Super God

Chapter 1717: Fairy emperor

When Yun Feiyang said the fruit of life, Emperor Po Gu was shocked.

You know, at that time, he also thought about whether to go down to find the fruit of life, but because of his body, he finally failed to do so.

Moreover, the ancient Immortal Emperor also knows that even if he goes to the lower realm, he may not be able to find it. After all, not every tree of life can conceive the fruit of life.


Suddenly, the streamer flashed.

Yun Feiyang showed a fruit full of vitality out of thin air in his hand, saying: "If not, would it be said."

"The fruit of life!"

The eyes of Po Guxian Emperor shone and shined.

As one of the nine great immortal emperors in the domain, he naturally recognized the fruit of life, and a strong desire to survive suddenly rose in his heart.

Can live, no one wants to die, even immortal emperor is no exception.


Po Guxian Emperor said seriously: "Speak your terms!"

He knew that since the young man took out the fruits of his life, he would not take it easily to himself.

"My conditions are simple."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "After resurrection, be my servant."


This is the fairy fairy.

If he was resurrected and became his own servant, who would be afraid in the domain?

Po Guxian Emperor's face was hard to look. He wanted to come alive, but to be a servant to others was really unacceptable.

Yun Fei said: "Of course, if you have to consider dignity, you can go to Jiuquan with peace of mind."


Broken ancient immortal tangled.

"You gave away the Emperor Emperor to others before you died, and now you can only count as an Emperor Emperor, not a noble Emperor."

Yun Fei said: "Moreover, I am not letting you be my servant forever."

This sentence made Po Guxian Emperor shaken, he said: "How long have you been a servant?"


Yun Feiyang laughed.

"it is good."

Po Guxian Emperor said: "This Emperor agrees!"

He died of misfortune. If he can be resurrected, Shou Yuan will naturally have a long time to be a servant for a hundred years.

"bring it on."

Yun Fei said: "Hand over your soul."

"call out!"

Without saying anything, Po Guxian Emperor forced the soul out of the body.

His soul is very weak now. If he does not take the fruit of life in time, there will be no hope of resurrection.

Put away the soul, Yun Feiyang threw away the fruit of life.

After receiving the ancient Emperor Po Gu, he didn't hesitate at all, and Zhang immediately took it orally, even at this time, it didn't matter if the other party lost the poison.

Both Paulie and Qiu Yishui had taken the fruit of life at that time, and they took a bite and came back to life.

However, Po Guxian Emperor had eaten enough, and the weak soul began to merge with the flesh.

no way.

After all, he was an immortal emperor during his lifetime, and his strength is very powerful. It is difficult to resurrect the energy contained in a bite of life.

Seeing a fruit of life eaten all over, Yun Feiyang had a bit of pain, but then thought about it, so getting the servant of a famous immortal emperor is also great value for money.


A few days later, the ancient Emperor Po Gu opened his eyes slowly, two faint lusters flashed by.

The fairy emperor who has fallen for tens of thousands of years has really come back to life today.


He shook his head and said: "The soul of the Emperor is extremely weak, and the current strength is only the level of the Immortal Great Consummation."


Yunfei Yang was dumbfounded.

It takes a fruit of life, what I want is a fairy servant, only the strength of the fairy perfection level, this is too weak.

Po Guxian Emperor said: "Although this Emperor only has the level of immortality, he can completely abuse you in the palm of your hand."

Yun Feiyang does not deny this.

Although the realm was lower after the resurrection, they were once a genuine fairy-level strongman after all.

What's more, if it is not a weak soul, it is impossible for oneself to take memory forcibly.

"How long will it take to restore the heyday?"

Yun Feiyang asked.

Po Guxian Emperor said: "If you don't rely on foreign objects, it will take at least 10,000 years."

"a thousand years?"

Yun Feiyang almost fell.

The time is too long, even if it takes two hundred times to accelerate, it will take fifty years!

"of course."

The ancient Immortal Emperor said: "If there are a large number of Immortal Stones, the Emperor can return to the peak state within a thousand years."

Yun Fei said: "How much do you mean by this mass?"

Po Guxian Emperor said: "Ingest at least ten inferior immortal stones every day."


Yun Feiyang really fell down this time.

Ingesting ten inferior immortal stones every day and maintaining it for thousands of years is a terrifying amount.

"Can it be faster?"

Yun Feiyang asked.

Broken Ancient Immortal Emperor said: "If there is a middle grade immortal stone, it will take about 500 years to restore its peak state, if it is a top grade immortal stone, it will only take a hundred years."

"of course."

He added: "During this period, we must maintain the supply of ten quantities of fairy stones every day, otherwise, the time can only be delayed."

Yun Feiyang rolled his eyes.

He realized that he had resurrected a fairy servant or a monster that consumed fairy stone?

Now that people are saved.

He was once a real fairy emperor.

Therefore, Yun Feiyang still took out a top grade fairy stone and let him try.


Emperor Po Gu held the immortal stone and wondered: "The Tao contained in this top grade immortal stone is so strong."

"How strong is it?"

Yun Fei said.

After carefully exploring the ancient Emperor Po, he said: "It is 30% stronger than the fairy stone on the market."

"Only 30%."

Yun Feiyang was a little dissatisfied.

Broken Ancient Immortal Emperor said: "The Emperor has absorbed many high-grade immortal stones. I have never seen such high-quality immortal stones in my life. I don't know which master came from."

"I condensed."

Yun Fei said.

The Ancient Immortal Emperor was startled, and said in consternation: "You condensed?"

"Don't believe it?"

Yun Fei said.

To be honest, it is difficult for the Emperor Po Gu to believe. After all, this kid is so young, how can he condense such a high-quality immortal stone?

But thinking of the extremely powerful soul power and morality before, he said: "It turns out that you are a high-level trainer."

Yun Fei said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and absorb it."

With a wave of one hand, Po Guxian Emperor began to ingest the Taoism in the top grade immortal stone.

As a once powerful immortal emperor, the ingested Dao can completely repair the damaged soul.

As long as the soul power is restored the strength will naturally grow stronger.

However, after a high-grade immortal stone is ingested cleanly, the improvement of the soul power of the ancient immortal emperor is not obvious. This means that there must be a large amount of immortal stone to supply.

"This is a bottomless hole."

Yun Feiyang collapsed.

In the end, he stepped down and gave him ten middle-class fairy stones for him. After all, this thing was easy to condense. As for the top-grade fairy stones, he only had dozens of them.


After absorbing ten middle-class immortal stones, the ancient immortal emperor said: "Your refined middle-class immortal stone is comparable to two on the market. If you can provide ten daily, it will only take more than 200 years for the emperor to Restore the peak state."

"It's only been over a year since the outside world was more than two hundred years old. It doesn't seem to be too long."

Yun Feiyang murmured.

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