Super God

Chapter 1763: Mother and son meet

   The sudden breath made many warriors' faces look shocked, thinking, could it be possible, and there came the immortal emperor level strong?


  The Aurora Immortal Emperor sitting in the car murmured: "The guy who broke the ancient Immortal Emperor is still alive?"

   From the breath that swept through her, she realized that the other party must be the ancient emperor.

  Hongwei Immortal Emperor also noticed it, and looked at the distance dignifiedly.


   It was at this time that a violent force, such as a flood, swept through, and the kind of power seemed to come from the endless starry sky!

   "So strong!"

   everyone exclaimed in unison.


   Eventually, the overbearing force collided with the Soul Needle, causing its travel path to deviate, passing through the blue silk of the fairy fairy.

  All the people turned their heads together, looking at the distant sky, and they saw a streamer flying at a rapid speed.

   It was a young man. He came with a sword in his right hand, and he exuded anger all over his body, as if to burn everything!

   "It's Yunfeiyang!"

"Why is he here!"

   Everyone was dumbfounded.

   Since going to the lower realm, Yun Feiyang has recovered the true appearance, and then boarded the real martial arts domain. In order to adjust the side effects, it has not been easy.

   So when he came quickly, he suddenly surprised the martial arts in the domain, and at the same time he was puzzled. Why did he come in anger?


  Hongwei Immortal Emperor sneered: "Boy, you dare to appear in front of the Emperor, really looking for death!"

   During the speech, a big hand waved, and the power of the terrible fairy emperor erupted, turning into a pair of big hands, carrying down the power of shattering everything.

   "Lao Hongwei, if he wants to hurt him, he has to ask Bendi if he agrees!"

   The area where the big hand pressed down, the figure of Po Guxian Emperor appeared, and a punch came.


   The handprint was smashed into nothingness, and a large area collapsed, as if the end of the world was coming.


   The wind screamed, and the ancient Emperor Po was standing in the sky, and the old face was covered with the arrogance that a fairy emperor should have.

that moment.

   Many warriors saw the hunchbacked old man, and the kind of emperor's impetuous world was deeply shocked.

   Such an unscrupulous person can easily break the fingerprint of Hongwei Immortal Emperor, definitely an immortal emperor!


   It was at this time that the streamer flew by, and finally landed on the nail soul platform.

   For a time, everyone present looked at the scene and watched Yun Feiyang who had just stabilized.

   Suddenly, they found out that this young man from the underworld had some similarities with the fairy fairy Sheng Yao!

   Is it mother and son?

  Why didn't everyone think of being a sibling, or a sibling, because Fairy Shengyao has been famous for a long time, Yun Feiyang is nothing more than a junior.


  If that guy is really the son of the fairy fairy of Shengyao, that is to say, his father is the emperor of Zhentian fairy?

   At this point, the expression on everyone's face changed again, and at the same time realized that if the guess is true, it is definitely a big news!


   Let's talk about Yunfeiyang again.

  When he landed on the nail soul platform, he felt a strong sense of love, and his anger gradually subsided.

  Fairy Saint Yao who was bound by the chain of Heavenly Dao fluttered gently, his eyes gradually opened, and tears flowed down like a spring.

  She once had countless fantasies and could meet her son, but never thought that it would be on the soul of the soul.

   "Must be mother and son!"

  Fairy Saint Yao opened his eyes, and many warriors even more affirmed their thoughts.

  In this way, Zhentian Immortal Emperor has a son, but he is not in the domain, but lives under the realm!


   Suddenly, the sound of kneeling came.

  Everyone looked at it and saw the young man from under the world bending his knees and kneeling in front of Fairy Shengyao.

  Yun Fei raised these knees, never kneeling to the sky, never kneeling to the ground, even in the face of strong enemies, even defeated will always stand upright, but today knelt down and kneeled in front of his mother.


  Fairy Sheng Yao's voice trembled, and tears fell like rain.


   Yunfei raised his head, suppressing his emotions, and whispered: "Mother, the baby is coming late and makes you suffer."

   Shengyao fairy infinitely blamed: "It is the mother who made you suffer."

   Speaking of here, she said in a panic: "My son, hurry down, this is the nailed soul platform where Heaven and Heaven condenses. If you come up without permission, it will be affected."


   Yunfei raised, but did not go down.

   He raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, pointed at the sky, and shouted angrily: "Tian Dao Lao Er listens to me, people brought me by Yun Fei Yang, what means to rush me, Huo to hurt my mother!"


   In the sky, there was a strong wind.

   It seems that Heavenly Dao has heard Yun Feiyang's voice!

   "Yunfei Yang!"

  Hongwei Immortal Emperor said coldly: "Fairy Saint Shengyao violated Heaven's Way, and sin is unforgivable. Even if you are her son, you are not eligible to be punished for it."


  Speaking with one hand, Tian Dao quickly condensed and turned into nails.

   Broken ancient immortal emperor's face, but still blocked Yun Feiyang's position, coldly said: "Hongwei old man, do you want to borrow a knife to kill?"

   "Broken seniors."

   Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "You are right, this old guy is to use the power of Heavenly Dao to get rid of Zhen Tianxian Emperor's widow and orphan."


  Broken ancient immortal emperor and said: "Emperor Zhentian is dead?"

  He has lived in the ruins for more than 20,000 years in the form of soul, and is unaware of the changes in the outside world.

   In fact, the Emperor Zhentian who suffered 1,800 spikes of the Soul Needle before Wanzai did not return to Jiuquan soon.

   The strongest immortal emperor fell, which caused a huge sensation at the time, and some people still regret it today.

   "Not bad."

   Aurora Immortal Emperor looked at Yun Feiyang and said, "Emperor Zhentian is already ancient."

   She knew that saying this sentence would definitely stimulate the guy, but she still said it. After all, it was a fact that could not be changed.


   The words of the Aurora Immortal Emperor came into Yunfei's ears and deeply stimulated him, causing his mind to explode.

   In fact, he learned a lot from the memories acquired by the warriors of the North Gate.

   For example, why did they chase down the son of Immortal Emperor, because they want to cut the grass and eradicate the roots, and this means that the Immortal Emperor has fallen.

   Later when he was sure that he was the son of Immortal Emperor and his father was Zhentian Immortal Emperor, he still had illusions.


   A hint of fantasy is still shattered.

  Father he is! "

  Yun Feiyang's shortness of breath, unprecedented confusion in his mood, his face became more and more dire.

   At that moment, he wanted to scream loudly to vent his anger and sadness.


  Yun Feiyang held tightly the Hunyuan Qiankun sword in his hand, his eyes narrowed and said, "Isn't the man who killed my father the Hongwei fairy emperor!"

"not him."

  Fairy Saint Yao said sadly.

"not him?"

   Yunfei Yang looked dull.

   In his understanding, Hongwei Immortal Emperor has been chasing and killing the son of Immortal Emperor, and he has been able to cut the grass and roots, and his father may have died in his hands!

"who is it!"

  Yun Fei said.

   Kill the father's revenge, don't share the sky!

  No matter who killed it, he must let the other party pay back the blood.

   "My son."

   Shengyao fairy said: "Some things, in your current state, it is best not to know, otherwise, it will only bring endless trouble."



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