Super God

Chapter 1666: Destiny Jade

Yun Feiyang summoned colorful flowing clouds and swallowed white dragons, and left Wanghai City immensely. At this scene, the city owner Cang Jie witnessed the whole process.

I even saw the female thief wanted by Xiangjia.

To be able to sit in Zhen Gongzi's car, the relationship between the two must be unusual, so Cang Chengzhu can only pretend that he didn't see it, nor did he come out to see him off.

The Xiangjia people also saw that the concubine was like, they did not dare to rush up to question or detain, apparently bemoaned by Zhen Deshuai who owns the fairy beast.

that's it.

In the eyes of the warriors in the city, the colorful drifting car slowly walked away from Wanghai City and eventually disappeared in the sky.

The warriors of Xiangjia can only admit their planting and can only watch with their eyes shut.


Confirmed that he had left Wanghai City, and there was no warrior catching up. The concubine seemed to be sitting in the car, and the whole person was completely relaxed.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "I said to keep you safe, no one would dare to move you."

This is pretty good.

The concubine, as if not speaking, took out the stolen jade and said lightly: "Give it back to you."

Yun Feiyang didn't pick it up, but laughed: "Girl, do you know the origin and name of this jade pendant?"

"I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing."

The concubine was like a road.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "The name of this thing is Ding Qing Yu Pei. It was a gift from a monk when I went to the temple to get a marriage. He said that if it was obtained by a female donor under circumstances other than what I wanted, it would be me The other half, my marriage."

Suddenly, this guy didn't blink.

The concubine wrinkled slightly like Liu Mei, a very bad hunch rose.

Yun Fei Yang said: "I didn't believe it at first, but just yesterday, you stole Yu Pei without my wish, which is what the monk said was the other half of my hard search."

"You think too much."

The concubine was like throwing away Yu Pei.

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and flicked Yu Pei back, and fell into her hand again, earnestly said: "You stole my determined Yu Pei, it is tantamount to stealing my heart."


The concubine seemed speechless.

Yun Feiyang leaned over and said, "You may have misunderstood me, but I believe that as long as you come in contact with me for a while, you will understand that there is a natural marriage between you and me."


The concubine was like a road.

Yun Feiyang parked the colorful Liuyun car in an open mountain forest as she wished, saying: "I'm going to the East Territory, if you don't want to follow, you can go now."


The concubine jumped out of the car and left without looking back.

"This woman..."

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly, but he didn't pay attention to it, driving the Yunyun Bailong towards the sky.

For him, she was just bored and wanted to ridicule the woman. Since she did not fall into the trap, she would definitely not beg for Bai Lai to haunt her.


Suddenly, a scream came from below.

When Yunfei Yangxianxian was released, he saw a group of high-level beasts chasing the woman.


The concubine seemed to run away while looking up at the sky, almost shattered and shouted: "Why do you park your car in the mountain forest full of fierce beasts!"

"You asked me to stop."

Yun Feiyang pretended to answer innocently.


The concubine seemed to be mad and fled with extreme speed in order to survive.


Yun Feiyang shouted, "Do you want me to help?"

"Ghosts only let you help!"

Concubine seemed to ignore him, relying on a good body style, shuttled between the mountains and forests, trying to get rid of dozens of beasts behind.

However, the fierce beasts chasing after all are at the level above the late quasi-sen, and it is only a matter of time before they want to catch up with her.


Fei Wanru also realized her situation. She wanted to call the man above to help herself, but she was ashamed to speak.


Yunfei carried a treasure car, always flying at low altitude, and said again: "At your speed, you will be overtaken by them after a while, whether you have considered it, will you follow me to the east."

The concubine was just waiting for him to speak, so he hurriedly said: "Okay! Okay! Let's go to Dongyu together!"


As soon as the words fell, a domineering breath filled the sky.

After feeling the breath, the fierce beasts on the run were frightened to stop and fled in panic.


The concubine looked startled.

The man just burst into momentum, and then stunned a large number of fierce beasts. His strength was terrifying.


Suddenly, a powerful suction burst.

She couldn't control her body and flew upwards suddenly. After she stabilized her body, she was already sitting on the seat of the treasure car.

Yun Feiyang knocked on Erlang's legs and smiled: "IMHO, as far as you are concerned, don't talk about going to the Eastern Territory, even in the wild in the Southwest Territories, it is difficult to survive."

"I want you to control."

The concubine glared at him, shrinking into a habit.

Yun Feiyang shook his head, communicated with Yun Bailong, and flew towards the blue sea and blue sky at a very fast speed.


Thousands of miles from Wanghai City, there is the blue sea.

On the endless sea, several large ships can be seen vaguely.

These are not ordinary ships, they are made of special materials, blessed by various formations, comparable to the treasures of the early quasi-sensation.

From the southwest to the east, it is very difficult to cross the endless sea by relying solely on the warrior flying, so it must be achieved with the help of such special ships.

A boat traveling on the sea is heading to the east.

The concubine was like a jade hand in front of the car window, looking at the boat below, her heart was full of thoughts.

If she hadn't met this man, she wanted to go to the Eastern Territory, and she would also spend Xianshi sitting on that kind of boat and experience several months of bumps before she could reach the other shore.

"I go!"

"What is above!"

The warrior on board saw the colorful flowing clouds.

But because the speed was too fast, I just felt like a streamer. As for what, I didn't see it at all.

"call out!"

The treasure car disappeared very quickly, leaving everyone deeply shocked.

"Lying trough."

"Who is so bully, dare to use the flying treasure to rush on the sea!"

"Don't you know that there are many natural barriers in the waters going to the Eastern Territory, and once the flying treasure goes in, will it endure many hardships?"

Everyone talked about it.

Yun Feiyang, who had been flying far away, heard what they said and murmured: "Natural barrier?"

The concubine, who had originally shrunk, suddenly thought of something, and quickly screamed: "Hurry up and stop flying at sea!"

The voice just The sky darkened in an instant, surrounded by layers of dense fog.

"It's over."

The concubine said like crazy: "We have entered the natural barrier."

Yun Fei raised his eyebrows. At this moment, he had realized that he and Bao Che entered the fog-covered area, and the spread of Xiannian was only a few feet away.


Suddenly, a sound came from above, and a faint golden light appeared.

This is Lehman. They gradually brewed in the dense fog, and eventually formed a thunderbolt that burst out.


Yun Feiyang shouted.


Swallowing the white dragon roared slightly, dragging the colorful flowing cloud car, and walked downstream in a thunderstorm.

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