Super God

Chapter 1562: Get you on the road!

Talking about the true strength, Yun Feiyang is definitely not as good as Yan Mozhu, but he has the Hundred Yuan Qiankun sword in his hand, there are small and cheap, and the spirit of people is united, and it does not fall down at all.

no way.

With equipment, it is awesome.

Yan Mogang also realized that the sword wrapped in white cloth in Yun Feiyang's hands was very strong. After many explorations, he was bounced back by a force.

"old man!"

Yun Feiyang put his sword on the sword and said with a smile: "If you are able to bear this, you will definitely not be able to kill me. Hurry and use the hole card."

As the law enforcement elder of the Yan family, he is also a veteran of the quasi-century period, how to tolerate the provocation in front of him.

"Okay, okay!"

Yan Mogang said with a sneer: "Boy, since you are so arrogant, don't be old and welcome."


He put his palms together, and there was a breath of terror all over his body, like a sea wave.

"Lying trough!"

"what is that?"

Seeing the distant sky above, rising like a wave of air currents, the martial arts that escaped were stunned one by one.

When they felt the breath spread out, they were shocked and said: "The martial arts of the junior immortal class!"

Not bad.

Yan Mogang's move is a late-level martial arts skill, and it is also the strongest killing skill he can currently master.


After the formation of the qi wave, the terrible power and morality spread, instantly enveloping the square, and generating great coercion.

At this moment, any quasi-central mid-level strongman entering the area must be difficult to move.

Yun Feiyang, who was in the area covered by the air waves, frowned slightly, apparently also realizing that this person's martial arts were a bit powerful!

"The surge of the tide!"

Suddenly, Yan Moku shouted, his palms pushed out in the void, forming a monstrous wave, and suddenly struck like a rush.


The power broke out and the wind blew.


Yun Feiyang stepped forward, holding the hilt in both hands, showing an attacking attitude.

The little **** in the Hunyuan Qiankun sword immediately exudes a dazzling light and immediately condenses a strong sword.


Yun Feiyang's sword intention exploded around him, and he quickly enveloped the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.

"Break me!"

"call out!"

A sword was cut off, the sword intention condensed on the sword body, and suddenly turned into a very long and long sword spirit.

This sword is the Taiqing sword tactic, and it also contains the strongest state where Yun Feiyang is united with the little **** spirit!

without any exaggeration.

The power of this sword is cut out, and it is dozens of times more powerful than when it broke the gate of the fairy world and entered the test!

In the mid-century martial arts, only one died.

The strong sword gas exploded, and from a distance, it seemed that a tall mountain fell suddenly, which naturally shocked many strong people.

They even infer that the power of this sword is not weaker than the surging waves!

"It's too fierce!"

Everyone was shocked.

At the same time, it is also very puzzled. In this poor and remote area, why are there two quasi-sensational fights for no reason?


At this moment, a thunderous voice came, and many warriors suddenly felt the ground tremble slightly.


Everyone took a breath.

The space barriers in the real martial arts domain are extremely powerful. The confrontation of the two men’s martial arts caused the earth to shake. The power must be terrible!


Engagement area.

Yun Feiyang's condensed Xeon Taiqing Jianqi clashed with Yan Mozhu's monstrous waves.

In an instant, flowers and trees within a thousand square meters turned into nothingness under the burst of power.

Bai Liyan hiding in the cave clearly felt that the defensive formation arranged by her husband was shaking violently, as if it might break at any time.

She stabilized her mood and looked at the outside through the streamer, and she saw Yun Fei standing proudly with a faint smile on her face.


Seeing that his husband was safe, Bai Liyan let out a sigh of relief.

Yun Feiyang is fine.

But in front of him, the area where Jian Qi and the waves collided was devastated.

Because of the power washout, the ground was sunken, showing a deep pit nearly 100 feet wide, and this was obviously formed by the impact of the force.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "If this is your hole card, it really makes me too disappointed."


Yan Mogang, standing in the distance, was furious.

Even the martial arts of the late quasi-centenary were exhibited, but he was still unable to hurt him.


Yan Mogang said again: "The old decay must look at, how many swords you have to contend with!"


Between the speeches, a wave-like breath erupted again, and with both palms pushed out, shouted: "The surge of the sea tide!"

"Come again?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head.

Holding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword again, he exhibited Taiqing sword tactics and cut out a strong sword spirit!


The two forces collided again.

This burst of power once again expanded the deep pit to two hundred feet, so that the two stood on the left edge of the deep pit and the right edge of the deep pit.

In the second fight, although Yun Feiyang spent a lot of energy, people were safe and sound.

He, who possessed the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, faced this kind of veteran and knew the martial arts skills of the late quasi-century.

of course.

Relying on the Taiqing sword tactics, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but Yan Mozhu.


He shook his head and said, "Is this the power?"

Yan Mozhu heard the words, his anger was renewed, his palms joined together, and he summoned the monstrous waves for the third time.

"It's really unwilling."

Yun Fei raised a sarcastic smile in the corner of his mouth.




A thunderous thunder rang from time to time in the mountains.

The warriors who had been hiding far away were shocked and unable to speak.

The sound sounded more than ten times, and they stopped completely, which led them to speculate that the fight between the two quasi-cents in the late period may have ended.

Engagement area.

After the mad bombing, the deep pit has spread to the range of five hundred feet.

At the edge of the deep pit, Yun Fei stood proudly. Although he spent a lot of energy in fighting the tide of the ocean tide, he still behaved as if it was nothing wrong.

Yan Mogang was not so calm. He stood at the other end of the edge of the deep He was short of breath and his hands shook slightly.

In just a short time, performing more than ten surges of ocean tides not only consumed a lot of attributes in the fairy core, but also consumed a lot of physical strength. It is now physically and mentally tired.

However, seeing the guy standing on the opposite side, the performance was light and soft, Yan Momin suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

"old man."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "I said, you are not qualified or capable of killing me, do you believe it now?"

Yan Mogang was silent.

He didn't believe it before, but now he believes it.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Yun Fei Yang flashed, and appeared above him, Hunyuan Qiankun sword raised high, said: "Next, it is to send you on the road!"

"Boo! Boo!"

In an instant, countless flying swords emerged from the space and quickly folded together to form a great sword.

This is the combination of Wan Jian Gui Zong and Tai Qing Jian Jue.


Sword intention broke out, showing strength!

Seeing Yan Mo's face below, his face changed in shock, and he seemed to realize that this sword of cohesion was extraordinary.


Yun Feiyang chopped off violently. Because the power burst was too strong, the white cloth suddenly shattered, revealing a dazzling sword body!

Seeing the true face of Lushan with this sword, Yan Mozhu was dumbfounded.

The memory of Shihai is surging wildly, and it was finally fixed on the light curtain I watched a few years ago, as well as the picture of the Beimenjia warrior being killed!

"you are……"

Yan Mogang just opened his mouth, and the giant sword of the sunny day condensed by countless flying swords has already carried the horror sword gas.


A sword fell to the ground, and the earth split open, forming an extremely long sword mark.

Under the sword of Qingtian, the criminal law elder of the Yan family was completely cut into two halves. When his thoughts were wiped out, he finally knew that this child turned out to be the Yunfeiyang who beheaded the two quasi-cents of the Beimen family in the realm!

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