Super God

Chapter 1789: Heavenly Hand

To make a person angry, it is not necessary to deliberately taunt with harsh words. Sometimes, even the gentle words may make others irritated.

For example, Yun Feiyang.

After he broke the martial arts skill of the Liu family, he fell on the ground and said, ‘Big fairy king? But if it’s so, it directly makes the other party very angry.

There is no straightforward provocation, but there is endless contempt among the words.

The head of the Liu family spread his hands and said in a cold voice; "Boy, I will let you know, the real horror of the big fairy king."


In an instant, endless air waves broke out inside him, like coercion, but also like attributes, very powerful!

After the qi wave emerged, it did not attack Yun Feiyang, but continuously lifted into the air, entrenched in the sky, like a dark cloud.

"Oh my God!"

"What a terrible breath!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The atmosphere released by the Liu family master has spread for dozens of years, and the horror attribute is constantly condensing, as if accumulating energy!


The wind blew, and the roar came.

And in that wind, not only contains strong energy fluctuations, but also contains extremely strong morals.

Yun Feiyang said solemnly: "A little strong."

This is not only a little strong, it is simply very strong, many martial artists under the dark cloud attribute are disturbed by the breath, and the mind becomes difficult to turbulence.

"Come back!"

Someone said in horror.



Many warriors retreated in a hurry.

In an instant, tens of thousands of warriors gathered around Yunfeiyang evacuated.

Even the head of the Song family, who was badly hit, was carried out of the dark cloud-covered area by the family heirs.

In the outer area of ​​the seal array that was originally full of people, only Yun Feiyang and Liu Jiazhu were left.

"Not good."

Yun Dache God secretly complained.

When the head of the Liu family broke out, the warriors of other families could not care about the anger, and feared that they would be retreated. Without the source of anger, they could not send him anger, and the power in the body gradually weakened.

Although the anger formula is good, it has obvious shortcomings, so it can only be classified as the late-level mind of the fairy.


The wind is still roaring.

And in the dark clouds above, the irritable power is frantically condensing.

Yun Feiyang without anger blessing, it is certainly difficult to compete with this killer.


The Liujia family said: "If you remove the seal formation, Liu Mou can still spare your life for the sake of Emperor Zhentian."

"Stop thinking about it."

Yun Feiyang said coldly: "Emperor Zhentian is my father's city, so I don't have the right to get involved."

Although his strength subsided, he was not afraid at all.

"It seems."

The Liu family said: "You don't cry without seeing the coffin."


Between the speeches, one hand waved suddenly, and the dark clouds over the sky rolled violently, and a giant hand slammed down.

"this is……"

Someone was shocked: "Holy hand!"

"how is this possible!"

Many people have their eyes widened.

In the former real martial arts domain, there was a Emperor Zhetian. When he realized the heavens and the earth, he created a martial art that turned countless palms, and named it Sage of Zhetian.

The level of covering the heavenly hands is only at the level of the great fairy king, but it is said that if the comprehension is extreme, the strength is completely enough to be comparable to the fairy emperor level.

Later, Emperor Zhetian disappeared mysteriously. Many of the martial arts he created have been lost since then, and many martial artists can only understand one-sidedly from the historical records.

Now some people suddenly exhibited the celestial hand created by the elder immortal, which naturally shocked the warriors present.

Seeing the expression on everyone's face, the head of the Liu family smiled proudly.

Thousands of years ago, he inadvertently obtained the cheats of the celestial hand, and he worked hard. He has already mastered it, and once thought that once it is exhibited, it will definitely shock four.


"so much?"

Yun Feiyang, standing below, saw dozens of palm prints slamming down at the same time, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Not to mention dozens of celestial hands, even one, with his current strength, even if he resists, he will be hit hard.

"It's still too weak."

Yun Feiyang shook his head helplessly.

He originally thought that, relying on anger and determination, with the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, he could fight against the big fairy king, and now it seems that he thinks too much.

It's already pretty good.

After all, in Zhenwu God Realm, who else can knock down the pinnacle little fairy king to the ground shortly after breaking through the little fairy king?


Lord Liu said lightly: "I will give you one last chance to remove the seal formation and spare you from death!"

Although you can rely on everyone's strength to break the seal array, but if you can make the boy compromise, it can save a lot of trouble.

"I said."

Yun Feiyang said earnestly: "My father's city, I am not qualified to get involved."


With a wave of his hand, the Liu family's head accelerated the speed of dozens of celestial hands carrying the thunder.


Yun Feiyang, standing below, sighed: "I wanted to rely on myself to contend with them, but the result was not good."

Everyone in the distance laughed.

A little fairy king, even if he behaved just unexpectedly, but how can he fight against so many families.

"and so."

Suddenly, a thick voice came from the space: "In the end, I have to rely on my old bone to help you solve problems."



Everyone was surprised.

They hurriedly looked towards the sound, and saw an old hand reaching out in the cracked space.

No one has yet appeared, and the power of the terrifying fairy emperor first came out shocked their hearts.


The head of the Liu family changed greatly.


It was at this moment that the humpbacked ancient immortal emperor finally came out of the cracked space. He gently raised his head, and his turbid eyes flashed and shiny.

"Boom! Boom!"

All of a sudden, the celestial hand that carried the thundering momentum exploded in mid-air.


The wind stopped and the irritability disappeared.

But many warriors not far away, but one as a wooden chicken.

Their eyes all looked at Yun Feiyang's position, locked on Po Guxian Emperor.


A big fairy king swallowed his mouth, and his eyes were deeply dreaded.

The humpback old man appeared suddenly, just raised his head gently, and with the power of his eyes, wiped out all the holy hands of this day.

What a horror this is!

This is definitely a powerhouse of immortal emperor level!


The head of the Liu family spurted blood, his face covered with horror.

As a martial arts exhibitor, he can more directly experience the power contained in the eyes of the broken ancient fairy emperor than the large fairy king who is watching!

"Broken old."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Seal the martial art of this guy."


Breaking the ancient immortal emperor's soul power, integrated into the main body of the Liu family, and completely sealed the energy group in the Dantian.

Yun Feiyang walked over, clasped one hand on the other's shoulder, and smiled: "Since you want to go in like this, then I'll do it for you."


As soon as the words fell, he waved the family head Liu into the seal array.

Chapter 1789 The Heavenly Hand

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