Super God

Chapter 1501: Slash the North Gate Crane!

When Yun Feiyang and Beimen Song played against each other, the picture was passed on the light curtains of the world, and it immediately caused a huge shock.

No warrior would have thought that a peak half-cent immortal consummation would actually fight alone with two quasi-cents.

To be precise, they haven't even thought about this level of leapfrog fighting.

World's best!

So much so, the warriors of all realms looked at the arrogant sky, revealing the flying clouds of the king's breath, their eyes full of worship.

no doubt.

This battle, even if Yun Feiyang was defeated.

The warriors from all walks of life still admired him and dared to single out two quasi-cents.

"Wow, dad!"

In the Hall of Pride, Yun Wuyou said excitedly.

The little guy is ten years old, and the young face is a bit like Yun Feiyang, especially those big eyes, wandering around, very strange.

Yun Wuyou's current state is the Great Constellation of the Void Realm. In fact, with his qualifications, he can be promoted faster.

However, Shen Tianxing asked him to stop practicing and focus on shaping the flesh, because the state of the realm rises too fast, which is not a good thing.


Ning Zetian embraced his chest with both hands and smiled: "Yun Xuedi is so powerful, one person singles out two quasi-cents."

Yulong Road: "Student Yun has improved rapidly in recent years."

"In my opinion."

Guan Zizai came over and said solemnly: "Yun Feiyang can now ask Xuanyuan to compete with him."

As soon as this remark came out, Ning Zetian and others were stunned.

The second proud star in the Stars Chart, since that is said, it should be reliable.


At this moment, Xuanyuan Wentian also came over. He looked at the light curtain and looked at Yunfeiyang, saying: "He is stronger than me now."

Ning Zetian and others secretly shocked.

Let the top of the star list admit that Yun Feiyang is definitely powerful.


Si Wuji said with emotion: "This Yun Xuedi, is really a demon."

Ning Zetian and others agreed.

When entering the Hall of Pride, the realm of that guy was nothing more than a half-cent.

Now less than two decades, it has reached its peak period, and it is a terrifying battle to grow up with the two quasi-century heroes.


Yun Feiyang played against two prospective immortals, attracting attention from all circles.

However, in the Zhenwu God Territory, a light curtain also emerges, and countless powerful people are watching.

They looked at the young man, facing the two quasi-elder-level elders of the Beimen family, they showed a glorious momentum, and they were all stunned.

"This is Yunfeiyang?"

"I heard that the battle of the Three Realms not long ago, the army he commanded, wiped out the two Super Realms in one fell swoop."

"Huh, it's really awesome."

Many powerful people are talking, and Yun Fei is also quite appreciated in words.

Of course, I don't understand. Why would there suddenly appear a light curtain connecting the lower realm between the heavens?

Who did it?

Of course it is too martial.

At this moment, he stood on the mountain and smiled: "Tu'er, if you can defeat two quasi-cents, you are eligible to enter the real martial arts realm."


A gentle voice came: "My son, can this be done?"

Taiwu smiled and said: "With the Hunyuan Qiankun sword in hand, there should be no problem."


True Martial God Territory, splendid splendid area.


A young man carrying a sword came out slowly, his clothes covered with blood.

And not long after he left, the splendid splendor disappeared, and dozens of quasi-central corpses were scattered on the ground.


The young man stopped, raised his head expressionlessly, looked at the light curtain, and murmured: "He is Yun Feiyang? It seems a little weak."


The picture returns to the edge of the source of devouring.

Beimensong and Beimenhe at the moment are extremely ugly.

As quasi-cents, they made two shots and were easily resolved by Yun Feiyang, which is really unacceptable.

If the two knew that the process of fighting with Yun Feiyang was not only sent to Ten Thousand Realms, but also to True Martial God Territory, it would definitely collapse even more.


Yun Feiyang withdrew his sword and shook his head: "You are too weak."


The warriors of all circles collapsed.

Two quasi-cents weak? Only he dare to say such words.


Beimen Song was furious, and then the horrible palm prints again, followed by Beimen He.

The two didn't care about playing more and less, they only cared about capturing the kid and dividing up his treasures.

"Boo! Boo!"

Yun Feiyang waved the Hunyuan Qiankun sword again, forming two sword qi, and extinguished the palm print.

The level of small and cheap reached the peak, the two merged, and the strength really changed dramatically.

But it can only break the palm print, and it is still very difficult to defeat the two quasi-cents. If a protracted battle is fought, Yun Feiyang will definitely be unable to handle it.

Beimensong and Beimenhe seemed to know that, so they showed their palms again, planning to kill each other alive.


After Yun Feiyang cracked the palm print again, he solemnly said: "We must make quick decisions quickly."

"call out!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, the sword of Wan Shanli emerged and quickly enveloped the two men of Beimen Song.

At the same time, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword flew off its hands and merged into the central area of ​​the Wanjian sword, making it burst into operation.

"call out!"

Sword formation, streamer flashes.

From the light curtain, a huge circular sword array appears, and two quasi-cents are trapped in it, making it difficult to see the figure.

"Sword array?"

The real martial arts powerhouse is quite surprised.

Taiwu was also stunned and said, "When did this kid learn the sword formation?"


He frowned slightly, and said, "It seems to be a very old sword formation, perhaps from a certain powerful hand."

To make Taiwu judge like this, it can be seen that Zhutian Sword Array is not simple.

Besides Beimensong and Beimenhe, they were inside the sword array, watching the countless swords above flashing light, and an ominous sign rose in their hearts.

They immediately made a decision and jointly attacked an area to break the sword array.

"call out!"

"call out!"

However, just preparing to start, the first level of sword rain fell down, forming a strong impact.

In desperation, Beimensong and Beimenhe can only condense their strength.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After all, the two are The strength is much stronger than Luo Mu and others, the first round of Jianyu is quite easy to resolve.

However, what greeted them next was the endless sword rain.

"Boom! Boom!"

For about a moment, the two of Beimensong experienced five sword rain attacks. Although they did not cause substantial damage, they were constantly attacked, which made people feel angry.


Beimen Song sneered: "It's ridiculous to want to hurt me or two with your sword formation."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly.

"call out!"

At this moment, Wan Jian shivered and dazzled.

A gurgling, pure sword spirit exploded in madness, and immediately poured into the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.


The second level opens, and ten giant swords appear.

The horrible sword intention erupted suddenly within the sword array, making Beimen Song and Beimen Crane's faces shocked.


Yun Feiyang said coldly.


The ten giant swords carrying the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, attacked boldly, and the locked target is the North Gate Crane!

"not good!"

Beimensong was shocked, and this would require support.

But still a step slower, ten giant swords chopped off violently, ten sword qi burst like fangs.

Because the location was locked, the North Gate Crane had nowhere to hide and could only meet it head-on. At the same time, a strong breath of death rose.

He shouted unwillingly: "No!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Ten sword qi slammed down, shattered the defense that the North Gate Crane formed in front of him, and shattered his body.

"Fourth brother!"

Within the sword formation, Beimensong roared almost crazy.

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