Super God

Chapter 1675: Have something to say

Sun Haitian thought that when the British Lion Army was dispatched, Yun Feiyang could be killed, but the whole army was wiped out. This is undoubtedly a very bad family.

If Master Sun knew that his son had destroyed the elite division he had worked so **** because of a small contradiction, he would be violently thunderous.

of course.

Sun Haitian, who was buckled on his neck, now has no time to distress his father's elite teacher, he said in fear: "Peng...friend, there are...something to say!"

Soldiers higher than his realm were easily killed. He did not think that the man in front of him would kill himself and use the second sword.

Realizing that Yun Feiyang is very strong, Sun Haitian became a courageous package, which is in line with a young man's personality.


Yun Feiyang let go of him and smiled, "Say it."

After feeling the murderous convergence, Sun Haitian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Yun Feiyang pointed at the general and said coldly: "Like the dog, lie on the ground for me."


The general immediately lay on the ground and grinned: "Little friends, as long as I walk around the young master of my house, even if I kneel and learn to bark, I will!"

He is a soldier and a soldier of the city's master.

If the young city master has three shorts and two shorts, his own result must be one death.

So for the safety of the young master, no matter how humiliated he is, he will never care.

Yun Feiyang ignored the general, but looked at Sun Haitian and said, "Let me hear, how did you talk?"

Although Sun Haitian is a playboy, in the face of this situation, his IQ must have skyrocketed and he quickly said: "I give Xianshi, I give Xianshi!"

This kid has a lot of eyesight.

Yun Feiyang patted his shoulder and smiled, "How much?"

"Xinpin Xianshiyi..."

Sun Haitian wanted to say a hundred, and suddenly found Yun Feiyang's face gloomy, and he changed his mind and said: "Thousands of inferior immortal stones!"

The warriors in the distance are envious.

So many fairy stones are already a large number.

Ordinary casual training, I am afraid that in my lifetime, I may not save enough.

"A thousand inferior immortals?"

The concubine seemed to cover her mouth, her beautiful eyes shone with incredible light.

Although this woman has a few fairy stones, she is still very poor, otherwise she will not commit theft in Wanghai City.

Thousands of inferior immortal stones are already a huge number for her.

"Is it only a thousand?"

Yun Fei Yang Jianmei frowned, very unhappy.

The concubine was like petrifying with many martial arts one by one, thinking in his heart, what kind of big family or big immortal ancestor did this person come from before he could say "only a thousand"!

Yun Feiyang did not come from a big family, nor a disciple of Daxianzong.

But for him, a thousand pieces of inferior immortal stone really can't be seen in his eyes. As long as there are crystal nuclei, dozens of middle-grade immortal stones can be produced in minutes in the chemical ring.

He who condensed out the high-quality immortal stone may not be able to be regarded as the master of the master condensate master, but he is already worthy of the word "master" at the median level.

This is definitely a walking fairy stone machine.

If a big family and Daxianzong know, they will definitely break their heads and grab the guest.

"How about this."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Take out two thousand inferior immortal stones, and the matter between you and me will stop."


Sun Haitian grimaced and said, "Friend, a thousand pieces of inferior immortal stone is the limit I can come up with, no matter how high it can be."

Yun Feiyang frowned: "Can I still say this?"


The killing came.

Sun Haitian was so scared that all his hair stood up.

He hurriedly said: "Say it, say it!"

"That's right."

Yun Feiyang patted his shoulder again, and said, "Give me two thousand inferior immortal stones. I will take my woman away. You are still the city's young master, and you can continue to shine."

After this incident, Sun Haitian will definitely not show off his strength again, and will certainly have a degree of convergence. After all, the iron plate he kicked this time is too hard for him to remember for a lifetime.

"Good! Good!"

Sun Haitian said: "I... I have a thousand here. Please accept them first."

He said, hand over the space ring, and looked at the general lying on the ground, saying: "Go and get a thousand pieces of inferior immortal stone to this friend."

"Young city master."

The general collapsed and said, "Where will the end go to get so many fairy stones?"

The weather of Sun Hai said badly: "This is your problem, not the problem of a few. You can't bring a thousand pieces of inferior immortal stone in one hour. Come and see me with your head!"

The general stood up quickly and hurried away.

After thinking about it on the road, I finally decided to use the military supplies arranged by the city owner. After all, the priority was to save the city master first.

Yun Feiyang was not in a hurry. He clicked the fairy stone in the ring and threw it to the concubine in the back like this: "Although these spirit stones are few, they should be able to buy you some new clothes and jewelry."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

A thousand pieces of inferior immortal stone are enough to buy several luxurious houses in the city, but this guy thinks that only a few new clothes and jewelry can be purchased.

The concubine was like sweeping the thousands of fairy stones piled up inside, and the jade hand holding the ring trembling slightly, even breathing became rapid.

As if dreaming, she asked dumbly: "For...for me?"

" Yun Feiyang smiled softly and said, "You are my woman, who will you not give it to?" "


The concubine looked down shyly.

This is not acting in front of people, but really shy.


It didn't take long.

The general came in a hurry and presented a thousand inferior immortals.

After Yun Feiyang accepted it, he patted the shoulder of the young master and smiled: "I like the person who talks best like you, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate again."

Cooperation again?

Sun Haitian almost cried.

"Young city master."

Yun Feiyang clasped his fists and said: "My couple and I will say goodbye."

With that, she came to Feiwanru and gently embraced her thin waist with a little toes and flew out of the city.

The unsustainable Sun Haitian finally lay on the ground, his legs were already so scared that he had no intuition.


When Yun Feiyang was about to fly out of the city wall, an angry scream sounded.



Two figures flew out of the main palace.

One of them looks majestic and has a face similar to that of Sun Haitian. He is obviously the Sun Bawang of Linxing City.

The other person is quite old, wearing a black robe, with a goatee, eyes flashing with superb luster, giving a feeling of being immortal.

After hearing Sun Bawang's voice, Sun Haitian immediately came to strength. He first pointed to Yun Feiyang, and then cried out loudly: "Dad, this guy wiped out the Lion Army, and robbed two thousand inferior immortals from the children!"


Sun Bawang was furious.

Yun Feiyang was going to leave. At first sight, the city owner actually came out of the dark room of the city's main palace. He simply fell down and picked the concubine in his arms like that silky silk.


PS, I still pay 1 more, I owe 1 more.

(End of this chapter)

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