Super God

Chapter 1625: The ultimate routine!

Yun Feiyang dared to come to find the elders and release the things between him and the man, certainly also full of confidence.

Sure enough, the angry Cui Tianyu, when he heard that Guan Fengcheng also had the image formation method, the burst of breath suddenly converged.

As Yun Feiyang said, if this kind of thing spreads, it will be seen by the warriors in the city. It is not only him but the entire Cui family who are ashamed.


Cui Tianyu calmed down and pressed his anger: "What do you want?"

As the elder of the Cui family, and a strong fairyland, he has realized that he has caught the braid.

"Great elder."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Ming people don't do secret things, they have something to ask for next."


Cui Tianyu almost fell.

Secretly memorizing the pictures of the kind of things you do, telling Ming people not to do secret things?

"what's up?"

Cui Tianyu frowned.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Give up the position of the head of the family."

"Give up the position of head of household?"

Cui Tianyu said coldly: "It seems that you did this by Cui Xingzhuo's instructions."

Yun Feiyang shrugged, undecided.


Cui Tianyu said quite angrily: "I didn't expect that this kid, Cui Xingzhu, still had such a hand, but this is really not what Mr. Ben thought."


He paused and said lightly: "Yang Feiyun, you seem to have made a mistake. The old man didn't plan to be the head of the house. Why did he give up the position of the head of the house?"

"Come on."

Yun Feiyang debunked: "Cite Cui is expected to fight for the position of the head of the family, don't you just want to manipulate the entire Cui family behind the scenes."

Others can't see it, he can.

This big elder likes a man, nothing more than interest. The real ambition is to find a puppet and secretly control the Cui family.

Cui Wuzhi, an insane martial artist, is the chosen puppet.

Cui Tianyu's face became quite ugly after being exposed through plans that had been brewing for many years.

to be frank.

The elders are very scheming and have a deep mind.

Even though Cui Xingzhu and Cui Xingshi have joined forces, I am afraid it will be difficult to fight him.

If there is no accident, as the plot goes on, Cui is expected to take over as the head of the family. He secretly controls everything in the Cui family.


An accident occurred.

Yun Feiyang turned into Yang Yunfei and mixed into the Cui family.

Relying on the soul power beyond the reach of ordinary people, he caught his little braid.

"Great elder."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Are you choosing Mingzhe to protect yourself, or continue to do it alone?"


Cui Tianyu sighed.

If he threatens his own, and replaces it with another quasi-central consummation, he may take dangerous moves and kill him as quickly as possible.

But Yang Feiyun is too unpredictable.

It is enough to be able to record one's own picture quietly, alone.

Yun Feiyang knew that the old man had a choice in his heart and laughed: "Great Elder, please support Cui Xingtan at the next elder meeting."

"Cui Xingtan?"

Cui Tianyu looked startled, suddenly realized: "Are you from him?"

Yun Feiyang smiled, removed the defensive enchantment, and left the courtyard.

Looking at the disappearing back, Cui Tianyu's mouth twitched and secretly said: "I didn't expect that Cui Xingtan, who had no ambition, was really hidden!"


After getting the elders, Yun Feiyang didn't stop there.

Next, he began to use this period of observation, conspiracy and conspiracy to use together to attack other real power elders.

People live a long time.

There must be flaws.

It is nothing to be found on weekdays.

But once discovered by Yun Feiyang, it is often very fatal.

Just a few days.

There are at least three elders with real power, and the little braid is caught by Yun Da cheap god.

In the same way, he threatened several elders and eventually forced the three elders to follow him, deciding to support Cui Xingtan at the elder meeting.

of course.

Yun Feiyang won't draw all the elders one by one, after all, a few authorities are enough.

Next, the focus is still on Cui Xingluo.

One day, Yun Feiyang found an opportunity to pull Li Fei and others out, relying on Fool's Magic Skills, to let them all leave the Cui family and switch to Yunji.

As long as the **** dance is good, there is no corner to dig.

Moreover, these doormen had complained about Cui Xingzhu, and it was only a matter of time to abandon him.


After placing Li Fei and others properly, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "It's time for the last play."


the next day.

A message circulated in Guanfeng City.

The big shopkeeper of Yunji will come to the city and inspect the three shops that Baili Feiyang takes care of!

The news came out and immediately caused heated discussion.

At the same time, many warriors were able to affirm the previous guess.

Baili Feiyang is just a small shopkeeper of Yunji, and there is a real big shopkeeper behind!

"In a short period of time, it's hard to imagine how big a business can be. What kind of capable person will be the big shopkeeper of Yunji."

"I heard that after receiving the news, Hengtong Commercial Bank has begun to prepare for the welcome ceremony. The other shopkeepers of the Wangcheng semicolon are also on their way."


Everyone was shocked.

The big shopkeeper of Yunji Commercial Company came, and even the shopkeepers of other branches of Hengtong Commercial Company rushed over.

The news of the visit of the big shopkeeper of Yunji Business was widely spread in Guanfeng City, making many warriors eagerly looking forward to seeing what a great man it is!


A thousand miles away from Guanfeng City.

A luxury treasure car came slowly, with a man in Jinyi sitting inside, and there were fairy-level warrior frames around the front, back, left, and right of the car, revealing a strong breath.

Yi Rong's Wu Tongyu walked in the crowd, his mouth twitching violently, thinking to himself: "This kid is really big enough."

It turned out that Jinyi Huagui's brother-in-law was Yun Feiyang, and his current identity is that of Yunji firm.

As for the escort-level escort, they were hired with a lot of money, the purpose is to create a strong momentum.

There are two reasons why Yun Da cheap God did this.

First, let the people in Guanfeng City know that the large shopkeeper of Yunji Business has the power and power to raise the prestige to the extreme.

Second, use his arrogant identity to help Cui Xingtan eventually become the head of the Cui family.

It can be said.

Yunji's big shopkeeper is Yun Feiyang's ultimate routine.

Hengtong's business conduct cooperated with him, and contacted other Wangcheng storekeepers in advance, so that they would quickly rush over.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "If you don't find a fairy king-level strongman, otherwise you will be hired, and the force will be higher."

At the time of thinking The car suddenly stopped.

"The shopkeeper!"

Wu Tongyu said: "Someone is blocking it!"

Isn't it?

Pulling so many immortals myself, hurriedly hurried, whoever ate the bear heart leopard dared to be his own way!

Yun Feiyang lifted the car curtain and looked forward, and saw a handsome middle-aged man standing with a smile on his face, and a faint Longwei all over his body.

The immortal warriors who came here all looked horrified.

Because, with the breath of Longwei, they realized that the person who suddenly blocked the road is definitely a master of the master!

Yun Feiyang saw the man's appearance clearly, his expression startled, and then he was startled: "Senior Shen!"

(End of this chapter)

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