Super God

Chapter 1807: Gave up

After passing through the Kowloon Forbidden Array, and through many secret bureaus of the organization, Yun Feiyang can be said to have gone through hundreds of battles, but he felt a sense of humiliation when he was tested by the Nine-Layer Test arranged by Emperor Aurora.

Each test, except for the continuous improvement of the strength of the sword woman, is completely indistinguishable.

Like this test with no technical content at all, Yun Dachen can create hundreds, even thousands, at will.

no way.

Aurora Immortal Emperor is not a professional institution master.

For the sake of convenience, the nine tests are arranged the same, but the difficulty is increased in sequence.

However, it was such a randomness that many young handsomes returned home. As for the seventh palace, Yun Feiyang was the only one who broke in.

More than twenty swordswomen in the seventh heavy palace reached the level of the little fairy king in the stable period. They wield their long swords, and the sword spirit they form is also extremely strong.


Yun Feiyang shouted: "Can I use weapons?"


Aurora Fairy Emperor Road.


Yun Feiyang waved his hand, and the Nine Profound Sword appeared from the void.

In the face of a group of sword women condensed by energy, it is just for him to use it to try the treasure sword from the auction.


Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Your knife is made by Qing Yunzi?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor said with great interest: "The weapons created by Qing Yunzi are not divided by the realm, it is all played by the exhibitor. What level can you use this knife to?"

Yun Feiyang waved the nine Xuanbao sword and smiled: "I'll know it if I see it."


Between the speeches, he stood up, clasped the knife handle with both hands, and cut off from top to bottom.


Suddenly, a powerful knife air swept through.

The sword is known for its dexterity and lightness.

The sword is mainly strong and heavy.

Yun Feiyang's knife perfectly exerted his majesty and thickness to the extreme.


The knife fell, terrified.

"Boom! Boom!"

The condensed sword qi of the women was easily crushed in front of the powerful sword qi, and it was even more difficult to support the irritable power, and the condensed body broke into nothingness on the spot.


Yun Feiyang came to the ground with a knife, and he was very powerful.

"Not bad."

The Aurora Fairy Emperor praised: "This knife is already comparable to the little fairy king level under your use."

Yun Feiyang raised his eyebrows, then took a step forward, waved the Jiu Xuanbao sword again, and cut out a more terrifying sword.

"Boom! Boom!"

A famous swordswoman broke into nothingness.

Even though their strength has reached the stable stage, the little fairy king, but in front of Yun Feiyang's powerful, still can't compete.

In the end, more than twenty sword women, all of them fell under the nine Xuanbao sword.


The seventh palace collapsed and turned into nothingness.

In front of it, the eighth heavy palace appeared unexpectedly.

Yun Feiyang walked away with a knife, standing inside again, quietly waiting for the eighth batch of sword girls to appear.


What surprised him is.

After the streamer flashes, the twenty swordswomen appearing have changed, that is, they are no longer single swords, but double swords.



All the women's double swords danced, and the fierce sword spirit quickly condensed, and their power was obviously stronger.

"One more sword, nothing more than let me put in a little more effort." Yun Feiyang raised his nine Xuanbao sword and chopped it out.

However, after the powerful sword energy collided with the condensed swords of the women, it was not crushed.


Yun Feiyang frowned.

The strength of these beautiful women with double swords is a little stronger than before. Why is the condensed sword spirit so tough?


Aurora Fairy Emperor said: "Although these swordsmen were transformed into fantasy, the double swords they hold are genuine little fairy-level weapons."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang's gaze flickered.

Twenty swordswomen, wearing forty handles of fairy king-level swords, if they can be brought over, they will form Zhutian Sword Array, the power of which will definitely be terrifying!


The Aurora Fairy Emperor seemed to be aware, saying: "Are you trying to hit their swords in their hands?"

"Can't it?"

Yun Fei said.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "If you have the ability, you can go grab it, will the Emperor care?"

"it is good!"

Yun Feiyang clenched the handle of the knife and said, "These two double swords are mine!"



Between the speeches, he flew up and suddenly cut a knife.


Yun Feiyang, who was serious, went down with a knife, and the condensed knife was stronger than before.


The condensed sword gas suddenly shattered.

However, the twenty swordsmen also launched an offensive, and the dense sword air swept from all directions like rain.



Yun Fei Yang closed his knife, stepped on the sky and walked away in the sword rain, and took advantage of the gap to cut it with a knife.

The double swords held by the swordwoman are of a very high level. For a time, he is also difficult to take advantage, and can only stay in a state of half-hiding and half-attack.


"It will be very passive in this way."

Yun Fei lifted his body to perform the show, and after cleverly avoiding dozens of sword qi, he raised his left hand, and the **** and index finger flickered immediately.

This is the Soul Remedy!

"call out!"

The finger exploded out, passing through heavy sword gas, directly hitting the eyebrow of a sword woman.


The sword girl exploded suddenly, and her double swords fell to the ground.


Yun Fei flew by and waved with one hand, putting the two swords into the ring of creation and then avoided the sword gas again, condensing finger light and attacked another sword woman.

The Aurora Immortal Emperor in the imperial palace hall murmured: "Unexpectedly, this kid actually practiced soul martial arts."

The condensed swordswoman is formed by the condensing of her soul power, and attacks with the soul martial arts, the effect is most remarkable.



Inside the palace, the sound of blasting sounded one after another, and the twenty swordsmen finally wiped out nothingness under the soul of the town.

Yun Feiyang grinned: "Accepted."

After receiving twenty swords with the quality of a small fairy king, he was still very happy.


Aurora Fairy Emperor said coldly: "Little guy, there is one last test. If you are difficult to pass, not only will things be returned to Emperor, but people will also fall completely."

Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Isn’t that the test? It's a bit too much when it comes to life and death.


The Eighth Palace collapsed, and the Ninth Palace appeared.

Yun Feiyang started off, and soon entered the palace which was the last test.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The streamer flashes, and a famous sword woman appears.

Yun Feiyang's eyes brightened again, because the twenty beauties also held double swords.


Sword girls danced their swords one after another, and the powerful sword spirit quickly spread out.

Feeling the sword spirit flooding the palace, Yun Fei frowned and said: "Little fairy king at the pinnacle level?"


He withdrew the Nine Profound Sword, and revealed the Hunyuan Qiankun sword. Obviously, he realized that the final test was very troublesome, and he had to use the immortal seal.

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