun Fei Yang, it seems that they are not very useful.


In the study room of the main palace, Yan Sanxing came in and said, "Brother, are you looking for me?"

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the streamer flashed in the room, and the formation of the formation was formed, shielding everything.


Yan Sansheng was stunned, and suddenly realized that the younger brother must have something very important to find himself, so he set up a formation method to isolate.


Yun Feiyang looked dignified and said: "Do you know if there is any panacea to make a woman pregnant in this world?"


Yan Sanxing was dumbfounded.

Shouting myself and setting up the formation, was it actually asking this?

Yun Fei said: "Speak."

"This one……"

Yan Sanxing dragged his chin and thought for a while: "The younger brother is a sparse learner. It seems that I have never heard of it. There is a panacea in this world that makes a woman pregnant."

Yun Feiyang suddenly felt cool in his heart.

I am too old and subject to strong sanctions from the world. It is definitely difficult to conceive my woman normally, and I can only rely on panacea.

Brothers who have been immersed in the Tao of Elixir all year round have never heard of it, and it seems that there is no hope at all.


At this time, Yan Sansheng said: "The younger brother has heard that there is something that can avoid the sanctions of the world and thus make the woman pregnant."


Yun Feiyang hurriedly said.

Yan San Province Road: "Youth is always fruitful!"

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened and said, "You... what are you talking about?"

Yan Sanxing thought he hadn’t heard it, and said again, one word at a time: “I’m talking about youth forever.”

Yun Feiyang almost jumped up excitedly. After all, when he was in southern Xinjiang, he found a young permanent tree and transplanted it to Feiyang Realm early.

Yan Sansheng explained: "Youth can stay young if you take it forever, and you will never get old. Men can return to youth when you take it, avoiding the sanctions of the world."


Yun Feiyang said excitedly.

Yan Sansheng said: "It is said in the ancient books, but whether it is correct or not, the younger brother is unknown. After all, youth is forever, and it is really rare."


Flying world.

There is an extremely lush medicinal land, a variety of geniuses and treasures, shrouded in purple gas, and flourishing.

Among them, there is a tree of permanent youth ~ ~ Yunfeiyang was transplanted back then. The tree was only just fruited, and it has been mature for at least a thousand years.

Now, not only is there a purple air, but there is also time to accelerate. The ten fruits have long been ripe, and the whole body is covered with a faint streamer.

If it weren't for Yan Sanxing to say that youth is always here, Yun Feiyang would not remember it.

"Unexpectedly, at that time, I just kept my woman's permanent youth. Unexpectedly, it still had the effect of evading sanctions."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

Regardless of whether the ancient records are correct, since the fruit has matured, it must be eaten as soon as possible. After all, it is important for women to stay young.


Yun Feiyang waved his hand, picked ten fruits, and swallowed one himself first.

The meat is sweet and juicy and tastes good.


After the juice entered the body, a gurgling special breath instantly filled the meridians and bones, and at that moment Yun Feiyang felt like he was returning to eighteen!

Not feeling.

It is a true return to youth.

In particular, his skin is more elastic and resilient than before, which is exactly the state of his youth.

"Youth is always fruitful?"

In the study, Lin Zhixi was holding the fruit of his fist, and a trace of surprise appeared on Qiao's face. Obviously, he had heard of this magical thing.

When she took it, her body changed and her skin was more supple, whiter and more elastic.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that the kind of innate noble temperament, even after taking the youth forever, is fuller.

Immediately, Lin Zhixi's appearance will always stay at the pinnacle of a woman's pinnacle, and will never age unless he changes easily.

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