Super God

Chapter 1608: The 2nd Strongest in Guanfeng City

Wang Jingchuan was defeated.

Yun Feiyang was severely injured by a sword.

In fact, he still showed mercy, otherwise it is now a dead body.

The soldiers under the stage were dumbfounded.

Previously, Yun Feiyang said that as soon as he shot, Wang Jingchuan had no chance, and they thought it was a bit too arrogant.

When I saw the result, I realized that it was not a joke.

He really just made a move first, and then hit Wang Jingchuan hard, not to mention counterattack, even the ability to stand up is gone!


"His strength is by no means quasi-senior!"

Everyone talked in shock.

Only low-level warriors are still thinking about Yun Feiyang's realm.

High-level warriors, it has been determined at this moment that this young man who runs three stores is truly a perfect immortality.

Wang Jingchuan, who easily defeated the third-ranked younger generation, is definitely not a simple quasi-central perfection, or is about to meet Thunder Tribulation.

In fact, Yun Feiyang has just broken through the Great Consummation level, and can kill Wang Jingchuan with a sword, not only relying on extremely strong morality, but also relying on the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.

Although Wang Jingchuan was seriously injured, his thinking was still alive.

At this moment, he no longer cares about the pain from his body, but recalls the sword just now.


Very scary!

When welcoming that sword, Wang Jingchuan really realized that he seemed to be dying!

This feeling, even in the face of the geniuses of Guanfeng City ranked first and second, never appeared!

Even fighting against them, fighting dozens of moves, may not be defeated.

Especially when the sword swept through, the condensed morality was extremely terrifying, and Wang Jingchuan had the illusion that he seemed to be facing a powerful fairyland!


On this day, Baili Fei's name was passed on the streets and alleys of the city. The topic of his killing Wang Jingchuan was also discussed.

The genius of the first three of the family's juniors was defeated so easily, and it also made many warriors guess that the strength of Baili Feiyang must be infinitely close to the fairy.

Some people even concluded that even the geniuses of the first and second juniors may not be his opponents.

This idea has been endorsed by many strong people.

After all, Wang Jingchuan once played against the top two geniuses. Although he was defeated in the end, his strength was not that great.

Baili Feiyang can second Wang Jingchuan and play against the other two geniuses. Even if he can't do a spike, he can definitely overcome it easily.

For a time.

The warriors in the city regard Yun Feiyang as the youngest strongman in Guanfeng City.

"The youngest strong man?"

After receiving the news, Yun Feiyang laughed dumbly.

To be honest, he does not care about these titles, but more about actual martial resources.

Within a few days, Budo resources came.

The elder Wang family came to seek medical treatment with the seriously injured Wang Jingchuan.

Like Huo Hairen, this previously secretly instigated son of the king also had broken meridians and his life was in danger.


Elder Wang Jiada opened his mouth and said, "Twenty thousand pieces of immortal stone?"

Wu Tongyu sitting next to him twitched at the corner of his mouth. Unexpectedly, the kid's asking price was so dark.

"Elder Wang."

Yun Feiyang said seriously: "Princess Wang's injury is heavier than that of Huo Family, and he may fall at any time."

The Wang family has the greatest strength and financial resources in Guanfeng City. Who will not pit him?


Elder Wang gritted his teeth and agreed.

As the leader of the three generations of the Wang family, Wang Jingchuan has a higher position than Huo Hairen of the Huo family.

Not to mention 20,000, even if Yun Da cheap **** asks for 40,000, as long as it can be cured, the Wang family will definitely bear the pain.

After Elder Wang paid the money, Yun Feiyang started treatment.

He first recovered the soul power lurking in Wang Jingchuan's body and spent half an hour to recover his injury.

"Prince Prince."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The sword has no eyes and makes you suffer."

Wang Jingchuan, who had just awakened, said nothing.

He is clever, he already knows deeply that this guy finds himself to learn from each other, and then starts to fight again, obviously in order to revenge the agitation of Huo Hairen.

If I knew this was the result, Wang Jingchuan wouldn't be tempted to try Yun Feiyang.



On the way back to the Wang's house, the elder elder said angrily: "The boy must have moved his hands or feet, otherwise he will not be cured so quickly."

The Huo family did not expect it, but the Wang family did.


The elder said in a cold voice: "It hurts my royal family and wrongs another 20,000 pieces of immortal stone. This hatred must be reported!"

"Great elder."

Wang Jingchuan, who was silent all the time, looked at him seriously: "Mo Yao is not going to provoke Baili to fly."


The Great Elder looked startled.

He grew up watching Wang Jingchuan, knowing that the child looks gentle and gentle, but he has a strong personality and he easily loses.

It has even been said that sooner or later, it will surpass the first two geniuses and become the first genius in Guanfeng City, but now it is a little strange to be afraid of flying a hundred miles.


Wang Jingchuan was very afraid of Yun Fei.

This fear is not because he lost to him, but because he couldn't see through.

Even when they met on the teahouse and the Benlei platform, they met two times in just two encounters.

Wang Jingchuan prides himself on planning and controlling everything.

However, when he encountered the more mysterious and more difficult to figure out Yun Feiyang, he naturally raised his fears.

Smart people are afraid of smarter people.

Wang Jingchuan is a smart person, and Yun Feiyang is a smarter person.


The next day.

Cui Xingtan came to visit early in the morning and smiled when he met: "Brother, my grandfather is coming soon."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang was quite surprised.

Soon after, an old man with a long bell and Zhu Yanhe's enchanted old man appeared in the medical hall.

This man looks very old, but he is spirited and energetic. He stands on his back and exudes a daunting momentum all over his body.

Wu Tongyu, who was lying on the rocking chair,'brushed' and stood up, his turbid eyes showing deep vigilance.

At the beginning of the fairyland, he could not see the realm of the old man.

But the intuition told Wu Tongyu that this person must be much stronger than himself, either in the late Immortal, or in the Immortal Perfection!

The old man stood in front of the shop and did not come in.


Su Xiaoxiao came and asked, "Are you here to see a doctor?"


The old man simply spoke two words, and he was powerful.

"Then you are..."

Su Xiaoxiao just started, and Cui Xingtan came from the inner courtyard, laughing: "Grandpa, you are here!"

"It turns out that this old man is the second strongest in Guanfeng City, Cui Tianming!"

Wu Tongyu secretly shocked.

Guanfeng City, as one of the four major royal cities in the Southwest Territories, must be the fairy king.

The top strong man in the second is the owner of the Cui family, Cui Tianming, who successfully broke through to the level of the Immortal Consummation thousands of years ago.

"Star Tan."

Cui Tianming said: "How about flying a hundred miles?"

"Master Choi."

Yun Feiyang walked out of the inner courtyard and grinned: "The younger generation is a hundred miles flying."

Although it is very warm on the surface, it is very shocking in my heart, because the grandfather Cui Xingtan, the kind of sentiment and breath circulated around him, is much stronger than Wang and Huo!


Cui Tianming said with a smile: "It is good to beat Wang Jingchuan with a sword."

During the speech, Xiannian came over and wrapped Yun Feiyang completely, as if to see him thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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