Super God

Chapter 1784: Zhen Tian Xian Di!

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Yun Feiyang had just walked into the desolate hall, and a majestic and thick voice suddenly came from his ear.

no doubt.

This is definitely a strong man, which can be heard from the sound alone, and even not weaker than the ancient Emperor!

However, when Yun Feiyang heard it, his body suddenly stiffened, his heart seemed to stop suddenly in an instant, and his hands shook inexplicably, at the same time, the blood in his body began to boil.

The sudden sound was very unfamiliar to Yun Feiyang, but it contained an intimate atmosphere that could not be let go.

Affected by the breath, he gradually curled his knees down and finally knelt on the floor.

A person.

Knelt in the desolate hall.


Yun Feiyang almost choked.

Once he had no father and no mother, and had been alone in God Realm.

Recognizing his mother at the Soul Soul Platform, Yun Feiyang realized the happiness of having a loved one. Now in the palace of Emperor Zhentian, hearing his father's voice makes him completely free from the feeling of loneliness.

I am not an orphan.

I have a father, he is the Emperor Zhentian!

I have a mother, she is a fairy fairy!

"My son."

The voice sounded again: "For the father, the most owed is you and your mother."

On this point, Yun Feiyang agreed.

Because the information as far as I know, my father is a martial arts lover. Even if he became an emperor, he often practiced and rarely accompanied his family.

This is not a qualified father, nor a qualified husband.

"Fortunately, I left the last trace of the remnant soul in the imperial palace for my father's life. After waiting for more than 10,000 years, I finally waited for you." Emperor Zhentian said.


Yun Feiyang clenched his fists: "Who killed you!"

Although I haven’t seen my father since I was a child, I haven’t received my father’s love.


The laughter of Zhen Tianxian Emperor spread in the hall.

Yun Feiyang stunned.

"My son!"

Suddenly, the laughter stopped, and the Emperor Zhentian proudly said: "In this domain, no one can kill me."

This is crazy and arrogant.

So far I finally understood that Yun Feiyang's character must have inherited his father.

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched and said: "No one can kill you, so how did you die?"


Emperor Zhentian said: "Dad is infatuated all his life, and only asks for the pinnacle, but he is too obsessed, and he accidentally escapes into the devil, resulting in endless killing. Although the help of your mother can be released, but the devil is not removed, the realm is difficult to break through, and Melancholy ends."

Yun Feiyang dumbfounded.

Hearing what his father said, he didn’t seem to die.

Rather, because the demons are not removed, it is difficult to break through the realm, and finally the depressed old man dies?

After learning of this situation, Yun Feiyang almost fell to the ground, saying: "You are not killed by someone."

Emperor Zhentian once again reiterated: "My son, in this real martial arts realm, no one can kill the father."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

After a long time, my father's death was completely free of murderers. It was because he couldn't break through and he suffocated melancholy.


Yun Fei Yang said: "Father as an immortal emperor, Shou Yuan does not say that there is no border, how can he live a hundred thousand years, how could he die?"


Emperor Zhentian Xian said: "In the past, the father went into flames and devastated countless creatures, damaging too many Shou Yuan."

Yun Fei said: "Father, how much did you kill?"

"Can not remember."

Emperor Zhentian said: "I only heard from your mother that three large royal cities and ten small royal cities were razed to the ground by their father."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched violently.

It doesn't sound too much, there are only 13 cities in total.

But Yun Feiyang knows that even the remote little fairy king like Guanfeng City has a population of tens of millions alone.

Like Xiuli Wangcheng in Eastern Region, the population is already over 100 million.

North Central Territory, as the most central area of ​​Zhenwu God Territory, certainly has a larger population. His father destroyed 13 cities, and there are definitely countless dead creatures.

In fact, in a world where martial arts are respected, not to mention getting rid of evil, even if you kill on a whim, no one will control it.

But the point is.

Emperor Zhentian was one of the nine emperors.

Although high above, it is limited by the control of heaven.

This kind of innocent massacre of creatures, once it happens to him, will definitely be expanded infinitely.


The Emperor Zhentian said again: "The cities whose fathers destroyed are all in the southern central region."


Yun Feiyang really fell down this time.

My father is really talented. After getting into trouble, he ran to other people's sites and started killing.

He even thought that when Hongwei Immortal Emperor learned that his city had been destroyed, his face must be very ugly, and he must be irritable!

"No wonder."

Yun Fei said: "Hongwei Fairy Emperor wants to chase me down, because he wants his father to pay his debts."


Emperor Zhentian Xian said: "Hongwei Laoer still started, but for his father's foresight, not long after you were born, he ordered someone to send you to the lower realm in advance."


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

Although I know why I am in the lower realm, it is completely different from the imaginary plot.

As a guy with a big brain, he had guessed that his father had a fight with the enemy, and unfortunately fell.

The mother or his loyal and loyal men desperately killed him from the emperor's palace, and then sent the swaddling self to the lower realm by some secret method.

Think so, no problem.

In many novels and stories, the hatred teenagers ~ ~ are mostly so lucky to escape.

However, the truth is that Yun Feiyang's father got into trouble, killed innocent people, and killed the Hongwei fairy emperor.

Later, it was speculated that if he had burped, the guy must have revenge on his son and hurriedly dropped into the lower bound.

It was after learning the truth that Yun Feiyang was speechless, because everyone said that he was pitted, but he was pitted by his father.

"My son."

Emperor Zhentian said: "You can rest assured that the four kings, four phases, and four generals under the father's seat are extraordinary generations, and they will protect you."


Yun Feiyang was silent.

A trace of the remnant soul of his father exists in the imperial palace. Obviously, he did not know that for more than 10,000 years, the four kings under his seat had already been reluctant to surrender, and each of them occupied the mountain as king.

As for the four phases and the four generals, although they were not found, Yun Feiyang can also infer that since they left, their hearts are definitely not in the North Central Territory.


Not sad at all.

In Yun Feiyang's view, he still has brothers.

Without the help of his father, they are still there.

Moreover, Yun Feiyang was convinced that Luo Mu and others followed their own journey to the south and were more reliable than the so-called four kings, four generals, and four phases.

"My son."

Emperor Zhentianxian said: "This city is left to you. Although it was an emperor city, it has been sealed for a long time. If you take over, you will manage it with your heart and let Zhentian Emperor City regain its former glory."

"I will!"

Yun Feiyang said seriously.


Emperor Zhentian said: "When you see your mother, please say sorry for your father."

"Why do not you say it?"

Yun Fei said.

Emperor Zhentian bitterly said: "When you enter the imperial palace and trigger the formation, it will be difficult for me to maintain my soul."

After speaking, the voice became weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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