Super God

Chapter 1800: Are you going to challenge me?

In the Realm God Realm, the Nine Great Immortal Emperors control the Nine Realms, which is a veritable overlord. However, there are actually four Xianzong forces, which are not weaker than any Xianzong Emperor.

Among them, there is the Misty Immortal Sect. It is said that this secluded person lives in the Misty Mountain all year round. There are 100,000 disciples of the Zongmen, and there are countless strong ones.

Because he rarely involved in the world, this sect is very mysterious, so his reputation is far less than that of the nine emperors.

However, just today, a voice came from the third-floor compartment, which claimed to be the ethereal fairy, which surprised everyone.


Suddenly, the streamer array method in the compartment dispersed, and a handsome young man stood at the window and looked at Yun Feiyang proudly.

This child was wearing an ink-colored long coat, with a magnificent atmosphere, a jade tag hanging around his waist, and his whole body exuded a faint misty atmosphere.

Many warriors saw it, and immediately affirmed that this guy is definitely a person of the ethereal fairy sect, because the jade card represents the ethereal fairy sect.

"No wonder they are sitting in the noblest third-floor box, they turned out to be the disciples of the ethereal Xianzong!" someone exclaimed.

Many warriors looked at the young man with deep awe in their eyes.

The ethereal Immortal Sect is an existence that can contend with the Nine Great Immortal Emperors. To be a disciple of the Zongmen is bound to be a gift of talent!

However, Yun Feiyang glanced at the young man and said lightly: "Whether you are the ethereal fairy ancestor or the ethereal ghost ancestor, how can I fall in love with something I love."

Everyone heard, the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

This guy is awesome, so dare to talk to the disciples of Misty Immortal Sect, aren't you afraid of causing big trouble?

However, when I think about it, this person is so rich, and the forces behind him are certainly not weak. They suddenly looked at the excitement with interest.

One is rich.

One is powerful.

Once the two collide, it must be very interesting!


Ye Wuya is very depressed.

As the chief disciples of the three generations of the ethereal Xianzong, the purpose of this trip was to find Taixuan Binghuo.

After several years of searching hard, he finally heard that the Hengtong semi-colon of Huayue Wangcheng was going to be auctioned, so he came ahead of time.

Ye Wuya did not participate in the previous nine auctions. She put all her thoughts on the last Taixuan Binghuo, with 2 million inferior immortals on her body, and she thought she could easily take them.

Who would have thought that in the lower hall, a particularly wealthy casual repair jumped out.

What is even more intolerable is that the guy also took a fancy to Tai Xuan Binghuo, followed his bid, and directly raised the price to 2 million.

Ye Wuya has only two million, and can't continue to follow the shot at all, so she can only reveal her identity, hoping to let the other party take the initiative to give up the prestige of the misty Immortal Sect in the domain.

The results of it?

Yun Feiyang did not give up, but instead arrogantly claimed to be'Lao Tzu'.

Ye Wuya looked gloomy.


Yun Fei Yang said: "Unacceptable? Have the ability to bid with Lao Tzu, who advises who is the grandson."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

This guy is really tough, and dare to be such a disciple of the ethereal fairy.

If there are not many immortal stones, Yun Feiyang may be a typical death in the eyes of many people.

Now, many warriors judge that he dares to be so arrogant, and there must be a force behind him that is not weaker than the ethereal Immortal Sect!


Ye Wuya waved his hand: "Dare to honor the name of this friend?"

He wanted to inquire about the identity of the other party.


Yun Feiyang leaned on the seat and tilted Erlang's legs and said, "You are not qualified to know my name."

The warrior in the hall collapsed completely.

Even the disciples of the Misty Immortal Sect are not qualified to know the name, this guy is arrogant!

The anger on Ye Wuya's face became more and more obvious. He wanted to break out and wanted to shoot, but he still suppressed it. After all, this is an auction house.


Yun Feiyang said lightly: "If there is a fairy stone, bid as soon as possible. If you don't have a fairy stone, hurry up and give up, don't delay everyone's time."


Ye Wuya could not speak.

Everyone saw this, and immediately knew that this disciple of the Misty Immortal Sect might not have any immortal stone, otherwise he would not choose to be silent.


Yun Feiyang disdainfully said: "The most annoying thing in my life is that I always use the backstage to suppress others' counsel."

"Damn fellow!"

Ye Wuya's eyes grew fierce and fierce, but he endured it and summoned the formation with a wave of his hand, completely covering the compartment.

"Girl Zi Xuan."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "This person is not following the shoot, can we announce the result."

The girl Zi Xuan returned to her mind and said, "This young man has bid for two million yuan, has he still followed suit?"

There was no sound in the hall and the compartment.

Even the disciples of the misty fairy dare to dare, even if the major families have fairy stones, they dare not come forward, so as not to offend the rich news.

No one offered a higher price. In the end, this too Xuan Binghuo was taken by Yun Feiyang.

At this point, the auction is over.

Yun Feiyang spent a lot of money, but it was also worth the money. Not only did he get the required martial arts and treasures, but he also received Taixuan Ice Fire.

Of course, what made him more concerned was the unknown sheepskin roll. After all, there was the breath of the heavenly fairy king. Maybe he can use this thing to find the Daohua Jing residual volume.


A grand auction ended and the major families left.

But on the road, everyone was talking about wandering and repairing, guessing his identity.

As a party ~ ~ Yun Feiyang came to the exchange office of the commercial bank, paid a lot of inferior immortal stone, and got what was auctioned.

A small fairy-level martial art, a nine-height treasure sword, a speculum that can speed up martial arts practice, a mysterious sheepskin roll, and extremely rare Taixuan ice fire.


After receiving things, Yun Feiyang said with emotion: "It's good to have money, otherwise, how can these things be easily obtained."

The official blogger came over and smiled: "My friend, this auction is quite rewarding."

Previously, he was very disgusted with the casual repair of this rubbing car, but now it is a surge of favorability, after all, he has money.


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Guan Bozhong wanted to continue to be close, but before closing his mouth, he suddenly closed his mouth, because the disciples of Misty Immortal Sect had already come over.

Ye Wuya stopped and looked coldly: "Boy, you are so arrogant."

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

After talking, turn around and leave.


Ye Wuya said coldly.

Yun Feiyang stopped and said, "Something?"

Ye Wuya clenched his fists and said lightly: "Dare you dare to fight me on the Flower Platform."

There is an express provision in the Huayue King City that prohibits the martial arts from fighting privately. If there are any grudges, they can challenge and solve everything on the Huayue platform.

Yun Fei said: "Are you going to challenge me?"

"Don't you dare?"

Ye Wuya said coldly.


Yun Feiyang laughed and said, "Okay, I accept your challenge today."

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