Super God

Chapter 1646: Enraged heaven

Since the robbery, the warriors have stood in the sky or on the ground, facing with the most serious and solemn attitude.

There is no precedent like Yun Feiyang lying on the ground and welcoming Erlang with his legs!

of course.

Even if there are warriors who can ignore Thunder Tribulation, they will not do this kind of thing, because not all warriors are as cheap as Yunfeiyang!


Yun Feiyang lying on the ground waiting for Thunder Tribulation is cheap, which is also due to his character.

However, this behavior angered Heavenly Dao.

Seeing that the robbery cloud is rolling more violently, the power of the third thunderbolt brewing has also been greatly improved.

"Who the **** is this guy?

Many martial arts marveled.

Yun Feiyang in the crossover is now flying a hundred miles, and the big guy does not know about his identity.

So, here comes the problem.

Why did the warriors in all realms instantly recognize him as Yun Feiyang after the light curtain appeared?

the reason is simple.

The light curtain formed by Shen Tianxing not only has the function of transmitting images, but also has the ability to explore his true content.

That is to say, Yun Feiyang, who is in the realm of Zhenwu God, is easy to look at, but judging from the light curtain in all realms, it is actually a deity.

Shen Tianxing did this to let them know that it was Yun Feiyang who went to the robbery, not to see a stranger.


The robbery is still rolling, and the terrifying Tianwei and Leiwei are condensing and brewing.

According to the inferences of Liu Sihai and others, the thunder of the third thunder blasted down, at least two hours need to be brewed, and the power formed at that time must be terrifying.


Time is far beyond their imagination.

Because, after two hours passed, the robbery was still rolling, still brewing, and there was no sign of bombardment.

"Oh my God!"

"Is it too long for Thunder Tribulation?"

"How heavy is this?"

Later, the warriors in the field who watched with the help of the light curtain were dumbfounded.

They didn’t know that the young man lying on the ground had experienced the thunderstorm for the first time, but two hours had elapsed since it was watched, and the time was too long?

Some strong men judge according to time, this child may experience more than four levels of thunder.

Robbery is brewing.

The warriors in the realm and the realm are all staring at Thunder Tribulation.

Until two hours passed, the tumbling cloud suddenly stopped, and there was a faint light flash in the clouds, slowly becoming stronger from weak.

"is coming!"

The warriors in the domain held their breath.

From watching to now, it has been four hours, and this brewing thunder must have been very strong.


Just as they were thinking, the third heavy thunder slammed down.

Sure enough, they were not disappointed. The thick and long arc light seemed to fall from the sky, not only dispelling the darkness in the light curtain, but also as if to break the earthquake.


What shocked everyone was.

The thunderbolt erupted is not one, but two, they are like two giant dragons, splitting down in a winding shape, and the huge momentum swept through!

"Oh my God!"

"This is a double-track thunder!"

In all the cities in the real martial arts realm, all the martial artists have wide-eyed eyes and their hearts are deeply shocked.

Most of the quasi-Xiandu robbery is one after another, and the things under the double thunder robbery have also happened, but it has not appeared for at least hundreds of thousands of years!

And according to records, those who have experienced double thunder robbery have a 90% chance of falling on the spot!


Liu Sihai's eyes were solemn.

The extremely rare double thunderstorm fell, and Bailizi was afraid to fall on the spot.

Mo Xingzhi shook his head and said: "This is the end of death."

In his view, Yun Feiyang's behavior of lying on the ground and robbing the heavens angered Heavenly Dao, so he lowered two Thunder Tributes.


The two thunders crashed down at the same time, which can be described as a huge momentum. The entire southwestern region was rendered into daylight by glare, and it was extremely dazzling.

Many low-level warriors have difficulty opening their eyes under the light of the light. The blood in the body is spreading from the pressure, and the shock is boiling.

This is still far enough away, if it is close to the torture area, the end will be on the spot.

"too frightening!"

"Is this really a robbery?"

The appearance of the third thunder robbery caused many warriors to rise in horror, and also severely hit the quasi immortal who wanted to cross the robbery.

So much so that the Southwest Territories had a hundred years later, and no one dared to take the initiative to release the idea to provoke Thunder Tribulation, because they were scared by the scene of Yunfei Yangdu Tribulation, and the psychological shadow came out.



Two thunderstorms, like a roaring dragon coming down violently, the clouds lying on the ground flying, were quite surprised: "It turned out to be two thunderjackets?"

He smiled, not at all.

Many warriors saw that the guy was still laughing through the light curtain, and immediately admired his heart, worthy of daring to die, it turned out that he was not afraid of death!

The two Thunder Tributes carried Heavenly Dao's anger, approaching it step by step, and finally hit the ground in the eyes of everyone.


Because they landed at the same time, there was only one loud noise, and a strong noise was heard through the light curtain throughout the Zhenwu God Realm.

For a time.

Quiet in each city.

All the warriors stared at the light curtain shrouded in dazzling light, and their hearts were shocked for a long time before they could calm Some strong men were interrupted by the sound. The sounds are very similar, which means that this person was undoubtedly the one who had previously robbed!

"In this way, this is his third thunderbolt!"

Some strong people startled.

The third Thunder Tribulation fell, four hours apart, and two eruptions, this is definitely the first time in the Realm God Realm!

When everyone was shocked, the air waves on the light dissipated, and they saw that the ground that was subjected to thunder and robbery did not spread, and the clouds that crossed the robbery flew and lay on the ground unharmed.

No... all right?

Seeing such a scene, the martial artists from all major cities stared round their eyes, as if hell!

Suffering from two thunder disasters, Yun Feiyang was not only okay, but instead yawned lazily and said: "The two thunder disasters are no different."


Everyone collapsed.

Yun Feiyang had carried two thunders, and he was safe and sound, so he was qualified to pretend.


It was at this moment that the robbery rolled over again.

However, without the slightest incubation, four thunderstorms erupted in an instant, and the momentum was blasted down.


Many warriors' eyes almost glared out.

After the thunderstorm bombardment, it will take some time to brew, and the two thunderstorms have just fallen, and they suddenly fell down again, or the four thunderstorms fell together, which is completely counterintuitive!

Thinking of the person who had crossed the robbery, it was unreasonable to go through two thunderstorms, and it would have been counterintuitive. It wouldn't seem surprising to lower the thunderjacket without mulling.

Think so far.

The crowd calmed down.

But when he saw the young man facing the Four Thunder Tribulations still laughing, he was suddenly unable to stand.


Tai Wu, who was at the top of the sea of ​​clouds, laughed and said: "Tian Dao is afraid of being irrational by me."

End of this chapter

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