Super God

Chapter 1703: Paid rescuer

Chapter 1703 Paid Rescue

In the war zone in the mountain forest, more than 20 students and fierce beasts are fighting together. Yun Feiyang can see the beautiful women with extraordinary looks at first glance.

"call out!"

The woman in white collected the sword and dialed the green silk covering her face, revealing a fair face, and a few drops of sweat were hanging on the forehead, which was really beautiful.


Yun Feiyang secretly praised.

Bai Liyan and the concubine seemed to be pretty good, but they could praise him so involuntarily, showing how extraordinary the beauty in white was.

Some readers may ask, why are the women the protagonist sees beautiful?

Is this nonsense?

If you see all the girls who are two hundred pounds and sturdy, can your eyes bear it?

"Sister Xue, you are amazing!"

The students looked at the woman in white with eyes of love and worship.

The fairy beasts of the late stage seem to have been killed by more than twenty people, but in fact died under the sword of a woman in white.

"This woman's realm is only the early stage of the fairy, and the strength of the outbreak is enough to be comparable to the late fairy."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

He can achieve a strength far higher than the realm, and other geniuses can do the same, such as women in white.


Suddenly, roar came from deep in the forest.

The woman in white said: "The fighting just alarmed the other beasts. Let's leave quickly."

The voice is soft and beautiful.

A group of students took her as the leader, and immediately left her body, and soon, the fighting area was empty.

"Don't take the crystal nucleus, just leave?"

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

Since you don't want to, I can only pick up the leak.


Yun Feiyang stepped on the sky and took off the crystal nuclei, and turned to leave the place.


A soft voice came from behind.

Yun Feiyang stopped suddenly, and saw the woman in white falling down.


He wondered: "Aren't you gone?"

The woman in white dress frowned slightly and said lightly: "Hand over the crystal nucleus."


Yun Feiyang slapped his head and smiled: "I understand, you deliberately put those students away and wanted to swallow the nucleus alone."

The woman in white shook her eyes and was obviously right.


Yun Feiyang took out the crystal nucleus and threw it to her: "You killed, naturally it is yours."

The woman in white took the crystal nucleus, and there was consternation on her beauty face. It seemed that she didn't expect that the other party would hand it out so cheerfully.

to be frank.

Yun Da cheap **** does not lack crystal nuclei.

If it weren't for watching them go, I didn't even think about picking up leaks.

The woman in white withdrew the crystal nucleus, leaving the man with a glance, showing her body and leaving.

Yun Feiyang also left.

Although he was amazed by the woman's beauty, but he was not interested in making friends, he quickly looked for the fairy remnant as a priority.


According to the map, there is a virgin forest in the area hundreds of miles away.

Yun Feiyang hurried over with the celestial snake and wandered in it for most of the day, but there was no gain.


He took out the map and marked it on this mountain forest area, indicating that he had already searched for it, and then set off for a nearby mountain forest.

From the map, the two forests are not far apart.

But the actual journey was far away, and Yun Feiyang walked for three days before coming over.

The second piece of virgin forest has a wider range, and if you want to explore it all, you can't get it in one or two hours.

Yun Feiyang didn't fully focus on finding the fairy remnant, occasionally killing and killing beasts, and digging up some precious medicinal materials.


One day, Yun Feiyang stopped in front of a waterfall and looked at the beautiful scenery. The whole person was relaxed and happy.


In such an elegant place, the attributes of heaven and earth and the moral meaning contained therein are not strong.

Under different realms of Zhenwu God Realm, apart from a few Dongtianfudi, it still has stronger attributes and morality in the city.

"If it weren't for this characteristic, such a beautiful place might have been occupied by others."

The scenery is a good scenery, but without the blessings of nature and morality, it is just the scenery.

Yun Feiyang didn't stay here for long, got up and left, and shuttled again among the mountains and forests, looking for the breath of the fairy king's residual volume.



Suddenly, a roar of beasts came from the distant forest.

Yun Feiyang Xiannian was released, and found that dozens of miles ahead, hundreds of fierce beasts of the same species were rushing, the rocks were broken, and the trees collapsed.

At the forefront, a group of warriors fleeing their lives. From the perspective of their clothes, they are obviously the students of the Central Academy who met earlier.

"How could they be here?"

Yun Feiyang was very surprised, and at the same time admired their courage, with the strength of the early and middle immortals, they dared to enter the depths of the mountains and forests throughout the late immortals.




The students from the Central Academy headed by the women in white are traveling in the mountains and forests. Even though their bodies are extremely tired, they are still struggling to survive.


The fierce beasts with huge physiques and strength comparable to those of the late fairy are mad behind.

Judging from the current situation, once this group of students is caught up, the results will surely all fall, even if the white women's strength is far from high.

"Sister, there is a cave!"

One student shouted.

The woman in white looked up and was pleased in her heart, saying: "Hurry up and hide in."

"Brush! Brush!"

More than twenty students accelerated, and finally came to the stone wall and entered the narrow cave.


The woman in white finally came, her jade hand waved, and her seven-foot long sword came out of her sheath, staring at the hundred-headed fierce beast in front of her.


Yun Feiyang squatted on a tree and said, "Does this woman have to rely on her own strength to contend with the late-level beasts of the hundred-headed fairy?"


At this moment, a roaring beast rushed forward.

The woman in white was not in danger, she waved her sword with one hand and cut out a sharp sword spirit.


The sword gas exploded, pushing the fierce beast back.

"Brush! Brush!"

Dozens of fierce beasts quickly fell and surrounded the small caves.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Can't hold the hole, everyone inside must die."

"call out!"

Acting in style, drifting away, and finally chose the sky above the cave, laughing: "Girl, you seem to be in danger."

The woman in white stunned and looked up, startled: "Is it you?"

"it's me."

Yun Feiyang handsome smile.

The woman in white jade clasped her long sword tightly, locking her gaze to the fierce beast staring outside.


Yun Fei said: "With your strength, it is difficult to resist so many fierce beasts."

The woman in white naturally knows that UU reading is coldly saying: "If you want to read the joke of my Central Academy here, please leave as soon as possible."

"I'm not reading jokes."

Yun Feiyang seriously said: "I'm here to discuss a deal with you."

"Buy or sell?"

The woman in white is at a loss.

Yun Fei said: "You give me fairy stone, crystal core, I will help you solve this group of fierce beasts."

He did not come to save the United States, he came to be a salvation.

Yun Dachen is convinced that this group of students can enter the Central Academy, their identity is not simple, there must be a lot of valuable things.

Robbery can quickly make a fortune.

It is also a good idea to be paid to save people in the wild.

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