Super God

Chapter 1490: Level 2

After Luo Mu stubbornly resisted the three rounds of Jianyu bombing, the supernatural powers were cracked, and people fainted with white foam.

This is only the first round of Yun Feiyang's control of Zhutianjian array, and the strongest state has not erupted, otherwise there will be a crisis of falling.

"Lying trough!"

The strange monster cried: "So strong?"

Defensively, he thought he could not compare with Luo Mu, and this guy couldn't carry three bombings, so he would surely kneel in one round.

The expressions of Long Zhenyu and others are also dignified.

Yun Feiyang smiled, apparently satisfied with the power of Zhu Tianjian.

"call out!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, the fourth round of Jianyu swept through again.

"I come!"

Apply for a step forward, turning the divine power into a golden shield, standing above everyone, forming a strong defense.


Sword rain slammed on the giant shield and did not break.

In the same realm, Shen Qing, who has the most resistance to the God of War, has a stronger defense than Luo Mu.

"Boo! Boo!"

The fifth round of sword rain struck again.

After some bombing, the giant shield standing above still exists.

Shen Qing frowned, and he felt that the intensity of Jianyu this time was obviously stronger than before.

This means that when the master was manipulating the sword array, he did not use the strongest power at all.

"call out!"

The sixth round of sword rain burst out.

Shen Qing withdrew his thoughts and poured his power into the giant shield to form the strongest defense.

"Boom! Boom!"

After this round of bombing, the Aegis standing above clearly dropped a lot and still shivered slightly.

"Not good."

Yunli and others realized that Shen Qing Aegis might not be able to support it for too long.

Sure enough, Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved again, the seventh round of the sword rain slammed down, and finally shattered the golden giant shield.


Shen Qing burst back dozens of steps, and after stabilizing his body, the blood in his body boiled.

He has been subjected to four consecutive sword rain bombardments, and each time his power has been strengthened, making him inevitably injured.

If Shen Qing knew that Yun Feiyang's fourth sword rain attack only used 30% of the strength of the sword array, his heart would definitely collapse completely.

"call out!"

At this moment, another round of sword rain swept through.

"Let's go together!"

"it is good!"

The breath of Yunli and Long Zhenyu and others immediately exploded and blasted towards the endless sword rain.

This scene is what Yun Feiyang wants to see most.

Because he has to verify the power of Zhu Tianjian.

More than a dozen soul souls, whose strength is almost comparable to that of the half-cent immortal peak period, this is definitely a good opportunity to test.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the sword array, the sound of Lei Guan'er was constantly rippling.

The terrifying breath is full of madness, giving a suffocating feeling.

If there is a master of the world present at this moment, feeling the full burst of breath of the Lunar calendar and others, it will definitely awe.

If it weren’t for Yun Feiyang’s glory to be too dazzling, any one of them would be qualified as a demon.

After all, he has been practicing in the flying world, and he has divine soul, divine personality, and divine bone.


Just today, they were hit hard.

Because dozens of cards broke out in a dozen people, but they were beaten in the sword array.

"Boom! Boom!"

Forty-ninth Jianyu bombed down.


Murong Zhan eventually lacked strength, and sorrowfully fell to the ground.

Looking at the sword array again, He Qi, Feng Shaoyan and others were already exhausted.

Now still standing, still standing hard, only Yunli and Long Zhenyu, Du Guqin are left.

However, after supporting the fifty-second sword rain, the three could not compete with it, and finally fell exhausted to the ground.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang appeared in the sword array and smiled: "Your strength and performance are beyond my imagination."

Everyone was speechless.

So many of us are alive with a sword array, this is not good, this is shameful!

Yun Feiyang laughed: "After a while, continue."


Everyone suddenly collapsed.


Yun Feiyang has only initially mastered Zhutian Sword Array, and is still unskilled in manipulation and conversion.

If you want to improve, you must keep fighting in practice, so you pull Luo Mu and others to practice your hands almost every three or five days.

He's cool, the big guy is tragic.

The following month, Luo Mu and others entered the sword array six times, and the results were all destroyed.

If you want to find something to gratify.

That is to say, the number of contests each time is much higher than last time.

For example, the seventh breakout ended with a mass extinction, but the crowd withstood a hundred sword rain bombings, and the number was obviously doubled compared to the first.

This proves that they continue to annihilate in the sword array, and their strength is also rapidly improving.

As long as the strength can be improved faster, Luo Mu and others are also happy to come to the battlefield, every time the group is destroyed, every time there is something to gain.

What they think is rewarding, but Yun Feiyang knows that these people have gained a lot.

Because for the first time let Luo Mu and others enter the array, the strength of the sword array used will be 30%, and now they have been raised to 50% to deal with them.

The strength of the sword array was strengthened, and the more resistance Luo Mu and others resisted, the more the number of times, which can be described as a rapid growth.

Of course, this benefit is mutual.

The strength of Luo Mu and others has improved, and Yun Feiyang's control and understanding of the sword array has also improved.

Now that he has completely controlled the first round of sword array conversion, his heart moved, Jian Yu can pour down.

Zhutian sword array has many levels.

The first level of Jianyu is nothing more than an entry.

Therefore, after the extreme control, he began the second level of actual combat exercises.


Within the sword array.

Luo Mu and others entered again It was no longer Jianyu, but thirty-six giant swords.


The big guy was dumbfounded.

After running through countless sword formations and experiencing countless sword rains, the gameplay suddenly changed, which caused them to collapse.

"call out!"

At this moment, under the control of Yun Feiyang's mind, the two giant swords suddenly slashed down.


Luo Mu immediately performed magical powers to form golden apes to hard connect.


The loud noise came, and the ape beast formed by the divine power was suddenly cut into nothingness by two large swords.


The magical power was violently cracked, Luo Mu suffered a backlash, blood spewed out, and then his eyelids rolled over, and he foamed down on the ground.

Luo Mu who fainted in the past, the inner monologue must be-the author, why am I fainting again? !


Everyone's eyes widened.

The two swords directly smashed Luo Mu's supernatural powers, which is terrifying.

Yun Feiyang was also surprised.

He didn't expect that at the second level of his sword formation transformation, he only used 20% of the power to break Luo Mu's defense magic.

This is the strength of Zhutian Sword Array.

Jianyu at the first level is just an appetizer.

The higher the level, the more powerful the formation of its sword array is.

As a price, Yun Feiyang used two giant swords to cut off, which cost a lot of soul and energy.

The energy consumption can be replenished quickly by eating immortality, but the consumption of soul can only be repaired by time.

"Although the second level is tough."

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "But if you are not facing a strong enemy, you should use it as little as possible."

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