Super God

Chapter 1732: Emotional things are hard to say

Master Mu said that he immediately understood: "Mr. Yi meant to let the host matchmaker and find a partner for General Zhen?"

Mr. Yi said: "If General Zhen can put his home in Xiuli Wangcheng, the natural heart is also here."

Master Mu agreed to nod, but said: "A genius like General Zhen, help him talk, the woman must not only look, but also have an identity, so as to be right."

Mr. Yi said with a smile: "The lord is not young, the lord should worry more."


Mu City Lord suddenly froze.

He had never heard of it. Mr. Yi meant to let him give his daughter Xu Yunfei.

To be honest, no matter whether Zhen Deshuai or Yun Feiyang, Mu Chengzhu feels good and totally worthy of his daughter.

But he also shook his head helplessly: "Mr. did not know that Sheng Nan had said before going to the Central Academy that her marriage is her own decision, and I, the father, can't be bothered."

"It's hard to say anything about feelings."

Mr. Yi said: "If the county master can have more contact with General Zhen, maybe it will grow in love for a long time."

"That's true."

Mucheng main road.

Mr. Yi said: "The master of the county has been practicing in the Central Academy for eight years and has already graduated. Let's let her come back and help General Zhen manage the Sixth Army together."

Master Mu was silent for a while, and said, "It's fine too."


Yun Feiyang didn't know that his identity had been broken by Mr. Yi, nor would he think that Mu Chengzhu intended to match his daughter Mu Shengnan with himself.

At this moment, he has come to the General Mansion and entered the ring of fortune.

Next, Yun Feiyang intends to rely on time to accelerate, condensing all the crystal nuclei obtained from the city master into Zhongpin Xianshi.

However, as soon as he walked in, the concubine ran like joyfully, holding a fairy stone road: "Look, what is this!"


Yun Feiyang took it over, and Xian Nian merged into it. After some observation, he was surprised and said: "Middle Grade Immortal Stone!"

For a few months, the ring of fortune has passed a long time.

The concubine has been condensing the immortal stone, and his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds. Finally, he successfully condensed a middle-class immortal stone not long ago.

Yun Fei Yang said: "You made it with a quasi-central crystal core, condensed?"


The concubine laughed.

Yun Feiyang praised: "Great!"

Being so fast, and relying on the quasi-central crystal nuclei to condense the middle grade immortal stone, this woman's talent is really powerful.

The concubine seemed to be more splendid.


Yun Fei Yang said: "This medium grade immortal stone you condensed, the moral meaning contained in it is not strong enough, you need to practice more."


The concubine was like a road.

Yun Feiyang said: "Just, I have time now to teach you."

The concubine said like happy: "Okay!"

She admires Yun Feiyang's technique of condensing. Since she became a condensing teacher, she has always regarded it as the goal of catching up.


Yun Feiyang, who can condense the top grade immortal stone, can be called the master of the condensing master, so to condense the middle grade immortal stone has reached the point of perfection.

It was only an hour when ten middle-class fairy stones were condensed and placed neatly on the table.


Yun Feiyang clapped his hands and said, "How are you looking?"

The concubine standing next to him was stunned, and the whole person was in a daze.

This is the first time she has witnessed Yun Feiyang refining so many immortal stones. Both the technique and the speed are extremely fast, which can be described by dazzling.

The concubine said weakly: "The refining is too fast, I don't see clearly."

"I slow down, you look carefully."

Yun Feiyang waved

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Hand, take out a crystal nucleus and pump away the internal energy at a very slow speed.

The concubine looked as if she was staring intently, silently recording his way of ingesting Daoism and his subtle manners.

After half an hour.

Yun Feiyang condensed a middle-grade fairy stone, and she also benefited greatly.

The concubine said enviously: "How do I feel that you condense a middle-grade fairy stone, it seems to be particularly easy."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "There is no trick to condensing the middle grade immortal stone. The most important thing is to practice and make perfect. When you condense more, you can naturally do like me."


The concubine just responded, and immediately took the crystal nucleus, recalling every technique recorded earlier, and began to ingest it by herself.

Yun Feiyang did not disturb her, came to an area to sit down, and began to condense Zhongpin Xianshi.

A month later.

The tens of thousands of crystal nuclei given by Mu City Master were condensed by him for more than 8 million, and nearly 3,000 middle-grade fairy stones were obtained.

And these middle-grade immortal stones can allow the ancient immortal emperor to ingest five months.

Yun Fei stood up and came to Fei Wanru, and found that the woman was still concentrating on the condensed fairy stone.

On the table next to her are placed ten middle-grade immortal stones, apparently, condensed from one month.

"This woman's talent for condensing Immortal Stone is really powerful."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

It takes at least ten days for a median trainer to condense a middle-grade fairy stone.

The concubine is like thirty days, condensing out ten middle-class fairy stones, which is already very good.

This is just the beginning.

If she keeps cultivating, don't say one per day, maybe 20 per day will be achieved.

Yun Feiyang was thankful that he had rescued this woman in Wanghai City on a whim, otherwise he would miss a top-notch trainer.

of course.

Fei Ruan should also be grateful to Yun Feiyang.

Because if he didn’t appear, she would not become a trainer, and the talents that were different from ordinary people would also be buried After preparing enough middle-grade fairy stones, Yun Feiyang returned to the outside world and fell asleep. And then proceed to the military camp the next day.

After all, it is the general who embroidered away from the king city. Since people are here, they must also perform their duties.

"You must have adapted to the gravity array during this time, and then I will give you more brutal training."

Yun Feiyang backhanded.

The neatly arranged soldiers of the Sixth Legion were immediately excited and obviously looked forward to more brutal training.

In the past, they had no fighting spirit and no ideals like salted fish. After Yun Feiyang arrived, they were reborn and rejuvenated.

"Li You."


"Lead the army to the mountain forest five hundred miles away!"



The brutal training that Yun Feiyang said is very simple, that is, pulling the army to the mountains and fighting with fierce beasts.

One can cultivate their guts and bloodiness.

Secondly, they can also practice their use of the ancient art of war.


In the forest, roar came.


Dozens of fierce beasts comparable to the early stage of the fairy rushed, and the ground shivered.

The soldiers of the Sixth Legion were waiting in line, their eyes glowed with enthusiasm, and after training for so long, they confronted so many, so powerful beasts for the first time.


Li You long sword out of the sheath.



Thousands of soldiers exploded in thunder, and quickly dispersed to form a special formation.

A great battle began, and when the dusk came, the soldiers of the Sixth Legion returned to the barracks, all covered with animal blood.

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