Super God

Chapter 1756: 2nd wedding

Although Liang Yin, Mu Ying and other women, although they have a husband-and-wife relationship with Yun Feiyang, they have no name of husband and wife.

Even if he lived in the city's main palace for many years, he still lacked the feeling of being at home.

Even Yun Feiyang returned this time, and they did not dare to be too excited. After all, Lin Zhixi was the wife he was marrying.

In order not to overwhelm the guests, the girls deliberately left out, and then left in tacit understanding.

Yun Feiyang fell silent.

At the moment, he also blamed himself. Over the years, he didn't give all the women a place.

"I know."

Lin Zhixi said: "You are afraid that I will not allow it, so I have never married them."

Yun Feiyang smiled dumbly and said, "The woman who knows me best in this world is still your goddess of nine days."

After creating Flying God Realm, he considered whether to marry all the girls into the door, but because of Lin Zhixi, he temporarily dismissed the idea.

"Tomorrow I will visit my son and return after three days." Lin Zhixi said.

Yun Fei said: "Thank you."

He knew that her departure was to make room for herself to marry the daughters.

The next day.

Lin Zhixi left Flying God Realm and went to a remote mainland.

Yun Feiyang took advantage of this time to come to the temple of Shenmo Mountain and said: "I'm going to hold a wedding tomorrow, you hurry up and arrange it."


Luo Mu and Yunli immediately retreated.

They knew that Brother Fei Yang would definitely marry all the daughters when they held the wedding.

The efficiency of the two is very fast.

In just half a day, the huge Iron Bone City was decorated with red flames, even if ribbons were hung on the city walls.

"God Lord is getting married again!"

The warriors in the city received the news and discussed it one after another.

"I said, the woman who lives in the city's main palace will be married into the door sooner or later."

"It's no surprise that a big person like God Lord marries a thousand or eight thousand."

The martial artists in the city were not too surprised by Yun Feiyang's marriage, but thought it was normal.


The news that Yun Feiyang returned to Flying God Realm was also passed wildly at the speed of hurricane.


"Yun Feiyang is back?!"


"That guy only went to Zhenwu Shenyu for a few years, why did he come back so quickly?"

Many realm masters are compared.

At the same time wondering how he got down from the domain.

Just as the Lord of the Realms was shocked, news about Yun Feiyang's marriage tomorrow also spread.

For a time.

The main lords of the world have dispatched to the flying world at the fastest speed of their lives.

In the past, who was the strongest in many realms, many people could not give an answer, but now it is Yun Feiyang to ask who is the strongest.

Now that the strongest people are returning and holding weddings, even if the masters of all walks of life do not receive invitations, they must go to Dao Xi.


the next day.

When the wedding has not yet been held.

The lords came and gathered in Iron Bone City.

The warriors in the city are all secretly sighed. In this world, I am afraid that only the Divine Lord can have the ability to alarm so many top strong men.

"Pharmaceutical Lord comes to congratulate!"

"The ethereal world lord came to congratulate!"

"The Casting Lord comes to congratulate!"

In front of the gate of the city's main palace, Luo Mu received gifts, and the Lunar side shouted with his voice.

Yun Feiyang stood in the inner courtyard and greeted the masters who came to Dao Xi with clenched fists.

When each realm approached him, his heart was shaken by the invisible momentum.

"The Lord of the Clouds returned from the territory this time. The breath was so deep that the realm must have reached the level of terror."

"The old man just glanced at him just now and almost lost his mind."

The Lord of the Realms walked into the hall and whispered.

Their realm is nothing more than a half-celestial perfection, Yun Feiyang's strength has been infinitely close to the small fairy king.

The gap between them is really too large, even if the anti-tian tactics are used to suppress the breath, it still makes many real masters feel more pressure.

"The Dean of the Pride Temple is here to congratulate!"

The voice of the Yunli sounded, which immediately attracted the attention of many realms.

Shen Tianxing walked and said, "Boy, this is my second time to attend your wedding. I wonder if there will be a third time in the future?"

Yun Feiyang saluted and said, "Senior Shen, it should be gone."


After an hour.

The hall of the city's main palace is full of noble realm masters, with thousands of people!

Yun Feiyang's second wedding is obviously more grand than the first, and is destined to be widely praised by the world.


What makes the main lords even more shocking is.

After the wedding started, there were more than one bride on stage, but a total of seven!

Not bad.

There are seven brides for this wedding.

They are Mu Ying, Liang Yin, Liu Rou, Zhuge Jin, Ling Sha Luo, Qiu Yishui, and He Lanfei.

Seven women were married in a wedding, and if the news spread, it would definitely become a hot topic.

Under the witness of the sword emperor of the four seas, Mu Ying and other females performed the ceremony of husband and wife with Yun Fei Yang, which was regarded as a real place.

However, the wedding is about to end.

An uninvited guest came in and said, "Yun Feiyang, don't you say you want to marry me?"

The comer is Paulie.

Yun Feiyang embarrassedly said: "Did you say not to marry yesterday?"

"I'm sorry now."

Paulie said.

Yesterday Yun Feiyang had found her, but was refused because she wanted to concentrate on the development of Jiu You, and temporarily did not consider her own affairs.

In the evening, the demon master summoned her daughter to conduct enlightenment and persuasion for most of the day, and finally succeeded in persuading Paulie on the grounds of her own happiness.

"So, are you willing to marry me?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Paulie said: "Don't you have an agreement back then, and I will marry you when you build the twelve star city pool?"

Twelve Star City Pool, Yun Feiyang has long been built.

Today, he has created the strongest flying God Realm in all realms.


Yun Feiyang waved his hand, the majestic power broke out, and immediately pulled Paulie over, laughing: "Then let's go to the wedding."

"I want to wear a wedding dress."

Paulie said.


Yun Feiyang waved her hand and put a new wedding dress on her.

The woman Pauli was originally a **** stunner. After she put on a tailor-made wedding dress, she was especially strong in all kinds of styles.


Yun Feiyang whispered: "You can still regret it, and once you worship the world with me, there will be no chance."

Paulie laughed: "If you are not afraid of worldly vision, you have to marry your mentor, how can I regret it."

Yun Feiyang laughed: "It seems that you have figured it out."

The reason why Bao Li refused, the development of Jiu You was only an objective reason. The real reason was once the mentor of Dongling Academy, and Yun Feiyang was her student.

"Worship the the high church."

"Couple worships."

As the voice shouted again and again, Yun Feiyang and Bao Li performed the wedding ceremony.

After the wedding.

Yun Feiyang and the masters who came to Daoxi had a drink, and when the night came, came to the wedding room where Pauli fell.


There was a loud noise.

Yun Da cheap **** flew gorgeously, his mouth twitched and fell to the ground.

Paulie removed the hijab and stood at the door of the room and said, "I'm not ready for that kind of thing. Let's change the world."

Yun Feiyang's face was directly attached to the ground.

I have married myself. I haven't considered that kind of thing. What's this?

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