Super God

Chapter 1648: God, you won!

Yun Feiyang resisted the ninth heavy twelve thunder disasters, restored his original appearance, and suddenly let all the cities in the domain explode.

Many warriors looked at the light curtain and looked at the handsome face, shocked and incredible.

It was shocking.

It turned out that the person who crossed the robbery was easy to disguise, and the true identity is Yun Feiyang, who ascended the real God of War!

It is unbelievable.

This son has been flying for only a few years, and has reached the level of quasi-central consummation in a short time!

In the end, how much evil will make such a breakthrough?

The most unacceptable thing for the real martial arts warriors is that this guy will be so powerful and so explosive!

After the ninth heavy thunder bombing, Yun Feiyang didn't care about his appearance.


He didn't even bother to care now, because the air robbed cloud once again spit out twelve thunder robbers.

"Oh shit!"

Yun Feiyang scolded, and could only continue to unite the Tao world.

This is really a big deal, otherwise Heaven will not be bombarded so ruthlessly.

Fortunately, there were always twelve thunder disasters and no improvement, so even though Yun Feiyang collapsed, he still had the ability to compete with it.

"Boom! Boom!"

Thunder Tribulation kept bombing, Yun Feiyang kept contending, and many warriors watched with twitching corners of their mouths.

This continuous eruption and bombing has opened their eyes.

And often seeing Yun Feiyang standing against the twelve thunder disasters, he still stands proudly, but also admires the five body cast.

After an hour.

Yun Feiyang didn't know how many times he resisted twelve thunder robberies, and the whole person was extremely embarrassed by the bombing.


The enraged Heavenly Dao did not stop intending, and he still spit out twelve Thunder Tribulations in the Cloud.

After more than an hour, Yun Fei, who resisted the thunder and robbery, once again made a move that caused many warriors to collapse, that was lying on the ground.

Different from times.

This time Yun Dachen was lying on the ground because his body was a little weak after a crazy thunder bombing.

If Tiandao can speak, he will definitely say: "Boy, you continue to be cheap!"


The cheap goods are flying, and they can't be cheap now.

Lying on the ground, he saw Thunder Tribulation blast down again, suddenly crying without tears.

If time goes back, Yun Feiyang will never arrogantly lie on the ground to provoke the heavens, but will fight against it seriously.


"Boom! Boom!"

The thunder roared down again, the vast heavenly prestige filled.

Yun Feiyang lay on the ground and experienced ruthless bombing time and again, and his body and soul were extremely weak.

However, because of his profound understanding of Taoism, he is not in danger of life.

"I say."

Yun Feiyang said feebly: "Can we rest for a while and hack again."

He is not talking to himself, but talking to heaven.

Tiandao seemed to hear his voice, instead of stopping, he bombarded more diligently.



Another hour of bombing.

Yun Feiyang was lying on the ground with the word'big'. The whole person was not only extremely weak, but also had different degrees of damage to the meridians.


The life attribute is mobilized, and the injury is madly nurtured.

However, it has just been repaired, and the twelve thunders have fallen down, and they have been thwarted again.

to be frank.

Yun Feiyang's understanding of Taoism and physical defense strength will not fall even if he has been bombarded by thunder.

But after all, Thunder Tribulation is a manifestation of Heaven's Dao.

"Boom! Boom!"

Thunder Tribulation is still happy to bomb.

Yun Dachen can only lie on the ground, watching the twelve Thunder Triggers squirting from the Cloud, and silently record the number of bombings.


"Three hundred and sixty times..."


"Nine hundred and seventy-one..."


"Three thousand six hundred and eighty times..."


The theory of thunder and robbery during the transition is unlimited.

But in the real martial arts domain, the warriors who can withstand nine thunders from ancient times are also very rare.

When Yun Feiyang was bombarded by lightning strikes one day and one night, and the number of times exceeded 10,000, the warriors watching the light curtain twitched one corner of their mouths, and it was difficult to calm their minds.

Those who have survived the triple thunder robbers are known as the Sanlei Immortals, and those who have survived the nine thunder robbers are known as the Nine Thunder Immortals.

This Yun Feiyang is enough to contend with 10,000 weights. If it finally becomes a fairyland, should it be called "Wanlei Fairy Man"?

At this point, many warriors felt a little dizzy.

However, judging from the number of times, Yun Feiyang has indeed experienced 10,000 bombings, but each thunderstorm is twelve, which is a huge number to count.


Absolute demon!

Many warriors agreed in their hearts.

Besides, Yun Feiyang, when he has experienced thousands of thunder bombs, his clothes have been shattered, his bare skin has become burnt black, and even his long flowing hair has been erected.


Another twelve thunderstorms crashed down.

After Yun Da cheap God took it, his body twitched slightly, and foam appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Self-proclaimed chic, and like the routine of other people's cheap gods, today is completely out of temper.


On the top of the cloud, there was a soft voice: "Is there anything wrong with me?"

"will not."

Taiwu smiled and said: "Thunder Dao's cohesive thunder tribulation, why can't the kid."


The voice came again: "My son has experienced thousands of thunders, why hasn't he shaped a fairy body yet?"

The warrior is extremely and he fell unsuccessfully.

But if you can contend with Thunder Tribulation, the fairy body will be shaped during the bombing process.

Although Yun Feiyang's mind collapsed, he didn't die, so it was not a failure, but it was a bit unbelievable to experience ten thousand times without shaping a fairy body.

"It should be fast."

Tai Budo.

In fact, he knows that Yun Fei's crossover is completely beyond the control of heaven and earth, and the difficulty of shaping the fairy body is also difficult for other warriors.


Thunder Tribulation fell down and threw up in Yunfei again.

Unlike before, after this bombing, the burnt black skin shattered, revealing tender skin.

"Kaka Kaka."

In an instant, Yun Feiyang's scorched black skin began to fall off in a large area, and the exposed skin was as smooth and white as peeling and shy.


Everyone exclaimed.

After more than 10,000 thunder bombs, Yun Feiyang finally faded away and formed a fairy body.

After the fairy body was shaped, the nucleus of his fairy field changed qualitatively, and the gurgling emerged stronger and shrouded around him. The extraordinary temperament was clear at a glance.

Many warriors immediately determined that this guy entered the fairyland!


Obviously it has broken through, and the robbery cloud continues to erupt with twelve thunderstorms.

Unintentionally feeling the stronger power brought by the breakthrough of the realm, Yun Feiyang looked up to the sky, with a bitter face, said: "Heaven, you won!"

The gods who are not afraid of heaven and earth are completely collapsed by Heavenly Dao.

When he finished this sentence, the thunder that was about to fall down suddenly disappeared, and the looting clouds that filled hundreds of thousands of miles also collapsed and restored the Langkang universe in a short time.


Yun Fei Yang fell to the ground, breathlessly said: "This heaven is stubborn enough."


ps, sorry, there is a situation, only 2 changes, make up for it later.

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