Super God

Chapter 1805: give up? how is this possible!

The Aurora Fairy Emperor held a martial arts contest to choose his son-in-law, which caused an uproar at the time. Even the Po Guxian Emperor who had not yet fallen had heard of it.

It stands to reason that no genius who came to participate can pass the test.

But the Aurora Immortal Emperor announced to the outside world that the recruitment would continue. If someone passed the test of staying in the imperial palace and successfully entered the hall, he was his favorite person.

Since then, many young handsomes, in order to be the husband of the first beautiful woman in the domain, later rushed to the Imperial City to accept the test of staying in the Imperial Palace.

The tragedy is that the test left by the Aurora Immortal Emperor has been there for a long time, and the warriors who successfully entered the hall have never been there.

Even the warrior who came to challenge each time was thrown out as a result of a serious injury to the coma.


Many warriors are speculating that the Aurora Immortal Emperor is not trying to marry, but the whole person.

Over time, many young handsomes gave up their unrealistic fantasy of marrying the first beauty for their own safety.

Yun Feiyang came today and stepped on the stairs in a ‘crash’ way, which was the first person in nearly a thousand years. And he climbed the five stairs in a very short time, which shocked the older generation of warriors in the city.

Because in memory, those young talents who have reached the fifth ladder have to take half an hour at the fastest speed.



Yun Feiyang was hard-working and connected to more than ten steps at a stretch.

"Oh my God!"

"so fast?"

Many warriors widened their eyes.

At that moment, Yun Feiyang felt like they were walking on the ground without any discomfort.

And this is just the surface.

The martial arts inside the city did not know how terrible Yun Fei stepped on the eighteenth ladder in a breath!


He stood on the spot, gasping for breath.

The sweat on his forehead dripped like rain, and his hands shook slightly.

After all, Yun Feiyang is only a small fairy king, there is coercion on the ladder, and the strength has reached the level of fairy emperor.

"A bit bad."

A veteran warrior said.

Many sweaters like Yun Feiyang have appeared, and their final result is to fall to the ground, difficult to move, and finally thrown out ruthlessly.


The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said, "Are you capable of this?"


The audience was instantly silent.

Many warriors were dumbfounded.

After a short while, they all looked at the men on the stairs together and were startled, "Yun Fei Yang?!"

The official blog is even more difficult to believe: "He...he is Yun Feiyang..."

"how is this possible!"

The other shopkeeper was dumbfounded.

The two were ordered to come to Aurora Emperor City this time to investigate whether Yunji Firm exists in Aurora Emperor City.

According to the inference of Hengtong Commercial Bank, Zhen Deshuai in Guanfeng City and Baili Feiyang were all dressed in Yunfeiyang's disguise.

Now, when I learned that the wandering repairs coming from rubbing cars were Yun Feiyang, the two shopkeepers suffered a heavy blow in my heart.

Wang Zhaoping said indifferently: "If it weren't for Yun Gongzi's kind heart, the two terrors would have already killed Huang Quan."

Guan Bozhong looked at him and said, " know, he is Yunfeiyang?"

"Not bad."

Wang Zhaoping said lightly.

The Emperor Aurora pierced Yun Feiyang's identity. He couldn't hide it even if he wanted to hide it, so he could only admit it generously.

To be honest, he has been waiting for this day, waiting for the two shopkeepers, what will happen after learning that the repair is Yun Feiyang.

Now seeing the shocked expression appearing on their faces, Wang Zhaoping was really refreshing.

As for the official Bo Zhong and another shopkeeper, he could not help but play a clever.

As Wang Zhaoping said.

If the guy had a murderous heart, the two of them must have died early. After all, they went to the Imperial City to target him!


The Aurora Fairy Emperor flew a cloud, making the martial artists in the Emperor City deeply shocked.

As a party, Yun Fei stood on the ladder, under the pressure of terror, but said nothing.

"The mighty immortal emperor made him unable to speak."

"It's still too impulsive. If you can stabilize the rhythm, step by step, maybe you can move forward more."

Many warriors secretly shook their heads.


The voice of the Aurora Fairy Emperor came again: "Now you, do you even have the ability to speak?"


Yun Feiyang was always silent.

The beads of sweat on his forehead did not stop at all, kept dripping down, and finally wet the slate.


The Aurora Fairy Emperor sighed: "This Emperor looks at you high."

She had previously believed that this person had suffered tremendous thunder and disaster, and experienced the punishment of the soul-crushing platform. She should be able to pass a hundred steps.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang was under pressure and stepped up again.


However, this step made him breathe more quickly, and his legs began to tremble violently, as if falling down at any time.

"The limit is reached."

Someone guessed.

"The test of Master Xian Emperor's layout is really terrifying, and even the most vigorous Yun Fei has recently been able to break through the twenty steps."

At present, the highest reputation among the younger generation of Zhenwu God Territory is undoubtedly Yun Feiyang, who has just soared.

Many strong men believe that this son is already the leader of the younger generation in the world, and even the 36th genius champion Ye Wuya cannot compare with it.

Yun Feiyang defeated Ye Wuya with a sword in Huayue City, which fully proved the judgment of many strong men.


Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "If you can't carry it, then give up, this emperor will not embarrass you for your master's sake."

"give up?"

Yun Feiyang, under pressure, squeezed out a very ugly smile hard: "How is it possible!"


As soon as the words fell, he raised his foot again and got on the twentieth floor.

"Go up!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison.

At this moment, they found that Yun Fei, who had just stood still, suddenly tilted to one side, with the possibility of crumbling.


"Still unable to support it."

Everyone shook their heads.

However, the situation suddenly changed, tilted clouds flying, and his body stabilized again.


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Eyes are about to fall, but they can forcibly stabilize the body, the willpower of this child is too strong!

Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Little fellow, there are eighty stairs left, how do you go up next?"

Yun Feiyang, who was struggling to stabilize himself, endured huge pressure and said: "Of course, he climbed up with his feet."


The laugh of the Aurora Fairy Emperor came.

It seems that it was amused by Yun Feiyang's words.

"Don't believe it?"

"Do not believe."

Aurora Fairy Emperor Road.

Yun Fei, whose face was gritty, suddenly straightened his waist and wiped the sweat beads from his forehead. He smiled and said, "Look, how did I get on."



The voice just fell, walking vigorously.

It was just a moment of effort. Yun Fei, who was originally on the 20th floor, was already standing on the last ladder.

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