Super God

Chapter 1748: 6th Army VS Black Lions

Although Xiulian King City and Brilliant King City have been in peace for a while, they certainly know each other more or less.

In the memory of Hua Mofei, the Sixth Legion embroidered away from the King City is definitely the weakest of the Twenty Legions, and is even crowned with a group of sludge that cannot support the wall.

But it was such mud, but like a sharp sword, directly inserted into the glorious king city, successively captured four cities and destroyed five legions.

Isn’t this incredible?

Changing to someone else may question Mu Shengnan's lying, but after being surprised, Hua still chose to believe it.

Because he saw Li You, the lieutenant general, and when he participated in the military confrontation between the two cities fifty years ago, this person had been in the Sixth Army.

"Unexpectedly, Mu Junzhu was so good in leadership, he made the Sixth Army so powerful."

Hua could sincerely praise.

Although they are in a hostile relationship, they can break through four cities and destroy five legions. This powerful strength must be recognized.

After hearing the praise, Mu Shengnan blushed a little.

After all, the Sixth Legion is strong not because of himself, but because of the man standing next to him.

"Who is this?"

Hua could look at Yun Feiyang.

Mu Shengnan said: "My deputy general of the Sixth Army, Zhen Deshuai."


Hua could not help but said, "The Lord Mu County came a thousand miles away from my glorious king city, broke through the four cities, and destroyed the five legions. Today, Huamou was ordered to come and would like to ask for the strength of the sixth legion."

"as you wish."

Mu Shengnan Road.

Although the previous conversation was harmonious, since the two armies met, they must fight.

As for the result, there are only two kinds, one is the victory of the Sixth Army, and the other is the defeat of the Black Lions.


Hua could wave his hand, and two thousand soldiers in the front row walked.

Their steps are neat, and they are separated by the same distance. At first glance, they imply a certain formation.

"Sure enough, it's not ordinary."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

Coming to the realm of the splendid king city, and fighting against the five legions one after another, I didn't encounter any opponent who knew the delicate formation.


At this moment, the soldiers of the Sixth Legion were on the line, and the number was also two thousand.

Faced with the strongest legion in the Eastern Region, these soldiers did not despise at all, and faced it in the strongest state.

The expert knows whether it is there or not.

Hua Mofei immediately understood why the five legions would be destroyed. The strong breath of the soldiers of the Sixth Legion was definitely not something that ordinary legions could easily defeat.

"Boom! Boom!"

Behind the Black Lions, on a temporary high platform, a strong soldier with bare upper body waved the drumstick and struck hard against the heavy drum.

The drums were loud and passed through the sky.

The black lion soldiers who heard the sound immediately exuded a strong fighting intention.

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

This kind of legion with war drums is still very rare.

"Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, the two thousand black lion soldiers in the front suddenly accelerated and separated during the Mercedes-Benz process, maintaining an absolute distance from each other.


The soldiers of the Sixth Legion roared angrily, and then rushed madly, at that moment, they were full of momentum, and the terror wave turned into a wave sweeping.

Today, the two elite teachers launched the most fierce fighting in the open space.


Because of the war, only a few passers-by could be fortunate to witness.

Even, when the war was over, when the news spread in the Eastern Territory, it was even listed as the most classic battle of the Legion.


Two thousand black lion soldiers separated by some formation when they rushed, and connected to each other end to end.

The soldiers of the Sixth Legion also used the tactics of the age-old art of war, and quickly reduced them to zero.

this moment.

The soldiers of the two legions used their military formation to the fullest extent, and any general would be amazed when they saw it.



In the end, the soldiers of the two legions joined hands.

The brilliant light flashes, and the deafening sound passes through the space!

The two legions are worthy of elite.

After the battle, the soldiers attacked me, although they were fierce, but no one could achieve absolute suppression.

"Not easy."

Yun Feiyang and Hua couldn't agree more.

Since they led the army, they have been able to achieve repression in a very short time regardless of any legion, but this time it is a rare equal.

After a long battle, he could not gain an advantage, and he definitely needed to change his position. It was only because of the one-handed wave of flowers that he silently gave the battle plan.



The two thousand soldiers who received the message began to change direction and quickly formed a net.

Realizing that the poor soldiers of the Sixth Army were in danger, they immediately transformed their formations, and then formed a sword form. Obviously, they would pierce the unfolding net into a hole.

The flowers of war supervision are stunned.

He could see that the 2,000 soldiers of the Sixth Army Corps were completely autonomous in the formation transformation. It was an instinctive response, and it was not instructed by the general.

represents what?

On behalf of this group of soldiers on the battlefield, they can make corresponding adjustments faster according to the enemy's change, rather than rigidly waiting for the general to give orders.

The two armies faced each other without the command of the general.

But in the real battlefield fighting, too many uncertain factors appear, and many things are not controlled by the general alone by tactics.

At this time, the soldiers' self-changing and judgment of the battle situation is undoubtedly very important.

Seeing the soldiers of the Sixth Army voluntarily change their ranks, Hua could not but admire him in his heart. After all, the Black Lions under his command could never achieve this.



The roar is still ringing.

The soldiers of the Sixth Legion are more adaptable on the battlefield than the Black Lions, and even if the fighting power is equal, they gradually change from being evenly divided to gaining the upper hand.

of course.

To deal with the strongest legion in the Eastern domain.

Not to mention the slight advantage, even a certain degree of suppression does not mean that you can win the final victory.


With a wave of one hand, Hua had another 3,000 soldiers marching towards the battlefield.

When they had just acted, the Sixth Army also dispatched 3,000 soldiers, and the soldiers in the fighting area instantly climbed to 10,000.

As the number of people increases, the fighting becomes more intense.


When the war was in full swing, Yun Feiyang whispered: "Subpoena, withdraw troops."


Mu Shengnan was stunned.

Your own soldiers have gained the upper hand, and if you fight, you will definitely win. At this time, you will retreat, too...

While thinking about it, the Xiannian released was dozens of miles away, capturing three directions. At least three legions of troops were rushing over quickly.

"It turns out there was reinforcements!"

Mu Shengnan's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "All the troops withdrew!"

The soldiers of the Sixth Army were fighting immediately and withdrew from the battlefield very quickly.

Instead of ordering chase, Hua frowned.

At this moment, he has discovered three Legion of Fire Spirit City, which are being sandwiched from three directions.


Hua couldn't be more angry: "Why are they here!")!!

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