Super God

Chapter 1499: It's time to go out

The beheading of Beimen Li in the same year was because of the blessing of the sword spirit, which formed a powerful and horrible sword.

Nowadays, although the Hunyuan Qiankun sword is complete, the small and cheap power is too weak. It is also very difficult for Yun Feiyang to overcome the quasi immortal.

It's ok.

Yun Dache is not discouraged.

In his view, as long as there is enough time to allow Xiaochees to absorb the divine power, once they reach the level of their own, they must be qualified to fight against the quasi- immortal.

"Take advantage of this time to cultivate the supernatural powers of the gods."

Yunfei Yangpan sat down and meditated.

In the battle on the extraterrestrial battlefield, he gained more than ten kinds of supernatural powers.

Immortal Sword Spirit is located in Shenmo Mountain, ingesting the powerful and powerful ego insanely, while Yun Feiyang is constantly enlightening the magical power, and time passes unconsciously.

A hundred years later.

Yun Feiyang has thoroughly understood the five supernatural powers.

The immortal sword spirit also broke from the first-grade and half-cent to the third-grade and half-cent.

Although it is not human, it is difficult to cultivate mentality, but as a sword spirit, it has a huge advantage.

As long as there is enough divine power to absorb, it can be steadily promoted without bottlenecks.

Another hundred years passed.

Xiaochian broke from the third-grade half-cent to the fifth-grade half-cent.

This level of improvement is almost two stages per hundred years. Such stability is not possible even if Yunfei is flying.


The flying time has accelerated in the region for two hundred years, and the outside world has passed in the past year.

Beimen Song and Beimen Crane, after searching for a long time, did not find Yun Feiyang, so they stayed in front of the source of devouring.

They were very annoyed, so annoyed that the big fat sheep just ran away.

"Fourth brother."

Beimensong said coldly: "When I met the kid again, you and I shot together and captured him as soon as possible."

"it is good."

Beimenhe nodded.

The two no longer speak, quietly guarding the source of devouring, vaguely guessing, that guy may come again.

The actions of the two quasi-cents were observed by Yun Feiyang, and he smiled coldly: "When I reappear, it will be when you two are killed."

The level of small and cheap has been improved, and the two have merged, driving the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and the power formed is stronger than before.

Yun Feiyang can be sure that when the level of small and cheap reaches half-sen perfection, it should be okay to fight against the quasi-sen.

of course.

Yun Feiyang also knows that it is more difficult to play against two prospective immortals, so he must think about countermeasures.

How can two beasts be beheaded?

Thinking about it, Yun Feiyang still pinned his hopes on Zhutianjian array.

For this reason, after comprehending the supernatural powers, they called out Luo Mu and others to continue to improve their proficiency through actual combat.


Five hundred years later.

Yun Feiyang will ingest all the supernatural powers and realize the ultimate.

The second level of control of Zhutian Sword Array is perfect.

The only flaw is that this kind of killing array, with his current state and energy, will be exhausted once he casts it once.

"The opportunity must be seized to kill the enemy."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

In these five hundred years, the immortal sword spirit ingested divine attributes madly, and the level reached a stable period of half a fairy perfection.

Then, it absorbed another two hundred years and finally broke through to its peak.


Yun Feiyang sighed: "In nine hundred years, from the breakthrough of the first product to the peak period, you can do it at a speed that is small and cheap."

Xiaochian said proudly: "I am also an extremely rare immortal sword spirit anyway."


Yun Feiyang whispered: "If it weren't for me, the flying power of God's power attribute is dozens of times stronger than that of God Realm, how could you break through so quickly."


Xiaochian smiled and said: "That's true."

"All right."

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "The level is also high, let's start practicing."

Xiaochee shouted, "What else are you cultivating? Just go out and burst the chrysanthemums of those two bastards!"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "Do you think that two quasi-cents are so beautiful?"

"You and I are both good and bad. Whose chrysanthemum can't explode in this world?"

Xiaochee said proudly.

This guy's arrogance is not weaker than Yunfeiyang at all.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Yun Feiyang holding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, solemnly said: "Let's go, we will study Zhutian sword array."


An empty place.

Yun Feiyang stood proudly, fluttering in white.

At his feet, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword was inserted in the mud, and the sword body shone brightly.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Yun Fei waved his hands, and countless swords came out of the sky, centering on himself, forming a huge circular sword array.

These swords are all from the hands of Ouyang Hui, and their quality has reached the level of nine grades and half cents.

Ten thousand handles, nine ranks and half cents of swords came to form a sword array. If it spreads out, it will definitely envy many warriors.

The sword stands, and the sword array forms.

However, the central location is empty.

This is the absolute eye of the sword array. Without sword blessing, the sword array will not function properly.


At this moment, the sword of the Hunyuan Qiankun trembles slightly, flew out by itself, and the tip of the sword hangs down at the center position, forming the most important sword array of the sword array.


After the array of eyes returned, Zhutian Sword array operated, and a strong sword intention sprang up.

At the same time, the ten-handed sword trembles slightly, and the pure sword meaning floats out, condensed in the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.

The Hunyuan Qiankun sword radiates light like a king above, and Wan Jian seems to be worshipping it.


Yun Fei Yang Xi said: "Use the Hunyuan Qiankun sword to form an important array of can increase the strength of Zhutian sword array."

Sword array, composed of swords.

The most common swords and extremely high-quality swords form a sword formation that is definitely two concepts.

Yun Feiyang plunged 130 warriors in their peak period, and the quality of the swords arranged was not very high.

Now, ten thousand handles and nine grades of immortal swords, with the help of the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, form the Zhutian sword array, and there must be earth-shaking changes.

Luo Mu and others were invited to enter the sword array, and suddenly realized that the sword array once again arranged by Fei Yang was much stronger than before.

"It's a little dangerous."

"I think, let's withdraw."

Yunli suggested.

"call out!"

At this moment, Yun Feiyang thought.

The main array of eyes, the Yuankun sword, flashes light, communicates with the swords, and forms the first level of sword rain.


In an instant, the power like a tide suddenly came down from the sky, causing Luo Mu and other people's faces to change greatly, and they used magical powers to resolve.

The result is sad.

Only after two rounds of bombing, Luo Mu's magical power was broken by Jian Yu, and he fell to the ground with scars.

Over the past nine hundred years, everyone's state has also entered the peak period from the stable period, but in front of the sword array composed of stronger swords, it is still weak and vulnerable.

"not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed with satisfaction.

In the next few years, he has been practicing the sword array with the Hunyuan Qiankun sword as the main array, and his cooperation with the small and cheap is becoming more and more perfect.

"call out!"

One day, after Yun Feiyang abused Luo Mu and others as usual, he withdrew his sword array, and Xiannian rushed to the outside world, raising an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, saying, "It's time to go out."

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