Super God

Chapter 1467: Yun Family Has It

The day before the decisive battle.

Lin Zhixi came by voice, and Yun Feiyang returned to Feiyang Realm.

When he entered the bedroom, he saw Lin Zhixi sitting in front of the window, looking up at the stars on the sky outside the window.

After taking the youth forever, the woman's appearance is even more beautiful, so quiet, just like a goddess from nine days.

After entering the room, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but look stupid.

"You came?"

Lin Zhixi noticed Yun Feiyang and turned his head to smile a little.

"What did you just think?"

Yun Feiyang came, gently holding her cold hand.

Lin Zhixi said: "I'm thinking, although you and I have been engaged for a long time, we haven't gotten married yet."


Yunfei Yang was suddenly embarrassed.

Over the years, he has been busy busy, and he has indeed forgotten this matter.

Lin Zhixi said: "It doesn't matter to you men whether you get married or not, but for our women, it's an upright couple."

"I understand."

Yun Fei said: "When the last battle is over, you and I will hold the wedding."

Lin Zhixi looked at him seriously and said, "Can we do it as soon as possible?"


Yun Feiyang was quite entangled: "Tomorrow is going to war, let's drag on."

At this critical moment, he must win Tianxiong City in one go and win the battle of the Three Realms.


Lin Zhixi said: "I don't know how long this battle can be fought, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "Relax, no matter whether it is a year or ten years, we will have a wedding as soon as it is over."

"ten years?"

Lin Zhixi gave him a white look and said, "I really want to finish this time, our children can practice martial arts."

"I just talk about it casually, it's impossible ten..."

Speaking of which, Yun Feiyang came to an abrupt halt, and the whole person instantly transformed into an immortal statue. After a moment, he shivered: "You... what did you just say?"

Yun Dache God's state of mind is completely chaotic, and even the anti-sky tactics that always run on their own are difficult to suppress.

"I say……"

Lin Zhixi paused a little and whispered: "I have been pregnant for two months."


Yun Feiyang seemed to have suffered a thunderstorm, and the whole person was stunned. This news was so powerful that it made him unbearable for a while.


Lin Zhixi reached out and shook his hand before him, saying, "Are you all right?"

Yun Fei, who had returned to God, gently buckled on the pulse of Lin Zhixi, and suddenly felt that there were two kinds of beating in the meridian, one very strong and one very weak.

Xiannian spread, a weak life in her body, because the time is too short, only the size of the nail cover, there is no obvious body characteristics.

Yun Feiyang can feel that the little life is connected with himself through the breath of blood.


"My cloud family is back!"

"I'm going to be a dad!"

Yun Feiyang's unbridled laughter almost jumped up.

Lin Zhixi was pregnant, which made him almost irrational. After all, he has been actively working for succession for generations.

In the past few years, there has been no progress, and even the effort has been changed to follow.


Yun Feiyang calmed down and whispered: "You can't go to war, you have to be with you."

At this time, the big things have to be dragged back.

As early as half a month ago, Lin Zhixi realized that he was pregnant, but he never told Yun Feiyang, because during that time he was casting a heavy crossbow.

Two days ago, when he learned that he was about to launch a decisive battle, he decided to speak up.

Yun Feiyang's opponent is the Shenyin Empire, the former God Lord Emperor Juntian. This decisive battle is by no means easy to win.

If the time is too long, he and he have no husband and wife status, and the child is born, it does not mean that there is no father.


Lin Zhixi said: "Whether you fight or not is your business, but I hope you will give me a place as soon as possible."

When there were no children, she didn't care, but now that she does, she certainly cares.

Yun Feiyang said seriously: "The wedding ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow."

The children are all there, and they can no longer be delayed at this time. Lin Zhixi must be given a place.

"Three days later."

Lin Zhixi said: "It just happens to be a lucky day."

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Listen to you."

Lin Zhixi did not speak, got up and went to bed to prepare for a rest, Yun Feiyang hurriedly helped her, said: "Be careful."


Lin Zhixi was speechless.

This night, for Yun Feiyang, it was absolutely difficult to sleep, grinning from time to time.


the next day.

Yun Feiyang, Yan Shuang and Luo Mu, said: "The decisive battle is suspended. Three days later, I will hold a wedding in Feiyang City. You must arrange it quickly."


Yan Shuang and Luo Mu and others widened their eyes.

If the battle is gone, the wedding will be held instead. Is this change too great?

"Ah for what!"

Yun Fei said: "It's brisk."

"Okay, okay!"

Yanshuang and Luo Mu left immediately and began to prepare.

When they learned that Lin Zhixi was pregnant, he immediately understood why he did not decide to fight and held a wedding instead.

Yun Feiyang thought about it in the hall and said, "We must hold a grand wedding."


Luo Mu and others are quick and efficient.

In only half a day, the smoke-filled city was suddenly covered with flowers and green.

Even the city walls, which stretched for dozens of miles, were hung with red ribbons, revealing a festive flavor.


The warriors from all walks of life suddenly For no reason, why is Feiyang suddenly dressed up so gorgeous?


At this moment, all formations that isolated the city disappeared temporarily.

Yun Feiyang stood on the playground, looking at the image formation method and smiling: "After three days I will get married in the city, the invitations will not be issued, and I will invite the masters of the world to be busy and bring a gift to congratulate me."


As soon as this remark came out, the warriors of all circles immediately petrified.

Is this guy going to get married? On the battlefield outside the territory, during the boundary war?


It's shameless.

If you don't send invitations, you have to let the realms of the realms come to congratulate you with gifts?

In the eyes of many warriors, Yun Feiyang is too arrogant, however, the realm masters are caught in thought one by one.

During this time, Yun Feiyang's performance was amazing, and they got their approval, believing that they were qualified to sit on equal terms.

Since this person is holding a wedding in a foreign battlefield and initiating an invitation through the shadow formation method, he must carefully consider whether to participate or refuse.

"go with."

The founder of the casting world first expressed his position.

Yun Feiyang beheaded the quasi-central powerhouse, which brought him too much shock.

There are also other hosts who have witnessed the death of Beimenli, and they have even begun to prepare a gift.

The masters who did not know that Yun Feiyang killed the quasi-century deeds also made their decisions one after another, and went to Feiyang City three days later to attend the wedding.


Shen Tianxing said: "Your disciple, your face is really thick."


Tai Wu laughed and said: "This level of extraterritorial battlefield is the attention of all living beings. My wedding here will surely become an old story."

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