Super God

Chapter 1587: Big wedding

In the Little God Realm, Yun Feiyang once snatched a pro, so this kind of thing is quite familiar to him.

However, Wu Tongyu's eyes widened after listening.

This guy is really good at playing. Can he do the same thing?

"Groom and bride, please."

At this moment, the master of ceremonies on the wedding stage shouted loudly, and the originally messy hall suddenly became quiet.


In a red dress, Yushu Linfeng's night hills first came out, and then Bai Liyan, who was covered in red, walked out under the guidance of two maids.

After the woman crushed the jade card, she actually knew that even if the husband would appear, it would not be so fast.

This is not a step in the development of things. If you don't marry yourself, you can't help yourself.

Still, Bailiyan was too indecisive.

If you refused bluntly on the day of Ye Bingshan's marriage, or instead of crushing the jade card, but chose to leave, there would be nothing now.

Don't blame her.

After all, the family is ruined and there is no one to depend on.

If it weren't for the jade card left by Yun Feiyang, it was her last spiritual pillar. I am afraid that she would have chosen to compromise long ago, and to survive at the expense of her life's happiness.

Under the guidance of the maid, Bai Liyan stood on the wedding table and stood side by side with the night hills.

Ye Bingshan took the top spot with a smile on his face.

"Fuck, just..."

Bai Liyan closed her eyes again, and two lines of tears slowly slipped from her cheeks.

If this is destiny, she can only choose to accept it.

Suddenly, a hand was stretched out and tightly wrapped between his five fingers. Bai Liyan was shocked and instinctively wanted to throw it away, but the hand contained power and could not break free.


A gentle voice came into my ears: "I'm here."


Bai Liyan shook her body.

She opened her eyes abruptly and opened her red hijab, and she saw that what she was holding was not the night hills, but the hundreds of miles that once healed and protected herself.

that moment.

Bai Liyan was astonished.

Soon after he crushed the jade card, he...he came?

"Do... dream?"

Bai Liyan whispered silly.

If this is a dream, she hopes to keep doing it and never wake up.

"This is not a dream."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "This is true."

He is in a white suit, extraordinary, no matter how he looks or his temperament is enough to kill the groom.

In the hall, there was no sound.

The heads of many families stared.

Standing on the wedding table, the man who appeared suddenly had an extraordinary appearance, and the bride wearing Fengguan wearing a wedding dress was even more beautiful.

The two held hands and looked at each other.

The picture seemed to freeze, and time seemed to freeze.

Everyone raised an illusion.

That is, the men and women stand together, more like a bride and groom!


Bai Liyan spoke.

But with just two words, tears fell like pearls.

Earlier in the dressing table, he took the jade brand out of control.

Now that I see Yun Feiyang, it is completely out of control, and I want to cry hard to vent my depression and pain.

Yun Fei said: "Are you thinking of me doing something for you these days?"

"Think about it!"

Bai Liyan stopped her cry and said seriously: "Please take me away from Yejia and leave Yecheng!"

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang laughed.


At this moment, Ye Bingshan finally couldn't sit still, clapped the table and stood up, his eyes full of anger.

On the day of his son's wedding, he was about to worship heaven and earth, but suddenly a person sprang up from the guest seat and led his daughter-in-law under the eyes of everyone.

It is unbearable!

The night city master is furious, this is normal.

To change to other homeowners present, to do happy events at home, it is certainly anxious for someone to spoil this situation.

"Night City Lord."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I took Baili girl away today, do you have any comments?"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

On the day of great joy, take the bride away and ask the main family if you have any comments.

How can you say such shameless words?


Ye Bingshan erupted in a terrible atmosphere around his body, his eyes coldly said: "Disturb the happy event of my night family, can you walk out of the gate of Ye Fu today?"

The killing is very strong.

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

It was only from the breath that he realized that the night city master with a strength of approximately Xian Da Yuan was much stronger than himself.

"Uncle Ye."

Bailiyan cried, "Xiaoyan only has brother and sister feelings for Brother Hill..."


Standing next to him, he returned to the night hills of God from the silly ratio, and said with a terrible face: "Kill him! Kill him!"

On the day of the wedding, his bride was under the eyes of all eyes and was led by another man, and his spirit must have been hit.

He now has only one idea in his heart, that is, let Yun Fei Yang die, and die quickly!

"Bai Liyan!"

Ye Bingshan said angrily: "I miss you and your father's love, so I took you in. You don't know how grateful you are, but on the day of your wedding, I made my Ye family lose face!"

"Uncle Ye..."

Bai Liyan bowed her head in shame.

If you refuse in advance, things will not get to this point.

"Come on."

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "If the House Master Ye really looks at sentimentality, she should know that Baili girl doesn't like to make a son, and she insists on getting the two married, even if she is still pregnant."

He could see through things that Bai Liyan couldn't see through.

Because the authorities are obsessed, bystanders are clear.

In Yun Feiyang's opinion, Ye Bingshan took Bai Liyan and eagerly asked her son to marry her.


Ye Bingshan's palms gathered their strength, and said angrily: "Disturb my Ye Family's happy event, and today the Lord of the City will let you die!"


Yun Feiyang pulled Bai Liyan back two steps and smiled back, "Yecheng mainly killed me."


Ye Bingshan was startled.

I thought, isn't this guy coming alone, there are other helpers?


Wu Tongyu, who was sitting on the main table, stood up and smiled, "The night city master should be joking, and Tuer should not be serious."


Ye Bingshan dumbfounded.

The homeowners who came to Hershey were also secretly No wonder the kid in white will be boldly going to the stage to lead the bride when he worships the world. It turns out that there is senior Wu behind him.


Many homeowners laughed secretly.

Yejia is the only one in Yecheng. The major families are flattering on the surface, but they are definitely unhappy.

Nowadays, the young man making a big wedding is Wutong Yutuer. Yejia must eat and deflate.


Ye Bingshan suddenly suppressed his anger.

Although he wanted to kill Yun Feiyang with a slap, he knew that Wu Tongyu was there, and dozens of them shot it himself, which was difficult to do.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It turns out that the night city master is joking, I almost took it seriously."


Ye Bingshan bowed his head.

He was afraid to see Yun Feiyang's smile, he could not help but anger in his heart.

"Night City Lord."

Wu Tongyu said as a peacemaker: "I would like to pay attention to the relationship between men and women, this girl is neither willing to marry Ling son, but why do you struggle hard."

Speaking of which, look at everyone and say, "What do you think?"


The corners of the mouths of the heads of major families twitched.

The old man asked himself, didn't he just want to express his attitude?

"Night owner."

A parent said in a deep voice: "The strong twisted melon is not sweet, it is better to let this girl leave."


Other homeowners said.

Obviously, they are all on the side of Senior Wu. After all, they have realm and identity.


Ye Bingshan sighed and waved, "Nie Baili, you go."

He knew that Wu Tongyu led so many masters not to put pressure on himself, but to give himself a step.

"Uncle Ye."

Bai Liyan said: "Xiao Yan, thank you for your stay these days, he will definitely repay in the future."

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