Super God

Chapter 1470: Yun Feiyang's son, Yun Wuyou

On the third day after the wedding, the ribbon hanging on the wall of Feiyang City was removed, and everything was restored as before.

Yun Feiyang postponed the decisive battle indefinitely, and accompanied Lin Zhixi with peace of mind.

In fact, before the wedding, he thought about whether to marry other women together, but in the end was tacitly rejected by Liang Yin and others.

Yun Feiyang knew that these women didn't want to grab Lin Zhixi's limelight and did it on purpose.

They are so empathetic, which makes Yun Dachen feel that she is very lucky and very happy.


The next day, on the tower of Feiyang City, a high pole was erected, and the sign of "Free Fight" son hung on it.

This is a battle-free card. Once the two armies are engaged, once a party hangs out, they will wait for a truce to be announced and will not fight for the time being.

Yun Feiyang just got married and hung a battle-free card between the cities. The warriors from all walks of life expressed their understanding.

In terms of the Shenyin Empire, it also seems to be very cooperative. In the next period of time, he did not choose to attack.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, but that the elite divisions equipped with heavy crossbows suffered heavy casualties in the previous World War. Even if Feiyang City didn’t hang the exemption card, they would not be able to go to war rashly.

Yun Feiyang wholeheartedly took care of Lin Zhixi, waiting for the children to come, while Shenyin Empire was paying close attention to the production of ordnance and dispatching more elite teachers.

Since so.

The foreign battlefield has entered a truce.

Many warriors, however, do not care whether the two realms are at war, and are still discussing and discussing the previous huge wedding.


Flying world.

Yun Feiyang deliberately accelerated the time in the main palace area to return to the same level with the outside world. The reason for this is that the fetus will have an impact on the flow rate of the time too fast.

In fact, in the flying world, except for special practice areas that have time to accelerate, most cities are at normal speed.

Many martial arts want to improve the state, they can choose to enter the time acceleration, gravity double area to practice, and mortals who are not interested in martial arts can live as usual without being affected by time acceleration.

"What are you doing?"

"Drink water."

"I'm coming, you rest."

Yun Fei Yang Miao poured over the water, fully fulfilled his duty as a husband.

Lin Zhixi was speechless.

Although I am pregnant, I am also a warrior after all. I can do this myself.

Yun Feiyang is very caring for Lin Zhixi. No matter what he does, he always follows.


Seven months later.

Lin Zhixi is already having a big belly, and the child is about to be born. During this time, Yun Feiyang has been sleeping all night, and he is waiting carefully.

At the same time, Xiannian will blend into it and observe the fetal movements. Whenever he sees the little guy kicking his hands and feet, he laughs and closes his mouth.

This day.

Lin Zhixi, who was walking in the back garden, suddenly frowned, covering his stomach and saying, "It hurts..."


"To... be born..."

Yun Feiyang suddenly stayed like a wooden chicken.

On this day, he had imagined many times, but when it really happened, he was immediately circled.

"Help... help me go back..."

Lin Zhixi's eyebrows were wrinkled tightly, and sweat beads oozed from his forehead.

The birth of life is the most sacred thing between heaven and earth, even if Lin Zhixi has reached half an immortal, it can not offset the pain brought about during childbirth.

"Good... good..."

Yun Feiyang was a bit confused.

It didn't take long.

The whole city's main palace suddenly became lively, and more than ten senior midwives kept entering and leaving the room.

Lin Zhixi's cold personality, even with the endless suffering brought by childbirth, still clinging to the bedding, silently.

This is the greatest moment in a woman's life. They have experienced the pain that men have never endured, in return for the birth of a small life.

Yun Fei stood outside the courtyard, Xiannian extended, watching Lin Zhixi's painful expression, his whole heart was tingling.

Earlier he had learned from Dou Bi and Xiang Yuan. He knew that the process of a woman giving birth to a child was painful, but he did not expect it to be so painful.

"Mrs. Yun, hard."

"It's coming out, and use some more force!"

Several midwives were in the room, sweating, giving birth to the wife of Yuncheng Lord, making them more stressed.

However, Lin Zhixi was exhausted by the pain.

"No, the child's head is stuck." The midwife exclaimed: "Mrs. Yun, hard!"

Lin Zhixi, who was already exhausted, was shocked when he heard this, and the potential maternal power suddenly broke out.


A loud cry of babies came from above the castle.

Yun Feiyang, who was anxiously waiting, heard a cry, and Xiannian's investigation of Lin Zhixi was only weak, and there was no harm. His tight heart was always relaxed.

"gave birth……"

"I'm a dad!"


Yun Feiyang looked up and laughed.

Yun Dachen, who has been working hard to continue the veins of the Yun family, finally has a child today. How can I not be excited or unhappy!


Pushing out the door, a midwife hugged the baby child and smiled: "Congratulations to Lord Yun, a big fat kid."

Yun Feiyang took it in a hurry, and saw the baby who had just arrived in this world. His eyes were slightly closed, and he slept happily. He looked very cute.


Lin Zhixi said: "Let me see..."

Yun Feiyang immediately entered the house, gently lowering the child beside Lin Zhixi's face.

Lin Zhixi, who was weak and pale, looked at his child and showed a rare smile, full of motherhood.


Lin Zhixi gave birth to a baby boy, which caused the cities in the flying world to boil. Many martial arts and ordinary people spontaneously prayed for them.

At the same time, Tai Wu was also disturbed. He appeared in Feiyang Realm with supreme supernatural powers, and looked at the baby who was just a few days old.


After investigating Taiwu, he exclaimed: "The body of the congenital five elements, the extremely cold ice body, merges six attributes of sword, demon, martial, ghost, essence, and demon."

Yun Feiyang stunned.

The son has a congenital five-element body, and he can see the extremely cold ice body, but did not see it, and merged six attributes.


Tai Wu smiled and said: "This child carries two physiques ~ ~ and is compatible with six attributes. It is really a good seedling for practicing martial arts."

"That is."

Yun Feiyang proudly said: "His Laozi is not simple, and his son is definitely not simple."

Taiwu shook his head and looked at the cute boy again, saying, "Have you thought about the name?"

"This one……"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "No."

Before the child was born, he actually thought a lot, but none of them were satisfied, and have been entangled until now.

"Name the teacher to help this child, do you think it's good?" Taiwu smiled.

"it's not good."

For your own children, it only makes sense to name yourself.

What's more, this old **** stick has a cloud dog egg, cloud dog left and the like, then **** it.

Taiwu looked up at the sky, pointing at the flowing clouds, and said, "The cloud dances with the wind, wanders for life, and carefree for life, this child is called Yunwuyou."


Yun Feiyang murmured: "Not bad."

Taiwu smiled and said: "That's it, it will be called Yun Wuyou from now on, and he will be carefree all his life."

Since then, the children of Yun Feiyang and the Goddess of the Nine Heavens have been called Yun Wuyou. However, this kid is worried, but the rivers and lakes are suffering.

How many beauties who have opened their hearts for the first time, thinking hard about this shameless bastard, and how many strong people, habitually wake up in the middle of the night, probe their space rings and treasure house, have they been stolen.

As a result, whenever a disaster occurs, Yun Da Bian Shen will deliberately enter the flying world, wipe his buttocks, and shut him in a small black room to carry out inhumane father-son emotional exchanges.


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