Super God

Chapter 1670: Don't play a bad role

The light for help shone in the sky and soon dissipated.

Yun Feiyang, who walked among the mountains and forests, withdrew his gaze, and said with a dumb smile: "That group of thieves even asked for help."

He didn't know how to ask for Joss Stick, but he could tell from the light that he was definitely looking for a helper.

"Since asking for help, it also means that the group of thieves is just a handful, and there must be a larger den of bandits in this mountain forest."

As Yun Fei pondered, the horror immortal thought was released and instantly covered the entire area of ​​tens of thousands of miles around.


On the high **** of 30,000 miles, there is a large-scale cottage.

The gate inside the Zhaizi opened, and nearly one hundred martial arts flew out under the leadership of an immortal-level strongman. The direction was from here.

Yun Fei raised a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

Hunting fierce beasts is a bit slow, if you can rob more bandits, you should be able to obtain crystal nuclei faster.

It was at this time that the concubine walking behind seemed to collapse very much: "I said, I should kill them all, now it's ok, people must find a helper!"

She also saw the flashing light just now.

"You're a girl's family. It's cruel to kill people if you can't."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The concubine said seriously: "If you want to survive in the real martial arts domain, you must be cruel, because you are not cruel, others are cruel, if you don't kill others, others will kill you."

"Did not see it."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "You still have this kind of consciousness."

"Of course."

The concubine was like this: "When I went down the mountain, Master Zun always taught me."

"You still have Master?"

Yun Feiyang said with great interest.

The concubine said, "I have a Master, do you want to control it?"

Say, turn around and go.

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly and continued to hurry.

After walking for a while, the two stopped, and there were hundreds of thieves in front of the rescue.

The realm of middle-aged people headed has already reached the middle stage of the fairy, and the men behind him have also reached the level of quasi-central middle and late.


Yun Feiyang secretly said: "This force, even the eight families of Guanfeng City, is very difficult to come up with."

The East Territory is rich in resources, and the powerful are like clouds. He has heard of it, but today he saw that a group of thieves have such a powerful force, and he still can't help but secretly talk.

The concubine seemed to see that this group of martial artists had strong strength and hurriedly hid behind Yunfei Yang.

This is a kind of inertial thinking, and she doesn't even know why she would hide behind this shameless man unconsciously when she is in danger.

If you have to make it clear, that is, Yun Feiyang's breath can bring her a strong sense of security.


The burly leader coldly said: "How can anyone who dares to hurt my fire fist protect leave?"

Helping incense sticks can not only ask for help, but also form a video transmission for the designated help incense sticks. Even if the comer does not see the injured leader, he already knows the general situation.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "I have been injured a lot in my life. Which one are you talking about?"

This is very arrogant, very pretending.

Fire Fist sneered: "That's the group of people you injured earlier in the forest."

"You are talking about the bandits."

"Not bad."

"People hurt me."

"Are you the boss? Are you a thief?"

Yun Fei said.

Fire Fist said coldly: "I am not a bandit."

There are more than one gangsters in this area where fierce beasts are spread. For example, the former bandit leader, he and his brethren are a team and have their own stockades.

This warrior called Huoquan built Huoyun Village not to fight home and rob, but to serve as an umbrella for many bandits.

Simply put.

Thousands of miles of bandits and gangsters, if you want to be safe and rob, you must manage him every year.

If, during this period, you encounter troublesome troubles and receive a good fist, you will take the brethren to solve it.

The thieves rely on robbery income, Huoyun Village rely on thieves income.

"Are you not a bandit?"

Yun Fei was surprised.

Fire fist was too lazy to explain, pointing at the concubine behind him, and said lightly: "I have never hit a woman with fire fist, so leave here quickly."


Hundreds of people gave way very tacitly.

It seems that more than one thing has been done to make way for women.

Fei Wan didn't believe it, she always believed that this group of people was the same as the previous bandits, so she still felt safer hiding behind Yun Feiyang.

Yun Fei Yang said: "There is nothing about you here, let's go first."

"I... I won't go."

The concubine was like a road.

Even if she could leave safely, she would not leave.

Because no matter Wanghai City, or the East Territory, or even came here, he has been protected by this man and has repeatedly resolved the crisis.

It is really unreasonable to let him go at this time.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Your Master didn't tell you, no matter what danger you encounter, should you let yourself live first?"

The concubine was like a startle.

Her master did not say this kind of thing, but she said something similar.

"Don't play tricks."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Hurry up and wait for me in the boulder pile a few miles away, I will come to you soon."

The voice is gentle, like a man coaxing his woman.

Damn guy.

I have nothing to do with you, why speak in this tone!

The concubine who originally wanted to insist was like flying around the cloud and flying away.

Fire Fist and a group of men did not take her, let it leave.


Yun Feiyang smiled embarrassedly: "My woman is a little tempered, and makes you laugh."

The concubine who just walked out was like this. He heard that, his anger was greater, and the speed of travel was faster. While holding a pink fist, he secretly said: "Shameless guy, better die here!"

Not long after walking, a huge boulder appeared in front.

The concubine seemed to stop, glanced back at the dark mountain forest, and after a little pondering, proceeded.


After walking for more than ten is back again.


The concubine was like sitting on a stone and secretly said: "Damn fellow, I am not waiting for you, I am collecting corpses for you."

"Boom! Boom!"

It was at this moment that there was a fist from the rear.

After hearing the voice, the concubine swept a trace of worry, but sat still with her thoughts still.

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!

That shameless guy, there is nothing to worry about.

I thought so in my heart, but when the fist was getting louder and more frequent, my heart suddenly hung up.


The sound became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

The concubine seemed to stand up, and after a fierce inner struggle, she decided to go back and look at the situation.

Soon, she came to the area where she was previously intercepted, where the trees fell, cracks appeared on the ground, and the air exudes rich fire attributes.

"What about people?"

Fei Wan did not see Yun Feiyang, nor did he see the man who claimed to be a fire fist, nor did he see the number one hundred.

The area that had just been fought was empty and strange.

"Isn't it all the same?"

The concubine just looked around again when she was guessing, but she still found nothing but left in despair.


Today 2 more, yesterday more, owe 3 in total.

There is something wrong at home because of the affairs of my family. I don’t want to let the big guy know. After all, it’s a private matter. I’m also embarrassed to say it clearly. But you feel that I am hypocritical.

If you feel that I made excuses intentionally, there is no way.

Since I wrote this book, no matter whether it is owed to change or to have a baby, I have made up for owed to change, as much as I can.

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