Super God

Chapter 1695: Real devil training

Yun Feiyang knew that he had just taken office and would definitely be questioned by his colleagues, so he said nothing and stood quietly.

It didn't take long.

Mr. Mu and Mr. Yi came one after another.

"City Lord!"

Everyone saluted.

Master Mucheng nodded and said, "To summon you today, I decided to host a military confrontation half a month later."

"Military confrontation?"

Many generals were immediately excited.

Mr. Yi added: "In this military confrontation, all 20 legions will participate, and the winner will receive excellent equipment and martial arts resources."

The crowd heated their eyes.

As a general, the most important thing I must care about is good equipment and martial arts resources, so that my soldiers' combat effectiveness can soar.

"Go back and prepare."

Mucheng main road.

The generals will retreat one after another, and Yun Feiyang will also leave, but he is called by the city master, saying: "General Zhen, the city master heard that in just a few days, the Sixth Army has undergone earth-shaking changes."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It's okay."


Master Mu said with a smile: "General Zhen did not disappoint the owner of the city, and half a month later the legions confronted and hoped to achieve good results."

"I try my best."

Yun Fei said.

Mr. Yi smiled: "General Zhen seems to have little interest."

Yun Fei Yang said: "I feel that this kind of training method of fighting myself is better than pulling soldiers to find wild beasts in the wild."

Mr. Yi explained: "Although the fierce beasts are cruel, they do not understand tactics and formations at all, and the confrontation between the legions can enhance the combat effectiveness.


Yun Feiyang did not deny it.

Mu Chengzhu said with a smile: "General Zhen, if your 6th Legion can win the championship, the City Master Mansion will open it once for you."


Yun Feiyang salutes: "Please rest assured, the city will definitely go all out!"

This guy had no interest at all, and heard that the martial arts library opened for himself, and he suddenly got excited.



"Military confrontation?"

In the camp of the Sixth Army, the soldiers were dumbfounded when they learned the situation.


Li You said with a bitter face: "The 1st and 8th Legions are the elite of the elite. We confronted them and the result was definitely defeated."


The crowd collapsed.

Military confrontation has been held many times before, and the Sixth Army has also participated in it. As a result, the fish brigade has been bullied.

Especially two decades ago, they participated in the military confrontation, and the opponent they met was the First Army. As a result, they were wiped out in half an hour and became a laughing stock in the barracks.


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers got up immediately and lined up with great speed.

Yun Feiyang glanced at everyone and shouted, "When I'm a soldier, just remember one thing, don't fail without a fight at any time!"


The sound is enough to vibrate the eardrum.


The soldiers shouted.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Lieutenant General, take them to continue training in gravity array!"

Training again?

The crowd almost fell to the ground.


The military confrontation will begin in half a month, which is a bit hasty for Yun Feiyang.

However, it was too late.

The next day, Yun Feiyang set up an isolation formation in the camp to prevent others from visiting, and then began to consider a new training plan.

Without time to accelerate, relying solely on the gravity array, it is difficult for tens of thousands of soldiers to have a substantial breakthrough, wanting them to become stronger within half a month, only to start with tactics and formation.

"You can only rely on the ancient art of war."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

To help Zhuge Jin realize the twelfth war against the sky, he copied a copy of the ancient art of war and kept it in the ring of creation.

Never thought that it came in handy today.


After reading the ancient art of war, Yun Feiyang exclaimed: "This art of war is all-encompassing."



"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

After just one morning of gravity training, 10,000 soldiers who had not yet rested quickly assembled.

Yun Fei said: "Time is pressing, and next, I will give you real devil training."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Are these days of training not enough for the devil?

"Any opinions?"

"No comment!"

The soldiers shouted in unison.

Yun Feiyang disbanded the team, called the lieutenant general and ten commanders to the headquarters, and began to assign tasks.

The application of the art of war is not to pull 10,000 people to learn, but to divide several groups, each to practice first, and then to carry out the final integration.

"Have you all understood?"

Yun Fei said.

Li You and the ten heads of directors said in unison: "Understood."

Yun Fei raised his hand on the table and looked coldly: "I will only give you ten days. If a regiment cannot use these types of formations freely, the regimental leader will not need to be."

Several commanders retreated in a hurry, summoned all their captains, and transmitted the formation for them.

"I only give you ten days. If any team can't use these types of formations freely, the captain will not need to be a leader." The heads said.

As soon as the captains heard how sloppy, they immediately called all the soldiers down and began to drill according to the formation.


The Sixth Army began a more brutal devil training.

Gravity training in the morning, practice array in the afternoon, and even practice in the evening, there is absolutely no time for rest.



Three days later, many soldiers' legs fell softly to the ground.

Long-term training not only consumes a lot of energy, but also consumes the mind and makes them physically and mentally tired.

"Come on."

Li You carried a lot of elixirs and said, "This is the Elixir of Elimination, one for each person."

"Quan Dan?"

Some people are puzzled: "Brother Goujiu, what kind of panacea is this?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense."

Li Youdao: "The general will let you take it, hurry up!"

As soon as he heard the word general, many soldiers' faces changed, and they quickly took the medicine and took it.

Strange to say, after the immortality was put into the abdomen, the fatigue of the body suddenly disappeared.

"I feel so good now!"

"me too!"

Everyone got up and excited.

Li You said: "Since it's very cool, don't be idle, hurry and continue to practice for me!"


Everyone was The soldiers relieved their tiredness and could only continue training.

After another three days, the effect of the Elixir was over, and they lay one by one like mud on the ground, even the strength to lift their eyelids was gone.

Elixir of Elimination is a panacea made by Yunfeiyang. Its function is to suppress physical and mental fatigue.

That is to say, after reaching the limit, this group of soldiers took the panacea to grow alive, but the physical and mental fatigue did not disappear.

And once it broke out again, it was absolutely violent like a flood.

Ten thousand soldiers rested for one night and continued to practice the next day. After reaching the limit, they were again suppressed with immortality.

In this way, the real devil training really deserves its name.

However, on the eve of the beginning of the military confrontation, Yun Feiyang allowed them to take a good night's sleep in order to meet tomorrow's confrontation in a better state.

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