Super God

Chapter 1658: Man with story

During the speech of the man in black, the sword's intention erupted and expanded towards the surrounding area, causing the falling raindrops to suddenly solidify and form a beautiful picture.

Yun Feiyang felt shocked after feeling the sword intention, secretly said: "Good sword intention!"

and many more!

What did he just say?

Northern Xuan mainland, cold break?

Cold break!

In an instant, Yun Feiyang remembered the five brothers that Senior Shen had said before, and one of them was called Leng Duan, a swordsman with an arrogant personality.

There are countless warriors with the same name and name.

However, this sudden appearance of the man in black is cold and arrogant at first glance, especially the swordsman, maybe one of Senior Shen's five brothers!

Yun Feiyang was sure in his heart, but he didn't speak, silently stepping back dozens of steps.

This cold-hearted man in black wants to fight against the sword-stepping man. To count himself as a half swordsman, he must give them absolutely enough fighting space.

Senior Shen’s brother, if he can solve the other party directly, it’s better.


The sword servant in the air laughed: "If you want to fight, then fight!"

This is a real swordsman, conscious of the emergence of powerful sword repair, can't wait to fight one.

A clearing.

The sword servant fell gently, and the stepped flying sword flew into his hand, flashing a faint cold light.

The level of his sword is obviously very high.

The cold cut in black also came over. With every step he took, the raindrops solidified in the air evaporated, and an indescribable sword came out.

The sword servant said solemnly: "What is your sword intention?"


Stopped coldly and whispered: "It used to be merciless sword, but now it is sentimental sword."

"Sentimental sword intention?"

The sword servant shook his head and said, "The old man has never heard of it."

No words.

He, with a cold personality, certainly would not explain it in detail.


The sword came out of the sheath, and the seven-foot long sword appeared.

The cold sword does not have any light shining, it is simple and unpretentious, like the most common sword.

The sword servant stunned: "Your sword is just a mortal. Will you come to fight the old one?"

The seven elders who were seriously injured heard the words and laughed silently.

In this world, the strength of the warrior lies in the blessing of treasure and weapons.

The mysterious man in black shows a most common long sword, and it is a bit ridiculous to compete with a sword servant with high-quality weapons.

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

He wanted to throw away his Hunyuan Qiankun sword and use it coldly.

But listen to the other party coldly said: "The sword has no quality, how to use it."

"is it."

The sword servant smiled and said: "The old man today will have to see how you use this ordinary sword."

"as you wish."

Leng Duan said indifferently, his right hand turned, and the unpretentious long sword crossed the void, forming a streamer.

The streamer was originally a thin line, very weak, but when it burst out completely, it instantly filled with horror sword, like a surging wave.

"So strong!"

Yun Feiyang was deeply shocked.

A swordsman like Leng Duan is the strongest person he has seen since he came into contact with Kendo.

This kind of strength is not the strength in martial arts, nor the strength of the treasure and weapon blessing, but the most primitive and pure strength!

Yun Feiyang was even more shocked.

When the sword gas exploded, the contained breath was full of a certain kind of special breath, reminding him of the woman who had been missing for a long time, and the brother who was in the flying God Realm.

There are seven wounded elders who feel this way.

People have feelings, even if they are cold-blooded people, there is a potential feeling in their hearts. This kind of friendship is friendship, affection, or love.

The cold and unpretentious sword contains horror swordsmanship, but there is also emotion. The warrior who feels the breath can not help being infected and draw out the feelings buried deep in his heart.

This is a sentimental sword.

To be precise, this is affectionate Kendo!

Even if the atmosphere of terror was formed, and the surrounding area was thousands of feet, it did not destroy a tree, a grass, or even a fallen leaf.

Because people are affectionate, and swords are affectionate.

"A man with a story."

Comprehend the swordsmanship that evokes the feelings of others, and let Yun Feiyang judge that Senior Brother Shen must have experienced many things.


The sentimental sword screamed with great momentum.

The locked sword servant, his face dignified, he held the sword in one hand, broke his sword intention, and suddenly slashed it out.

"call out!"

The innocent sword gas flew out, clinging to the ground.

The kendo he comprehended, named Wuhen, was of very high rank among the three thousand kendo.

However, in front of the cold and passionate Kendo, it is very weak.

"call out!"

Suddenly, that passionate sword qi flew away, through the innocent sword qi, and also through the body of the sword servant, and flew towards the endless sky until it was finally wiped out.


Cold cut his right hand, the sword into the sheath.

From the sword to the sword, the process is not too fast.

However, when he withdrew his sword, the invincible sword gas exploded from the explosion instantly disappeared, and the sword servant stood still in a daze.

that moment.

The open area is extremely quiet.


When the light came, the clothes on the sword servant's chest shattered, showing a thin sword mark. Fortunately, his body was safe.

Yun Feiyang secretly shocked: "The sword that was so powerful just scratched the clothes. What a terrible control."

The strength of a sword repair depends not on exertion but on effort.

You can easily kill the sword servant by cutting off the sword just But after the moment of passing, the power is reduced to the level of only cutting through the clothes, which shows that the control of the sword power has reached the extreme.


The sword servant looked up and laughed: "It's a pleasure, it's a pleasure!"

He lost.

But defeated persuasively.

Leng Duan pointed at the distance and said lightly: "Go away."

The sword servant received the sword and arched his hand: "If he is destined to see you again in the future, the old will also teach your lord's sword."

"Not necessary."

Leng Duan said indifferently: "This person, I don't like to fight with others for the second time, especially the defeated men."


Yun Feiyang mouth slightly pumped.

I thought, Senior Shen's brother really had a character.

The sword servant didn't care, but pointed to the seven elders who were injured and said, "These people, old age will be taken away."


Leng Duan said indifferently.

That face was always cold, as if everyone owed him money.

The sword servant is gone.

Seven elders with serious injuries were also taken away.

Although Yun Feiyang regretted that he didn't get their space ring, he still gratefully said: "Thank you Senior Senior for helping out."

Lengduan turned around and said coldly, "Boy, I smelled him from you."


"Shen Hao."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang suddenly realized.

Leng Ruan said: "Boy, who are you?"

"This one"

Yun Feiyang thought for a while and suddenly said seriously: "The junior is the grandson-in-law of Senior Shen."

This guy started fooling again.

Anyway, it was normal to pretend to be the son-in-law of the Shen family before.


Coldly murmured: "I haven't seen him in years, he has even his granddaughter."

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "It seems that Senior Shen and his brother have not seen each other for a long time."

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