Super God

Chapter 1474: Keep alive

In the eyes of the warriors of all realms, the current fighting on the extraterritorial battlefield is the battle between the generals of God Realm and God Hidden Realm.

In fact, this represents the battle of two soul awakeners with different positions.

On one side is Yun Feiyang, who supports the destiny, and on the other side is the Emperor Heaven who wants to become a surrogate.

This kind of confrontation, even if it is not staged now, will eventually appear in the future.

However, in terms of strength, many gods and spirits headed by Luo Mu are at an absolute advantage.

After all, they had changed the bones of the **** king class at that time. At this point, the enemy soul gods could not compare.



Various divine powers and supernatural powers erupted in the battlefield outside the territory, forming a brilliant light, and the space also shattered.

"too frightening!"

"The generals of these two circles seem to have only nine ranks and a half cents, but they are not weaker than the half perfect."

"Especially the generals of Yunfei Yang's side, it seems that they are almost reaching a stable period!"

Everyone was amazed.

At the same time, it can be seen from the battle situation that the Shenyin Empire is passive, and defeat is only a matter of time.

However, Luo Mu and others are not only very strong, but even Long Zhenyu, Mo Wenxuan, and Du Guqin who are not gods and spirits are also very strong.

In their dealings with the Soul, they did not fall into the disadvantages at all, and even achieved repression.

In particular, Luo Mu's eldest brother Long Zhenyu, the dragon bloodline was completely excited, and even two of the two were amazing.


In the Hall of Pride, Ning Zetian smiled and said, "That person seems to have the blood of the Dragon Race."

"Not bad."

Yulong condensed and said: "It has been stimulated to a good point, and its strength is stronger than that of me."

This person is also a descendant of the Dragon race, but knows that if his realm is the same as him, he will never win if he fights.

The reason why Long Zhenyu is so strong is not only the blood of the Dragon tribe, but also the reason for the hard work in the flying world.

Any martial artist, as long as he enters the flying world, undergoes gravity, time acceleration training, and absorption of stronger attributes, it will become stronger.

Seeing that he was at a disadvantage, the coach of the Shenyin Empire waved with one hand, and the soldiers in the back suddenly raised a heavy crossbow.

After several destructions of this type of heavy weapons of destruction, the number is very small, only 100,000.


At the command of the coach, the soldiers who had already prepared to pull the trigger pulled the trigger, and the arrow rain whistled.

"It's troublesome now!"

"The heavy crossbow of Shenyin Empire is much stronger than the heavy crossbow of God Realm."

Everyone was worried.

In the sky, a huge golden shield shield formed by the condensed divine power was formed outrageously.

Shen Qing, who possesses the soul of one of the three great gods of war, stands behind the shield and an endless stream of divine power erupts to form a strong defense!

"Another God of War..."

In the palace, the general standing next to Emperor Juntian's face suddenly became ugly.

The other two Gods of War in the God Realm were even found by Yun Feiyang, which is undoubtedly a bit tragic.

Among the gods of the **** realm, the three great gods of war are definitely representatives of the three extremes.

The **** of battle is flying in the sky, and fighting is the mainstay. Except for a few veteran gods, it is definitely the first master of the contemporary era.

The God of War, Zhuge Jin, is war-oriented and impeccable in all kinds of battles.

The other God of War candle dragon is more famous for its defense, and its shield with magical power is extremely hard.

These three people, now in the same camp, are really not a good thing for Shenyin Empire and Emperor Heaven.



One hundred thousand arrows exploded and bombarded the Aegis. Although it had a terrifying impact, it was not shaken at all.

"Lying trough!"

Seeing this, Luo Mu collapsed suddenly.

At the time of the battlefield, he made a fortune, and was seriously injured by the sudden appearance of the heavy crossbow team. This kid, the Aegis, was able to carry it.

There is no way, what is the most resistant God of War, is it that the waves get their name, and besides, Luo Mu greeted 200,000 last time, this time only 100,000.

"Die to Lao Tzu!"

Luo Mu pushed his opponent back, the golden giant ape with a height of 100 feet, his arms folded together, and angrily hit the heavy crossbow army that was installing arrows.


With a punch, the violent wind and dust rolled up, and tens of thousands of enemy soldiers died suddenly.

"Long Wei Zhen Tian!"

At the same time, Long Zhenyu exhibited the dragon clandestine cheats between the two gods and souls.


Above the sky, a golden streamer formed, countless dragon lights burst like rain, sweeping the enemy heavy crossbow team.

Before the war, Zhuge Jin had issued orders, and once the opponent showed a heavy crossbow, it was destroyed as soon as possible.



Countless dragon lights fell and crashed into the crowd.

For a time, the heavy crossbow team of the Shenyin Empire side, the bombed people turned over.

"Experience, let's kill!"

Murong Zhan smiled eerily, waved his big hand, and a strong killing atmosphere swept through.


Those disbanded enemy soldiers were immediately disturbed by the killing gas, dropped their heavy crossbows, and screamed with their heads in tears, and their faces were extremely fierce.


Suddenly, in the chaotic crowd, countless sand and dust condensed and turned into a sand man, trampled madly.


The corners of the warriors' mouths twitched.

In their view, the heavy crossbow team of the Shenyin Empire is simply an was mercilessly slaughtered by the generals of Yunfei Yangfang.

Very short time.

Hundreds of thousands of crossbow teams, killed by Luo Mu and other people's magical powers, were killed as much as they could stain the earth with blood.

"call out!"

At this time, Du Guqin exhibited an extremely powerful sword move, which directly cut off the left arm of a spirit soul.

His sword could kill each other, but at a critical juncture, Yun Feiyang preached: "Stay alive."

Those who do not recognize their own souls, Yun Feiyang has no interest in them, and will never think of countering them.

To keep the mouth alive means to imprison it, and then take back the supernatural powers and souls.

With the defeat of the first enemy spirit soul, the rest of the others were also injured by Luo Mu and others.

Even, relying on absolute strength, blocked their meridians and soul power, making it difficult to explode.

In a short period of time, dozens of gods and spirits were all captured, which also made the warriors from all walks of life conclude that the top fighting power of the Shenyin Empire was completely gone.

After finishing these gods and souls, Luo Mu and others returned one after another, and all of them were refreshed.

I have been practicing in the flying world for a long time, but today is the best time to fight. After all, the opponent is not weak, and they are also the souls.

Yun Feiyang smiled,

When they cannot participate, they can stand alone and practice for years.


Yun Wuyou's milky voice said: "It turns out that Uncle Luo is awesome here."

Yun Feiyang rubbed his little head and smiled: "Dad is much better than them."


Yun Wuyou questioned.

The little guy always believed that his father had abused himself and was invincible, but he had never seen him and others do it.

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