Super God

Chapter 1627: Never heard of Yunji firm

??"I go."

"Yunji firm will not be a liar?"

"It's impossible. If it's a scammer, how could Hengtong Commercial Bank form an alliance with it?"

"It's not easy to say, maybe even the Hengtong firm has been cheated by the hundreds of miles of Yunji firm."

The appearance of Liu Sihai pierced Yun Feiyang's previous lie based in the Aurora Emperor City, which suddenly opened up many warriors' brains and scrambled to discuss.

Even more, many people started to shake.

Guess that the Yunji firm may not be a big firm, but has used some means to mislead everyone.

This kind of thing hasn't happened in the domain. Many small businesses have either taken advantage of it, or they have been condemned and closed down.

After hearing the discussion, the head shopkeeper secretly shook his head and said, "Senior Master Zhen, this play is probably not good for singing."


Liu Sihai smiled heartily and said, "Today, the city's lord wants to see what the origin of this Yunji firm is, and it will make several shopkeepers of Hengtong firm pay so much attention."

He said, sitting on the stone lion standing in front of the city gate, waiting with interest.

Not long afterwards, a few martial arts came in the gate of the castle. They were wearing uniforms, and the old man in the front row had reached the realm of immortals.


Liu Sihai frowned slightly, and said, "Why did the Yan family come?"

A group of people walking into the city with the word ‘Yan’ engraved on their chests is obviously the Yan Jiawu of the Xihuai King City.

The first immortal-level strongman is the elder Yan Jiatai and Yan Songhuai.

And after entering the city, he saw Liu Sihai on the stone lion, and immediately smiled with his hands: "Master Liucheng, it has been a long time."

Liu Sihai smiled and said, "What kind of wind blows the elder Yan Family to Guanfeng City?"

Yan Songhuai said quite respectfully: "Lord Cheng, Yan came this time and was ordered by Lord Cheng."

Lord Yin Cheng is the owner of Xihuai City, the realm is the next fairy king, which is equivalent to Liu Sihai.


Liu Sihai said with a smile: "Yin Chengzhu sent you, why?"

Yan Songhuai smiled: "According to reliable information, a wanted criminal in our city fled to Guanfeng City."

This Yan family is too elder and has been tracking Bai Liyan.

Although the clues were cut later, Guanfeng City was eventually found.

With his strength, Bai Liyan can be easily taken away, but after all, it is another king city. If he hurries himself, it will definitely cause big trouble.

In desperation, he could only return to Xihuai City and get support from the city's owner, which brought people into the city.

"It turned out to be catching people."

Liu Sihai laughed.

Yan Songhuai respectfully said: "I also asked the host Liu Cheng to make it convenient for Yan to take people away."

"People can take it away."

Liu Sihai said: "However, you should understand the rules."

"Understand, understand!"

Yan Songhuai hurriedly took a jade card out of his arms, and his hands showed up: "This is the jade card of Lord Cheng. Please verify it with Liu Cheng."


With a wave of his hand, Liu Sihai took the jade card into his hand and probed it a little, and he obtained the appearance and basic information of the person he caught.

Guanfeng City and Xihuai City are far apart, but the city owners of the two cities meet once every three times and five times. The two sides have some cooperation, for example, they can cooperate with each other in the pursuit of the criminal.

"Elder Yan."

Liu Sihai threw the jade card over and smiled: "Go catch people."

"Thank you!"

Liu Sihai arched his hands and was about to take his men away, but he was quite curious and said, "Master Liu, are you waiting for someone?"

"Not bad."

Liu Sihai remembered something and said, "Elder Yan, have you heard of Yunji Firm?"

"Yunji firm?"

Yan Songhuai thought slightly and shook his head: "I have never heard of it."

Liu Sihai didn't ask any more, but waved his hand: "Hurry up and catch people, this city master will only give you one day."

"Master Liucheng, leave!"

Yan Songhuai immediately took his men, followed Bai Liyan's breath, and walked quickly to Yunji Medical Center.

The Xihuaicheng family took the jade card of the city owner to close the city and arrest people. This kind of thing is very common, so many warriors did not pay attention, but still talking about the Yunji firm.

After a quarter of an hour.

Yan Songhuai brought the Yan Family martial artists from the city.

Bai Liyan was surrounded by them, biting her thin lips lightly, but her heart was full of hopes.

This woman was originally in the medical hall for accounting, and the elder Yan Jiatai rushed in, finally ‘please’ her out.

"Master Liu!"

Yan Songhuai Gong said: "The fugitive has been caught, and Yan Mou will leave first."

"go Go."

Liu Sihai glanced at Bai Liyan and waved.

"I go!"

"Isn't this Xiaoyan girl of Yunji firm?"

Some martial artists recognized Bai Liyan, which immediately caused a sensation.

Wang Wang, who was worried about dressing, looked up and saw the woman taken away by the Yan family. His face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said, "Stop!"


Yan Songhuai stopped and said, "This friend, is there anything wrong?"

Obviously, the elder Yan Jiatai did not know the shopkeeper of Guanfeng Chenghengtong branch.

"this person."

The shopkeeper Wang said with a voice: "You can't take it away!"

Although he was not sure whether Bai Liyan and Zhen Deshuai were in a relationship, he also knew that Zhen Gongzi valued this woman very much, otherwise she would not give her three stores to manage.

Today, the Yan family in Xihuaicheng has taken her as a criminal, and certainly cannot agree.

"The king's shopkeeper."

Liu Sihai said: "Do you know this woman?"

The shopkeeper Wang said: "The warriors did not know Xiaoyan girl."


Liu Sihai quite surprised: "Who is this girl?"

The shopkeeper Wang said earnestly: "Xiaoyan girl is a member of Yunji firm. She is responsible for the three Yunji shops in the city."


Liu Sihai said with a smile: "She is not only a member of the Yunji firm, but also a wanted offender in Xihuai City, it seems more and more interesting."

Yan Songhuai was embarrassed and said: "Master Liucheng, this man, can I take it away?"

"You can take it away."

Liu Sihai said with a smile: "However, the owner of the city still recommends that you better wait for the big shopkeeper of Yunji to come and ask for his opinion."

"Master Liucheng."

Yan Songhuai said: "Is this Yunji a business in Guanfeng City?"

Liu Sihai shook his head and said, "I don't have this firm in my city. I heard that the headquarters is located in the Aurora City."

"Aurora Emperor City, Yanmou had the honor to go."

Yan Songhuai said quite surprisingly: "Why haven't you heard of Yunji Firm?"

Lord Liu Cheng had never heard of it.

The fairy elders of the Yan family have never heard of it.

The warriors in the city wavered again, speculating that Yunji was likely to be deceiving people.

In particular, Bailiyan, who manages the store, is still a wanted criminal in Xihuai City. This makes many people with big brains infer whether Bailifeiyang is also a fugitive?

"Elder Yan too."

Liu Sihai said with a smile: "The big shopkeeper of Yunji Business is coming soon. Please wait a moment. If he agrees, you can take the person away immediately."


Suddenly, there was a very strong voice from outside the city: "Yun did not agree, some garbage took my Yunji firm without permission."

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