Super God

Chapter 1737: I'm afraid of boredom, not trouble

?? Seeing Yun Feiyang again, Liu Sihai's heart shook suddenly, because the opponent's state seemed to be only the middle of the fairy, but the breath was very powerful!

This kind of situation will only happen in the late fairy or later.

Could it be that in a short period of time, this child has stepped from the early stage of the fairy into the late stage of the fairy, or even the great consummation?

Thinking about this, Liu Sihai secretly said: "It is worthy of being a fairy who has survived thousands of thunders, and the realm has broken through far beyond other martial artists."

"Master Baili, I haven't seen much improvement in a long time."

Liu Sihai laughed.

Before coming to Guanfeng City, Yun Feiyang changed his appearance again, and turned into a hundred miles of flying.

He smiled: "It's okay."

Liu Sihai said: "Liu is the host, and he feasts in the restaurant at night to catch the wind and dust for his son."


Yun Feiyang responded, then left and went to Yunji Medical Center.


Before entering the medical hall, Bai Liyan came out smiling.

The swallowing dragon beast landed in the city, causing so much movement that she naturally witnessed it, especially seeing Yun Feiyang jumping off the treasure car, which was even more joyful.

When her family broke, she met Yun Feiyang in despair. Not only did she help herself to resolve the crisis time and time again, she also settled in Guanfeng City.

Yun Feiyang has a very high status in Bai Liyan's heart.

During this time, she managed the Yunji firm with due diligence, and the business was getting hotter.

"Miss Baili."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "People are beautiful again."

Bai Liyan heard the words, her cheeks flushed, and then lowered her head gently.


"Two hundred million crystal nuclei?"

Looking at this period of time, Yunfei's income account, Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

Bai Liyan smiled and said, "Sir, after you leave, the main owner Liu Cheng takes care of the business, and the business is getting more and more prosperous, almost monopolizing the industry of crystal core exchange for Xianshi."

Yun Feiyang closed the account book and smiled: "It seems that it's time to visit the visitor Liucheng."


Wu Tongyu lay on the rocking chair and said, "You have to pay a visit, otherwise, Baili girl would have been taken away."

Yun Fei Yang said: "What do you mean?"

Wu Tongyu got up and said: "After you left, the city master of Xihuai City has been going to Liucheng's main Baili girl."

"Xihuai City Lord?"

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, and said, "He came to get people on behalf of the Yan family?"

"not necessarily."

Wu Tongyu said: "In my opinion, the Yan family should have informed the lord of Xihuai City that the girl from Baili had a fairy scroll."


Yun Feiyang sneered: "Laozi forgot the Xihuai City, but didn't expect to jump out of his own initiative."

Bai Liyan lowered her head and said, "Xiaoyan is a disaster star. If she stays in Yunji, it will only cause endless trouble to her husband."


Yun Fei said: "You are not a disaster star, you are a lucky star, otherwise how can you earn 200 million crystal nuclei for Yunji firm in a short time."


"I am afraid of boredom, but I'm never afraid of trouble."

"no matter who."

Speaking of which, he paused, his eyes cold and said: "People who dare to provoke me must pay a painful price."

As soon as the words fell, the medical hall suddenly revealed endless killing opportunities.

"What a terrible murderous!"

Wu Tongyu was secretly startled.

At the same time, I realized that this guy was probably in trouble to find the lord of Xihuaicheng.

Yun Feiyang exhaled the murderous energy, and Bai Liyan also felt it. She didn't feel terrible, but she raised a strong sense of security.


Suddenly, Cui Xingtan walked in from the outside with a smile on his face.

After succeeding the head of the Cui family, this temperament has changed a lot, and it looks more mature than ever.


Just after entering the medical hall, Cui Xingtan felt the killing opportunity.


Yun Feiyang withdrew his murderousness and smiled: "How good has this time passed?"


Cui Xingtan shook his head and said, "I have been dealing with family affairs all day, so busy that I haven't even had time to drink."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The host Liu Cheng hosted a banquet at night. If you are free, stay with me and our brothers will have a drink."


Cui Xingtan said briskly.

Even if the family has a big event, the elder brother is here, everything can be pushed away.


As night fell, the city was brightly lit.

In the private dining room of a high-end restaurant, Yun Feiyang was drinking happily with Cui Xingtan and Liu Sihai.


Cui Xingtan raised his glass and said, "This little wine, the younger brother will pay respect first."

He succeeded in succeeding the head of the Cui family all because of Yun Feiyang, so he was particularly grateful.

"Gutter, grunt."

After a few bites, Cui Xingtan drank a jar of wine.


Liu Sihai said with a smile: "Today I am the East, the wine tube is enough, let go and drink."

Yun Feiyang held the wine altar and smiled: "Master Liucheng, during this time, my Yunji firm has made you bothersome. I respect you for this wine."

Liu Sihai held up the wine and smiled: "Bai Lizi said it was out of sight. Come, let's drink together."

"it is good!"

Yun Fei Yang drank his head to drink.


After drinking, he put the wine jar on the table, but said: "I heard that the master of Xihuai City has been the main person of Liucheng?"

Drink wine and talk about business.


Liu Sihai put down the wine altar and said with a bitter face: "Just send me invitations Let me go to the fairy king meeting. At first glance, I will join other fairy kings to put pressure on me."

"Fairy King meeting?"

Yun Fei Yang said: "Can you say something specific?"

Liu Sihai said the content of the upcoming invitation, and also made his own guesses.

When Yun Feiyang was informed, he was silent for a moment, then smiled coldly, and said: "This Xihuai City Lord is really persevering. If I don't give him a lesson, I really think that Yunji Business is a good bully."

Last lesson?

Liu Sihai is not a fool, naturally knowing that this is the trouble to find Xihuaicheng.

He said earnestly: "Master Baili, many fairy kings have a good relationship with Xihuaicheng's lord, you have to consider it well."

"Think about it."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Half a month later, the fairy king meeting, I will go with you."


Liu Sihai paused and said, "Okay."


Yun Fei Yang said: "Drink!"


Cui Xingtan and Liu Sihai held the wine jar one after another.

The three had been drinking till late at night. When Yun Feiyang returned to the hospital with drunkenness, he saw Bai Liyan sitting in the inner courtyard looking up at the starry sky.

"What do you want?"

Yunfei Yanghua removed alcohol from the body and said softly.

Bai Liyan returned to Shinto: "No... I didn't think about anything."

Yun Fei said: "I guess you must be homesick and miss your loved ones."

"how do you know?"

Bai Liyan froze.

Yun Feiyang looked up at the sky and said, "Because when I'm homesick, I will watch the starry sky alone at night."

Bai Liyan lowered her head, her heart sad.

Yun Fei Yang said: "After half a month, I will take you to Xihuaicheng."

Bai Liyan shook her body and looked up at him.

Yun Feiyang looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky and said, "I will help you to revenge the enemies who have been destroyed."

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