Super God

Chapter 1727: Do you want him to die, or do you want him to live?

Mu Shengnan knew that Qi's family would not easily let Yun Feiyang go to rest, and agreed to participate in the hunting competition with Qi Weiwu team a few days later.

However, things have been settled, and the problem is about to be resolved, but Yun Feiyang said abruptly: "Sorry, I disagree."

Mu Shengnan's pretty face changed.


Yun Feiyang stepped forward and stood in front of her, pointing at Qi Weiwu: "My lord has no interest in this kid. Team hunting is a torment."


Mu Shengnan can't wait to kick Yun Feiyang out.

Yes, she is very reluctant to team up with Qi Weiwu to participate in the hunting, but until now, only this way can resolve the contradiction.

But the guy jumped out suddenly, didn't he make trouble?


Yun Feiyang said that the originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became serious again, and Qi Sanshu's face also gloomy.

"This general embroidered from the Wangcheng is really dead." The lively warriors shook their heads.


Qi Sanshu said coldly: "Are you going to veto, does Mu girl decide?"

"Uncle Qi, he has a sick brain."

Mu Shengnan stepped forward and hurriedly said: "That's it. Well, a few days later, I and Qi Weiwu teamed up to participate in the hunting competition."

At the end of the conversation, Yun Fei glared and seemed to warn him to be honest, don't cause trouble.

Mu Shengnan did this, but also really wanted to keep his general.

However, Yun Feiyang shook his head.

He reached out to pull her back and said in a reproachful tone: "Do you like to spoil yourself so much?"

Mu Shengnan was stunned and his face flushed slightly. He immediately wanted to shake off the opponent's hand, but he felt that the opponent was very strong and could hardly break free.

Qi Weiwu saw Yun Feiyang holding his favorite woman's hand, his eyes spewing out anger and murderous opportunity that was difficult to hide!

"Three uncles!"

He almost irrationally said: "Kill him!"

At this time, Qi Weiwu didn't think about it at all. Mu Shengnan accompanied him to participate in the hunting contest a few days later, but strongly wanted Yun Feiyang to die immediately!

"kill me?"

Yun Feiyang sneered and said, "Your Qi family doesn't have this ability yet."


Mu Shengnan was completely speechless.

Where did his father find such an arrogant general?

"I go!"

"This guy is really good."

"Can't the big family in the majestic city kill a general embroidered from the king city?"

The onlookers all laughed.

In their view, Yun Feiyang may be really as Mu Shengnan said, his brain is sick, or he is a stunned head who is not afraid of death.

Uncle Qi San wanted to discuss again, but when he heard what the guy said, his eyes were gloomy: "Miss Mu, you guys are very annoying. Today, no matter what, my family will kill him."


Between the words, the evil spirit broke out again.

Feeling the chilling breath, Mu Shengnan's heart suddenly became cold.

"Don't be afraid."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "They can't help me, you don't have to go hunting with people you don't like."

As he said, let go of his hand and said, "Stay away, let me solve them."

"Zhen Deshuai!"

Mu Sheng said angrily: "You are trying to kill yourself, no wonder I!"

After saying this, he left indignantly.

The woman has tried her best to protect Yun Feiyang, and she has no choice but to go out to find death.

As soon as Mu Shengnan left, Qi Sanshu didn't have the slightest suspicion, and the evil spirit exploded madly, stronger than before.

Yun Feiyang proudly said: "You have to think clearly, once you start, it means that the Qi family offended me."

Hearing this, the lively warrior almost laughed out loud.

Mu Sheng, who was far away, clenched his fists tightly and secretly said: "Damn fellow, he is still dead when he is about to die."


Qi Sanshu sneered: "You are just a general embroidered away from the Wangcheng, and you really consider yourself a big man?"


Between the words, palms protruded, and the condensed evil spirit exploded wildly.

However, at the moment when Uncle Qi San shot, Yun Feiyang also shot, and quickly clasped on his wrist, vigorously grasped with five fingers.


The sound of broken bones came.


Uncle Qi San screamed in pain, and the ganglion of his right palm had also been directly pinched off.

Mu Shengnan looked stunned and turned around hurriedly. When he saw Yun Feiyang buckling Qi Jiaqiang, the whole person was dumbfounded.

The lively warriors were dumbfounded.

They did not expect that Qi Jiaqiang would be easily crushed by the guy!

"Three uncles!"

Qi Weiwu exclaimed.

The second generation of the Qi family's second-generation heirs standing next to each other changed their faces, and their breath broke out.


Before he shot, a gust of wind blew up and rolled up the dust.

Gradually, the dust fell.

There were eight more warriors out of the air around Yun Feiyang, and his breath was very strong, completely overtaking the second-generation strongmen of the Qi family.

Many warriors were shocked.

They instantly judged that these eight martial artists are definitely the top fairy immortals!

The dozen or so Qijia martial artists who were surrounded by them stepped back a few steps involuntarily, with deep fear in their eyes.


Yun Feiyang knocked Qi Sanshu to the ground, stepped on his back, and looked at Qi Jiawu with cold eyes, saying, "Take them all down."


The eight Vajrasattva received orders to look at the group of retreating Qi family martial artists.


"These eight powerful warriors are the guy's men?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Mu Shengnan, who was standing in the distance, also widened his eyes.

Yun Da cheap **** summoned sword servants and others, completely shocked the world, but also made them realize that it is no wonder that this person dared to die, it turned out that such a strong man!


Suddenly, a series of space boundaries emerged, covering the surrounding Qijia martial artists.

"Space Warrior!"

Everyone looked at Ji Xingming in shock.


The drunkard threw a punch and directly dropped a fairy from the Qi family to the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The other three King Kong also shot one after another.

It was just a moment of effort, all the Qi family martial artists were abused and fell to the ground, leaving Qi Weiwu alone.

That guy is stupid now.


Yun Feiyang came and put a hand on his neck, coldly said: "It seems that the last lesson, let you remember not enough, this time I will let you imprint on your heart forever."


Between the words, horrible soul power emerged.


Qi Wei was screaming suddenly, and his face was also abnormally Poor fellow. "

Ji Xingming and others shook their heads one after another.

They can fully understand Qi Weiwu's pain, because he was tortured like this not long ago, and the feeling is really better than death.

"Ah! Ah!"

The screams kept coming, and the warriors around him were creepy.


After half an hour of torture, Qi Weiwu foamed at his mouth and his body twitched violently.


Qi Sanshu fell to the ground and his eyes were split.

Yun Feiyang clasped Qi Weiwu with one hand, turned his head to look at Mu Shengnan in the distance, and smiled: "Sovereign, do you want him to die, or do you want him to live?"

(End of this chapter)

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