Super God

Chapter 1579: Golden Sutra!

The six prepared medicinal materials can be divided into ten parts of refined materials, so it does not matter if you fail once.

However, the tragedy is.

Yun Feiyang continued to refine it and failed five times in a row.

It wasn't until the sixth refining that it became formal. After a long month of refining, Chengdan was finally released.


Yun Feiyang took a long breath and wiped the forehead sweat beads.

Although refining the twelve-grade Jindan, it does not mean that he has the strength of the twelve-grade Dan Emperor.

After all, six refining and five failed, this success rate is too low.

"Ding! Ding!"

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and poured out five crystal clear medicines from the red furnace.

Immortality is good, but it is only half a furnace. It can be seen that the sixth refining can be successful and has a lot of luck.


Since the realm's physique is combined with the flame armor to trigger the higher derivative effect of the Baicao Dan Furnace, there are 30 Golden Sutras in the dark grid.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang grinned.

Although it failed five times, it was still acceptable to refining 35 pieces at once.

"How is the effect?"

Yun Feiyang squeezed a panacea, thought for a moment, and swallowed it immediately.

Jin Dan is to create stronger meridians for warriors, as long as the state reaches a half immortal level, you can take it.


The elixir melts and the effect spreads.

In an instant, a gurgling special energy spread, covering the meridian around the body, carrying out a craze.

"It's cool."

Yun Feiyang said comfortably.

The effect of sculpting Jindan is docile, while cultivating meridians, it will not bring any pain to the warrior.

This refreshment lasts for about a day.

After dissipating, Yun Fei lifted the meridians in the body and was greatly enhanced.


He clenched his fists and exclaimed: "Strength and strength have increased by 10% than before!"

The meridians are strengthened, the energy delivered can be better utilized, and the increase in strength is also inevitable.

Although it is only 10%, it is also precious.

of course.

More than just strength.

The most notable is the strengthening of the meridians, driving muscles and blood, and the defense has been greatly improved.

The cloud of the **** body is flying, the meridians have reached the extreme, and the physical defense strength is difficult to increase. Only after going through the robbery to achieve the fairy body can it become stronger.

Relying on the Golden Sutra of the Sutra to raise the upper limit of the defense strength again under extreme circumstances can be said to be quite against the sky.

"Twelve Jindan is really serious."

Yun Fei Yang said: "If you buy in the domain, it will be very popular."

Not a best seller, but crazy about it!

The strength of the warrior meridian has been fixed after passing through the three small steps of the broken realm.

There is no good way to greatly increase the strength of the meridians unless they experience crossovers and reshape the meridians and flesh.

Twelve Pinsu Jinjing can achieve meridian enhancement, and this alone will make the martial arts move.

In particular, the quasi-central perfection, they want to go higher, they must go through the robbery, at that time not only test the state of mind, but also test their own foundation.

The stronger meridians and the physical improvement will undoubtedly better meet the triple thunder.

It can be said.

The Golden Sutra, which is made by Yun Feiyang, will surely cause a huge sensation if it is learned by the warriors in the domain.

Its value is probably much higher than any treasure and martial arts of the quasi-central level!


"Sculpture Jindan?"

Wu Tongyu took the crystal clear elixir and said, "How many products?"

"Twelve products."

Yun Feiyang laughed.


Wu Tongyu almost didn't stand still and was startled: "Ten... twelve products?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

In my heart, I thought, anyway, it is also a fairy. When I heard the twelve Jindan, wouldn't it be such a fuss?

Yun Feiyang didn't know.

Jindan, as the panacea after the elixir, is very common in the region under the tenth grade.

But reaching more than ten grades, it is very precious, especially this top twelve golden pill, not to mention the fairy land, even the powerful fairy land may not have seen it.


Wu Tongyu said solemnly: "Is this really a twelve-grade golden pill?"

Although questioning, I already believed it in my heart.

After all, the diffused breath of elixir is many times stronger than the highest eight-element elixir he has taken himself before!

Yun Fei Yang said: "Senior, I will be bored, will you use ordinary medicine to tease you?"

Wu Tongyu was silent.


This kid will never be so boring.

That is to say, this immortality medicine in his hand is really a twelve-grade golden elixir!

Wu Tongyu looked at Yunfeiyang and said, "Did you make the panacea?"


Yun Fei said: "Fortunately, the refining was successful."

Wu Tongyu gasped.

This kid was able to make twelve products of Jindan, and Dandao Paper was quite powerful.


Wu Tongyu said with emotion: "Little guy, you can survive in the domain very well by opening a Dan pharmacy with your Dan Tao skills alone."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Senior, take it as soon as possible, this panacea may cure your disease."

Wu Tongyu said with a start: "You made this immortality for my illness?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Wu Tongyu was deeply moved, but no longer spoke, when he was about to swallow the elixir.

Not surprisingly.

After the spread of the drug effect, this fairy-level strong man's face appeared comfortable, very cool, and very sturdy.

one day later.

Shuang sense disappeared, Wu Tongyu was shocked.

At this moment, he clearly felt that the meridians in the body have been greatly strengthened and more resilient than ever!

" Yun Feiyang smiled: "How do you feel? "


Wu Tongyu clenched his fists, and the powerful waves spread from his whole body, instantly filling the Xianshi shop.

This is a fairy-like aura, terrifying.

So much so that the air waves spread outside the store, and the passing soldiers were all shocked.


Ye Bingshan flew out of Ye Fu and was shocked: "Unexpectedly, there was a fairy-level strongman in my night city!"

Inside the Xianshi shop.

Wu Tongyu is still unscrupulously releasing his cultivation behavior.

At this moment, he clearly realized that a gurgling force was washing the meridians, but because the meridians were strengthened, they were not shaken at all.


Wu Tongyu looked up and laughed.

For 30,000 years, he had a fairyland and could not be used.

Today, taking Jinjing Jindan, but it can burst out unscrupulously, naturally excited and excited!


Yun Feiyang laughed: "Congratulations, congratulations."


Wu Tongyu withdrew his laughter, looked at him gratefully, and said, "You cured my illness and gave me real fairyland strength. This is the grace of reconstruction!"

Yun Fei Yang said: "If no senior appeared, I would have fallen into the hands of the Yanjia martial arts, this is the true grace of reconstruction."

Wu Tongyu smiled and said, "I will save you once, and you will be cured of your sickness."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "It was my senior who made me a fairy stone trainer. This kindness will not be cancelled by Yun in a lifetime."

Wu Tongyu smiled and said nothing.

This young man is very commendable.

"The Lord of the Night City, Ye Bingshan."

Suddenly, there was a voice outside, saying: "Come and see seniors."


Wu Tongyu said with a smile: "The owner of the house came very quickly this night."

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