Super God

Chapter 1487: Sword Mound again

The land of swords.

Yun Fei Yang stood proudly, and the swords flying in all directions stopped in midair as if still.

After witnessing the sword picker behind him, all eyes widened, his mind was deeply shocked.

At that moment, they had an illusion that this young man seemed to be accepting the worship of countless swords!

Who is he?

Even with only one word, can the Nine Sword Rain stop?

Everyone present was thinking about this.

The middle-aged man who ridiculed before was blushing, obviously having the feeling of being beaten hard.


Yun Feiyang stepped forward, and above him, countless swords were still frozen, like soldiers being read.

that's it.

Under the eyes of everyone, Yun Feiyang gradually went away.

When he completely disappeared into the field of vision, the originally frozen sword fell to the ground lightly.

As for the sword picker, he easily avoided it and escaped a mortal disaster.

"We are still alive!"

"It's incredible!"

For the rest of their lives after the robbery, they were very happy.

To be honest, in the situation just now, even if they had ten lives, they were not enough to die.

Looking at the figure that had disappeared, the old man said solemnly: "It was the young man who saved us!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was silent.

They naturally know that the end of countless swords must be related to young people.

However, it was the old man who rescued them. Yun Feiyang might not have supreme sword intention to stop Wan Jian unless he kindly reminded him.


Sword mound.

One of the forbidden places of Little God Realm.

At that time, Yun Feiyang found the source of the gods and demons here.

I am here today with only one purpose, to find the two remaining fragments of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.

In the past, his realm was only a void, and he and Lin Yifeng and others entered, and we must always be vigilant.

It is now the half-cent immortal consummation in the peak period, walking in a sword-like formation, similar to the intricate formation, Yun Feiyang is like walking in his back garden.

Some organs that originally existed in Jianzuo also ceased to function because of his great strength.


Yun Feiyang came to the entrance to the underground.

At that time, he entered into it, and found the source of the gods and demons left by the gods of time and space.

Yun Feiyang didn't enter, because there was nothing in it, so he moved deeper into Jianzuo.


A burst of cold wind blew, making the environment a bit gloomy.

Yun Feiyang, fearless, moved forward step by step, and soon came to a round stone platform about a thousand feet away.

The dense swords scattered on the stone platform are almost piled up into a mountain.

"Want to come, Jianyu flew out from here."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

Suddenly, he found that the central position of the stone platform was not enveloped by swords, but appeared blank, revealing the slate.

"There are mysteries."

Yunfei fluttered and landed on the stone slab.

Faintly, he felt a faint breath of formation, rippling from the blank slate.

"Is this the source of the sword mound formation?"

In the eyes of the world, there are countless swords in the sword mound, and the arrangement is strange and weird, forming a natural sword array.

However, Yun Feiyang always believed that the natural formation of the sword formation was really impossible, and there must be some kind of more advanced formation in the sword mound.

Now he feels a different breath from the sword formation, which makes him more sure of his guess.

"call out!"

Xiannian poured out and explored along the breath of formation.

Sure enough, only a slight exploration, Yun Feiyang determined that there must be a formation in the sword mound.

And very advanced.

Because with his quasi-celestial fairy thoughts, he could not penetrate the formation in the dark for a while.

"Little God Realm has been established for thousands of years, and the foundation is insufficient. Why is there such an unpredictable formation?"

"Will it be a source of devouring to absorb a certain world continent and bring the sword mound together too."

Yun Feiyang thought while cracking the formation.

After half an hour of penetration, Xiannian finally melted in.


At the moment of infiltrating the array method, the sword mound shrouded by countless swords suddenly shivered violently, while Yun Fei, who was inside, could feel that the earth seemed to sink.

The group of warriors who were searching for complete swords in the land of sword sources also noticed the same.

They raised their eyes to the direction of the sword mound, and watched, surrounded by the sword, the area regarded as a forbidden area gradually disappeared.

To be precise, it is sinking!

"what's the situation?"

"Sword... The sword mound is gone..."

Everyone was horrified.

The old man who was kindly reminded was brave enough to lean in, but he was stunned.

In front of him, the area where the sword mound should have existed, there was no more sword in a few tens of miles, showing a huge pit.

How deep this pit is, the old man does not know, because with his Nether Realm-level elementary thoughts, he cannot actually reach the bottom!


The old man swallowed.

Several brave warriors also leaned over, and they looked horrified when they saw the bottomless pit.

This day, for them, is full of incredible.

The first is nine times the sword rain struck.

Secondly, the young man's word "stop" made all countless swords stop.

Finally, there is a long-standing sword mound, which disappeared in an instant, leaving a big pit with no bottom!


Inside the dark and dark Feiyang is still standing on the stone slab, looking up at the sky, whispering: "It fell very deep."


Suddenly, the countless swords lying on the round stone tremble slightly, and then flew away, with the handles facing upward and the tips of the swords facing down.

They emit a weak sword light around them, illuminating the dark areas immediately.

At the same time, Yun Fei's eyes are constantly changing, with countless lights flashing around, like bright stars.

"call out--"

The scene stopped and Yun Feiyang found himself in the universe.

Any areas that can be seen in the field of vision are all erect swords, and their order implies a certain pattern.

"call out!"

Suddenly, rows of swords moved by themselves and changed continuously.

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, feeling vaguely that this should be a very special sword array.

as predicted.

Countless sharp swords stopped after changing, and not long afterwards, they began to convert again, exactly the same as the previous ones.


Yun Feiyang murmured: "This is showing me the sword array."

After that, he kept his eyes on the changes of each batch of swords.

After the second conversion is completed, the third conversion starts again.

Yun Feiyang is in the vast universe, always watching the changes of the sword array with all his attention, and gradually knowing the complete trajectory of the sword array in the sea.

With constant in-depth understanding, he found that this sword array is too mysterious.

Three days later.

Yun Feiyang jotted down the sword array.

At the same time, a thick voice sounded in Shihai: "This sword array is called Zhutian sword array, which was created by my whole life's hard work. You know that you are a fate."

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