Super God

Chapter 1614: 1 ring and 1 ring

Cui Tianji Cui Liuye's soul is very powerful, but in the face of Yunfeiyang's evildoer, he is vulnerable, his mind is seriously damaged, and people are completely comatose.

The attack from the soul force is stronger than the injury caused by the force, so it is very difficult to cure without good treatment.

In fact, at the beginning, Yun Feiyang didn't think about abusing Cui Tianji. In his plan, according to the characteristics of the other party's preference for drinking, he planned to use means to get around him.

Who would have thought that this old guy's character was so rampant, Yun Da, a bad-tempered god, suddenly changed his plan, but chose to abuse him.

After returning to the medical hall.

Yun Feiyang continued to assimilate the attributes of heaven and earth as usual, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the deep Taoism and thus touch the edge of heaven and earth.

The next day.

He disguised himself again, came to a firework place called Butterfly Pavilion, and successfully found the elder Cui Jiaba, Cui Tianli.

Unlike Cui Liuye who raised a lover outside, Cui Liuye's usual hobby is to like to come to the fireworks place to have fun.

His mentality is the same as Cui Tianji.

Since there is no hope of breaking through in this life, it is better to live in a long and happy life.

"Wu Xiu people, so addicted to women's sex, how could there be great achievements?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

It is very difficult for a warrior to break through to a higher level, but as long as he works hard, there is at least a silver lining. This kind of self-abandonment has no chance.

Yun Feiyang turned into a prostitute and guest, deliberately clashing with Cui Tianli, and then evolved to the point of shot.

Cui Baye's strength is not as good as that of Cui Liuye, and he was severely injured.

After the incident.

Yun Feiyang left quietly, restored Zhen Deshuai's appearance, and continued to practice, as if nothing had happened.


Just one day apart, his left arm and right arm, one soul was frustrated and the other was seriously injured, which made Cui Xingshi almost collapse.

"It must have been the uncle and the second cousin!"

Cui Xingshi's eyes were splitting, and Cui Youwang and Cui Xingzhuo had two big cauldrons.

Anger returns to anger. The sickness of the two elders must be cured. However, the injuries are very serious. Even if the family doctor can heal, it will take three to five years to recover.

At this critical moment, Cui Xingshi certainly can't let his supporters lie in bed for so long, so he took them to Yunji Medical Center immediately.


As soon as he walked into the medical hall, he saw that brother Cui Xingtan in the lobby was talking with Master Baili with a laugh.

Cui Xingshi had long heard that his cousin and his son Baili were brothers and brothers, and they had a great relationship. Now that they have met, they are determined.


Cui Xingtan, who is communicating with Yun Feiyang, discovered Cui Xingshi and said hello: "Brother Xingshi, why are you here?"

However, when he saw the two elders carried behind him, his face was startled: "What's wrong with Sixth Lord and Eighth Lord!"

"Good acting."

Yun Feiyang secretly praised.


Cui Xingshi shook his head and said: "Brother Xing Tan, at this time the story is long, the younger brother will not explain it." He said, looking at Yun Feiyang, said: "Please also ask Baili Gongzi to rescue him."

"Cure the disease and save people is the purpose of our medical museum."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Cui Sanzi, please bring the wounded to the clinic."


Clinic room.

The Great God Yun has successively frowned for the two elders, and then frowned: "Cui San Gongzi, these two elders suffered a serious setback in one soul, and one was seriously injured. The situation is very bad."

"Master Baili is also a magician."

Cui Xingshi said: "Should this disease be treated?"

"Governance is possible."

Yun Fei paused and said, "But the cost is relatively high."

Cui Xingshi said: "Despite the bargaining price, Master Baili."

At this time, he desperately needed two elders to support himself as a backstage, even if he spent a lot of immortal stones to heal them.

Yun Feiyang pondered a little, and said: "The medical expenses of the two, at least 20,000 inferior immortal stones."

"Twenty thousand?"

Cui Xingshi's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he has been in the industry for many years, his assets are not very large. A few days ago, he just spent 10,000 as a deposit, but now he takes another 20,000, which is really shy.

"Master Baili, do you think so?"

Cui Xingshi said bitterly: "I will pay 10,000 first, and the remaining 10,000 will be owed first."


Yunfei Yang tangled immediately.

Cui Xingtan, who stood beside him, said, "Brother Baili, my star cousin is my third cousin. I walked very close on weekdays. Please look at Cui's face and give a friendly price."


Yun Feiyang pondered a little, and said: "Looking at Cui's face, Cui Sanzi only needs to pay five thousand inferior stones."

Cui Xingshi looked startled, and immediately thanked him: "Thank you Baili son, thank you Xing Tan brother."

After paying the money, Yun Feiyang began to heal.

It didn't take long for the two elders who had been seriously wounded to restore their ruddy complexion, and the people quickly recovered.

Cui Xing was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

After Yun Feiyang sent him away, he smiled and said: "Brother, after this drama is sung, if your three cousins ​​are smart people, they will come to you."

Cui Xingtan smiled dumbly.

He could be arranged by Yun Feiyang in the medical hall today. He gave a friendship price in his face, and he deliberately showed it to his cousin.

The purpose of this is to let Cui Xingshi know that he has a close relationship with Baili Feiyang, and at the same time let him understand that although he has little power at Cui's house, he still has energy outside.

Cui Xingtan couldn't think of this kind of routine.

Only Yun Da cheap **** played, easy to play.

as predicted.

Cui Xingshi is still thinking about the healing process, and even on the way home, the brother in the lobby is so powerful, he can save himself 15,000 fairy stones by just one sentence!

The two elders who recovered from the injury were also quite shocked when they learned about the incident.

"Star power."

Cui Tianji solemnly said: "Since Xing Tan has such a deep relationship with Yunji Firm's Baili son, you must have a good relationship with him."

"Not bad."

Cui Tianli said: "This child, Xing Tan, has no intention of injuring the position of the head of the family. If he can be brought to our side, it is also a great force."

Cui Xingshi said: "I'm going to find Brother Xingtan now."

Speaking, get up and leave.

"Brother Xing Tan."

In the Xingshi, who has been chatting for a long time, pretended to arch the way: "It's getting dark, the cousin will leave first."

"Let's go back."

Cui Xingtan smiled.

Watching the three cousins ​​leave, they felt bitter.

Cui Xingshi used to have a proud look in his eyes, sometimes walking face to face and pretending not to see himself.

Now when he learned that he had an excellent relationship with his elder brother, not only did he lose his arrogance, he also bite a star Tan, and he shouted very enthusiastically.

Is power really important?

Let the blood of the same race become so hypocritical and so realistic.

To be honest, if not for the future of the family, Cui Xingtan really wants to leave the Cui family, just like his elder brother, to do some business at ease and be a happy free repair.

(End of this chapter)

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