Super God

Chapter 1776: Young Emperor!

  Because of the absence of Zhentianxian Emperor in the North Central Territory, the cities and towns are very mixed, so Yun Fei is very upset to know the situation.

   After all, his father was the ruler here, and the warriors in various cities were undoubtedly his subjects.

   Major families and forces wantonly act in order to fight for power and profit, so this will only accelerate the decline of the North Central Territory.


   Yunfei raised his eyes coldly and said: "I want to stop all this, let the cities return to order, and stop fighting."

   Others may have problems, but he alone can do it, no problem, because he is the son of Immortal Emperor!

   "Have you listened to me."

  Yun Fei's eyes swept the Song Wei and the two, and said coldly: "From today, I will take control of the Shencheng, and no one or any force will strictly fight privately."

   The voice contains the power of the fairy king, which envelopes the city, so that everyone in it can hear it clearly.

   The Song family's face is hard to look.

   has already made it clear that this guy has not realized that forcibly controlling Shencheng will cause the four heavenly kings to be targeted?

   "Have you heard?"

  Yun Feiyang gave a cold drink.

   This time, he showed no mercy, Dao Yi and the power of the fairy king broke out, and the eardrums of the two Song Wei family heads and many warriors suffered.

"heard it!"

  The head of the Wei family respectfully said.

  The Song family is powerful. If the Wei family fights down, the consequence will be destroyed. Now a fairy king comes out to do business and resolve the family crisis.

   "How about you?"

   Yun Feiyang looked at the head of the Song family. After weighing the pros and cons, the latter said: "I heard."

   He didn't dare to compete with a fairy king, otherwise he would definitely be out of luck.

  Of course, the owner of the Song family also knew that if the Four Heavenly Kings heard of this news, the kid would be in danger.

  After he was resolved, he destroyed the Wei family again, and it was not too late to dominate the Shencheng.

  Just as the Song family was thinking, Yun Fei said: "You are the lord of Dishen City, you will take the temporary role."


   The Song family owner suddenly dumbfounded.

   The head of the Wei family was also ignorant. He said: "Friends, this must not be."

  Yun Fei said: "Remember, when you take the seat of the city master, you should focus on the development of Shencheng, instead of ruling out dissidents, a family, or I will destroy you."

  The last four words contain endless killing opportunities.

   The head of the Song family shuddered, deeply aware that this young man was never joking, he might really be able to do it, he could do it!

  Yun Fei said: "Did you understand?"


  The Song family hurriedly said.

  Yun Feiyang looked at the Weijia family and said: "Your family should also do their best to assist, not to provoke trouble."

"Yes Yes!"

  In front of a fairy king, the two big families can only lower their posture as much as possible, and dare not be rebellious.

  After arranging everything, Yun Fei said: "Where do the Four Heavenly Kings live? I will go find them now."

   The Song family's mouth twitched.

   This uninvited guest suddenly came to the city of Di Shen, took over without permission, and ordered himself to sit on the master of the city for a while, which was actually a dead act.

  Now I have to inquire where the four heavenly kings live and find them. How terrible is this death!

   "Three thousand miles away, there is a quiet night city, and the fourth king of the fourth place lives there!" Song Jiazhu hurriedly said.

   "So, the four heavenly kings are not together, but sitting on the side separately?" Yun Fei said.

   "Not bad."

  The Song family said: "Since the Immortal Emperor fell behind, the four heavenly kings have been sitting in their respective cities and there is constant conflict between them."

  Yun Feiyang didn't notice the accident. After all, he put forward the regulation of "who is strong, who is the boss", and the four people will definitely fight inside.

   learned of a king's residence, he once again told Song Wei two big families, then got up and left.


   When the Song family owner saw off, he couldn't help but asked, "Respect for the surname!"

   was himself named as the acting city owner. This is to let the king know that he will definitely come to ask for sin, so he must know the name of the instigator in order to redeem the merits.

   From this, we can see that the Song family's family respectfully respected Yun Feiyang.

   This stranger came to the North Central Territory by virtue of strong strength, and it was absolutely impossible to convince them with just one word.

   "Listen clearly."

  Yunfei Yang said: "My name is Yunfeiyang."

  After saying this sentence, he disappeared on the long official road, and the Song family head standing at the gate of the city widened his eyes.

   more than him.

   The same head of the Wei family who came to see off, as well as the heirs of the two big families, opened their mouths one by one.

   "Wei...Master Wei...I heard that right? He...he called Yun Feiyang?" Song Master shivered.


  The owner of the Wei family swallowed a spit and also shivered with a voice: " heard it right..."


   The head of the Song family was directly paralyzed on the ground, sweating from his forehead in cold sweat, and said, "My God, he is the son of Zhentian Xiandi? Our young emperor?"

   Young Emperor.

   A title.

  Only the son of Immortal Emperor is eligible to own.

   This is the same reason that the son of the city owner is called the young master.

   Yun Feiyang was punished for the mother at the Soul Soul Platform, and most of the warriors in the central domain witnessed it, and his life experience has been passed on crazy.

   Although the Emperor Zhentian had fallen, his son, who was called the young emperor by the warriors in the North Central Territory, had nothing wrong with it.

"Oh my God!"

  The head of the Wei family tried to keep calm, saying: "No wonder he wants to control Shencheng, it turns out to be the son of the fairy emperor!"

   "Yunfei Yang!"

   "He is the son of Zhentian Xiandi!"

   "It is our young emperor!"

  In the city of Shendi, many warriors learned that the young man who had just arrived was called Yun Feiyang, which exploded completely and boiled completely.

  The North Central Territory is in chaos for a long four heavenly kings fought each other for their own selfish desires, making the people here not talking about life and mourning everywhere.

   Today, the son of Zhentian Xiandi came back to let them see hope!


  Yun Feiyang didn't expect that after he said his name, it would make the subjects suffering from disasters hope that he was heading to the city where the king was sitting.

   On the road.

   He went through a city, the situation is the same as the city of Dishen, and the major families fought each other, causing blood to flow into the city.

   "Damn it!"

   Yunfei Yang was furious.

  Although I don’t know if the North Central Territory under his father’s control was strong or not, nowadays, all the clan families are fighting, and they are digging their own graves.

  If at this time, Hongwei Immortal Emperor had a little ambition and sent troops to attack the North Central Territory, without fighting, he could easily win the cities.

   "Four Kings!"

   "Er, as my father's men, when the dragons have no heads, they do not work together to overcome the difficulties, but instead fight inside each other, it is a sin that is unforgivable!"

   Yunfeiyang could not wait to find the Four Heavenly Kings now, and lift them all with a sword.



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